Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jumping To A Foregone Conclusion

Grab a glass of bubbly...this is gonna be a long-un!

As I sit here betwixt yesterday and tomorrow, I find myself drifting over the years...and not just 2011.  I could wax poetic about twenty-twelve's scheduled arrival in just a few hours and all the promise it brings, but instead...I'm thinking of the past.  While I don't make it a practice to live in the past, it is a nice place to visit on New Year's eve.
And y'all wonder why I'm easily distracted...reason #1...and #2!

I've been reading all the wonderful, uplifting posts about the hidden promises of the new year and the realization of the past year's accomplishments.  It does this ol' heart good to read how so many of y'all accomplished goals and reached for the stars...and got a handful for your efforts.

Many costume changes are necessary to get through Christmas Eve!

Tonight, I'm thinking on all the folks I've "met" through blogging and how each of you have enriched my life.  You've been my cheerleader, coach, and confidant.  You've put up with my ramblings, laughed...and cried...with me...and I hope I was there for you as well.

It's funny, but I've also realized that some friends I've made over the last 4 years don't come around as often.  Gotta be honest first I thought maybe I had done something wrong or maybe like Duckie said "Do I offend?", but then I came to the realization that things change and so do people.
For those of you who have been so kind to ask...Brandon is doing well.  He is an amazing young man and Susan has to be smiling down at him.

Just like we can't stop the passage of time (although if anyone does come up with a invention that does...I'll be first in line to buy one.), so it goes with people.  If we're truly lucky, we get blessed with individuals who may only come into our lives for a season and then have to move on...and that's okay.

As goals are set and met, friends drift out of our lives to find their own path.  Doesn't mean they don't's just the Lord doing His business.

One of my favorite Christmas things...cookies...and the more the merrier!

I'm as guilty as the next person.  Perhaps the old adage about birds of a feather is true.  I find myself more and more drawn to those who are seeking peace in their lives coupled with simplicity.  Doesn't mean they aren't working as hard as the next guy/gal...just different...quieter.  No fanfare, bugles, or trumpets...just their work and talent saying it all.
Take a good look at Barbie.  She looked nothing like this the next day thanks to Grayzilla the beautician!

While we're on the subject of different, I find myself seeking that in blog posts as well.  Not necessarily cutting edge different, but something that tells me a little bit about the person writing it.  Ya can tell a lot about a person by their voice/blog.  If they dare to try something a little out there...whether I like it or not doesn't matter.  I applaud them for trying...and their bravery in attempting to fly.

If there is humor on am I.  I love to laugh and I got the wrinkles to prove it.  Make me laugh and I'm yours forever.  In fact...just call me Ol' Shep. 
Not to worry folks.  No babies were harmed in taking this photo.  As a matter of fact...we caught her in the act before any real damage was done!

Just as Bella Baby isn't afraid, those of you who risk it all and put yourself out there have my loyalty forever.

Who can resist a baby girl dressed in Nick & Nora's paired with boots?

What I'm trying to say (and not doing a very good job of it), is while I may not always leave a comment, I'm out here and I'm reading.  I like to think you are too.

Like I was telling Rob-Uh-Lyn the other day, there are folks in our lives that are like dog poo on that favorite pair of tennis shoes.  Try as you might...once it gets stuck down in those just can't get it all off...which leaves you with two choices. can throw those sneakers out...

or can keep 'em and pretend you don't notice the smell.

Consider me your dog poo.  I'm here for the duration and while you may not see're bound to get a whiff of me from time to time. 

I do believe in Santy Claus and at my house, he wears a red corduroy shirt.

Are y'all still with me?

People, if this wasn't a lesson in Squirrel writing...I don't know what it.  Let's blame it on three glasses of Champagne...agreed?


if this doesn't illustrate how hard it is for me to stay on track...I don't know what will!

Y'all put up with a lot when you come to visit me and I want you to's appreciated.  To let you know how much I treasure you taking the time to visit...I'm making a change.

No...I don't intend to start writing more cohesive...mainly 'cause that just ain't in my genes.

No....the change is I had told y'all I wanted comments relating to squirrel attacks y'all might have had over the years, but because I'm feeling so mellow...I'm gonna give y'all a break.

Oh y'all have any idea how hard it is for me to give this away?

As I mentioned in a previous post, Susie of Vintage Susie & Wings, designer extraordinaire of Spoonin graciously donated this pendant for my giveaway.  I first met her on line as she was traveling to Texas from California.  Her posts about her road trip had me laughing out loud and almost wetting my pants...I kid you not.  Meeting her at Zapp Hall, she managed to change it from almost to I did!  I promise you up and down...I have never laughed so hard in my entire life.

In addition to being a hoot and a half, she is also talented out the wazoo.  Her Spoonin line is just one of her products.  This girl has mad skills when it comes to anything she puts her hand to...and to think...she's my friend.
Aw heck!  Who am I kidding?  I'm gonna order me one too!

On a side note (you didn't think you get off that easy...did ya?), some folks collect pottery, some art...I collect artists and I'm so blessed to have Susie and other amazing ones in my life.  Now if I could just find some way to display ' would be perfect!

So here's the deal pickle...because y'all take the time to read my meanderings...all you gotta do is leave me a comment telling me how fantastic you think this necklace is...that's it.  No hoops to jump following me (unless you just fall in love with me, which in that case...follow by all means), nothing else.  If you have a facebook account...give Suze a shout out.  It's not gonna get you any brownie points, but it's gonna make me and my girl Susie really happy.

Now...if you do decide to regale me with stories of squirrel attacks...bring 'em on.  I never...repeat...never turn down a good opportunity to giggle or to know I'm not the only wing nut on the planet...and...and...that will get you an extra entry! No pressure though!

I'll announce the does January 7th sound?  That gives you time to talk to me and gives me a week to get the Christmas back into the tubs from whence they came.

Gah...just add roller skates, a Roy Rogers pop gun with matching holster and I could be the poster child for Christmas gone amuck!

As I shake my tail feathers to "Mama's Got a Brand New Bag"...I'll close 'er down for 2011 with one last hurrah.

Besame Mucho and...


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Red Sparkly Jumpsuits

Guess whose lap I'll be jumping on tonight?

Rudolph, cue the sound of sleigh bells please!

Ta Da!

The Ghost of my Christmas Past, Present(s)...


Fa La La La La, La.La..La...LA!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jumpin' Down The Chimney!

My lovely, soulful friend Rebecca at A Re-Purposed Life celebrates her birthday a week before Christmas.  Last year, as well as this one, she threw herself a party...only she didn't get gifts...she gave 'em.  I was one of the lucky ones and my package arrived just after Christmas.

Me being me...I started to open it but found myself stopping just short of decimating it.  Talking to the voice that only I can hear...the conversation went something like this.

Myself:  "Girl...why don't you wait 'til next year?"

Me:  "Hush your mouth...have you lost your cotton pickin' mind?  I'm dying here to see what's tucked inside that beautiful paper!"

Myself:  "Yeah, I know...myself included, BUT if you wait...think how much more of a thrilling surprise it'll be.  Kinda like ol' Santy Claus dropped by early just 'cause you're his favorite naughty nice little girl.  Right?"

Me:  "Law...I hate to admit it, but when you're're right.  Okay...but I'm putting it on a low shelf so I can at least stare and drool during the year thinking about what's inside...and You.Can't.Stop.Me!"

Myself:  "Wouldn't think of it ol' girl.  Be my guest and I'll be thinking the same thoughts...kinda like we share a brain or somethin'!"

So-o-o...there it has sat on that shelf...just waiting for me to pluck it off and rip into.  Has it been hard not to peek you ask?  You betcha!

Have I peeked?  Not on your life...although I came close a coupla times when I was having one of those days.

Let me tell y'all...when it came time to start dragging in the boxes for decking the halls, I first went to the bookshelf in my office and took this bad boy down.  Thank goodness R.E. didn't use a lot of knots and tape or I would've been reduced to using my teeth to tear into it.  (At my age, using one's teeth for anything other than chewing or grinnin' is a gamble at best...and sometimes even that is risky!)

Goodness knows I tried to be a good little girl this year...and look at what I got for my efforts!

Can you say Oh Mylanta?!?

I knew her handcrafted stockings were going to be inside, but I wasn't prepared for this pirate's booty of loveliness that awaited me.  My poor eyes didn't know what had hit them...from all the shiny...or all the tears running down my chubby cheeks.

The photos did not do justice to the tiny stockings she had crafted with her own two little hands, nor the bird that winged it's way from Illinois to Texas.


And the pendant...2 die 4 perfect.  This is exactly how Myself pictures me and our view on my least in my mind's eye.  As a wise person once said..."When the legend becomes fact...print the legend." and let's be honest...I tend to be a legend in my own mind...'specially around the Casita de Trash when no one is looking!

This is my way of saying Thank You Rebecca for being such a cherished friend and for getting my Christmas spirit going early on...and a thank you to myself for making me wait!

It was so worth it! 

Speaking of giveaways...have I got a doozy coming y'alls way next week...thanks in part to my crazy, gypsy-souled friend, Susie of Spoonin fame.  (Did I mention crazy?)  Now pay close attention...there will be a test later.

One day next week (I'll not say when, 'cause in case y'all haven't noticed...I've been more than just a little SADD* here lately.) and to convince myself I'm not the only nut job Lone Stranger this time of year, I'm planning a special post to give away this fantastic pendant made by Susie.  Very apropos...wouldn't you agree?

(*SADD:  Squirrel Attention Deficiency Disorder)

I'm all over the place normally, but at Christmas...seems like I'm worse.  Could be all the glitter, tinsel, and lights.  (At least that's what I tell myself...and myself always has my back in agreement.)  'Course it could also be the crazy hoops we all jump through to get it all done by the 24th.  Whatever the reason...I am a loose cannon until the 26th.

I've been known to hide gifts and not find them until 3 years later.  One year's family Christmas portraits are still MIA.

I've prepared appetizers lovingly referred to as "foot dip".  FYI...there is such a thing as too much fresh bleu cheese.

I've been caught swinging from the chandelier with my hair in hot rollers, sans underwear by early arriving about shock and awe!

I've set guests' holiday sweaters on fire.  Who knew ugly sweaters were that flammable?

In other words...I am a squirrel gone amuk this time of year, but I have a hunch I'm not alone here.  To prove my theory hunch...I'm gonna give y'all a week to think of your most hilarious squirrel tail...ooops...tale to leave as a comment.

Not this week y' it?  If you do it this could count as a squirrel moment...or just that I'm too long winded and you zoned out eons ago!  Hmmm...I may even find out if you really do read me.

I'll be back next week to give y'all all the 411, but in the meantime, if I don't talk to you between now and then... 

from my casita to yours...and with much love from me and mine...


Monday, December 12, 2011

You Say Jump, I Say You Betcha and I'll Shout Too!

My seems like forever since I last sat down here and talked.  What's that you has been forever?  I know...I know.

So much going on around here at the Casita de Trash, I hardly have time to catch my breath.  You too huh?  Yeah...this is a crazy time of year for all of us...and talk about will never guess what we were up to (or should I say down at) this weekend.  Instead of being covered in tinsel, glitter, and scotch tape...we were surrounded by tulle, perfume, and leather.

Oh you naughty boys and girls...I know what you're thinking, but no...not that.  Cat Daddy and I made the trip to Round Top for the first ever Winter Junk Gypsy Prom.  Can you say "Oh Law...Trash in a can-can!"? you have any idea what a mischief maker Jackson is when he channels Buddy Holly?

I know I should have been decking the halls, but y'all know me....I can't resist a party...

and y'all also know Cat Daddy can't resist a photo op and we all know how the ladies can't resist him!

Animal magnetism with a splash of Hai Karate...what can I say?

"Be careful how you use it!"

They were lined up and waiting to bust a move!

I gotta stop here for a disclaimer.  For any of y'all who might be thinking the Gypsies are sittin' pretty with their new HGTV show...think again.  Sittin' is the last thing this family is getting to do these days!

Oh mylanta!

I do believe they are working harder than rented mules, what with the show's filming schedule plus trying to get their brick and mortar store built.  Sheesh...there is so much that goes into shooting just one episode...I can't begin to wrap my noggin around what they've been through getting 13 into the can.

(BTW...did any of y'all watch the sneak preview?  What'd ya think?)

In addition to coordinating the entire event...down to primping the hall...there were interviews, prep work for another shoot this week, running back and forth...all while taking care of sick babies and being sick themselves, but in the world of show biz...there are no days off...the show must go on. 

Walking in, we were hit with a blast of music from The John Evans Band and Baby Cakes...the show did go on and boy howdy...was it ever ON!


and a whole lotta tail feather shakin'!

Told to wear their junkiest prom attire, the 150+ guests complied...whole hog and whole hearted.  It was a Texasified tangle of big hair, big hats, and big fun!
Folks came from miles around for this gaudy extravaganza and an extra, heapin' helpin' of whoppin' good times!

(Does she remind anyone else of "Jessie"?  I swear up and down...she was just as tiny, but way cuter!)

Sisters On The Fly were representing and they were just so gosh darn cute!   Their motto on their site reads "We have more fun than anyone." and let me tell ya...they were out to prove it.  They asked everyone to write a short note to Amie and Jolie and presented the girls with a huge jar full of love notes.  How sweet and thoughtful...right?

I'm telling y'all...SOTF girls are rootin' tootin' cute in fuzzy chaps!

I got tickled watching how many times the Gypsies had to replace kissed off lip gloss.  That gloss was outside the purse more than it was in it 'cause that outhouse-turned-photo booth hasn't seen that much action since...well gosh I don't rightly know.  I reckon since being replaced with indoor plumbing!  All I do know is the line to get a photo and a kiss with the girls was stretched out for a mile...and so were the grins! 

I don't know if I've ever told y'all, but I adore paper dresses.  I think it's one of the most fanciful and beautiful art forms out there.  Can you imagine my face when I got a load of this dress?  Stunning is the only word to describe it...simply stunning.

Alas, being paper, it wasn't necessarily built to about a paper trail.  Close to the end of the evening, I wondered if this gorgeous lady was going to be modeling her birthday suit, but the dress held up.  I didn't find out who the tailor was, but BRAVO!

Hmmm...I wonder if Royer's had any pies go MIA last week.

.This creation was another of my faves.  Queen of Hearts you ask?  Nah...I dub thee The Queen of Tarts!  Both of these ensembles deserved standing O's.

Look pigtails!

See...I really was there...and no Janie isn't pretending like she doesn't know see me.  She's just a busy, busy woman.  With the show, I don't know if there ever is down time for any of them. 

Even Phillip takes a back seat to text messages....especially when there are sick, little ones back at home.  Sigh...I wish I had got a good photo of the two of 'em couple on the floor.
It was a duke's mixture of glam...with some of that glam even arriving in matched sets!
At the end of the night all I could think was...


Lest y'all get to thinking ol' Trash has forgot about my little teaser a post or so back...fret not.  A hint is hidden inside the tree of what else I've been cooking up besides Christmas cookies, but for now, it's time to take the...


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jumping The Couch

This is such a crazy, rush-rush time of the year for me that without lists I'd be running around like the proverbial chicken muttering "Which way do I go...Which way do I go?"!  So-o-o like Santa...I'm making my list and checking it once...or twice.

Christmas Open House at Winnie & Tulula's?


Thanks Margo for taking the photo. I never seem to have a camera ready when I need it!
New flooring in living room?

Thanks to my oldest melon-head...Check!

(I knew the 1349 hours I spent in labor delivering that 9 pound...most of it head...bundle of Joey would pay off someday!)


I just have to stop here and ask...

is it possible to be in love with a floor?

So much so...that if it weren't for Cat Daddy standing in the way...I'd marry it?

( it really bigamy if one of the parties in question is an laminate inanimate object?  Just checking!)

Y' was love at first click.  Forget the sound of reindeer hooves...give me the sound of lengths of laminate clicking together! to my ears.

Watching it slowly come together, changing my room from boring to boardilicious, was worth all the broken nails, ragged knuckles and blowing a knee out it cost me to get it ready.

Pshaw!  Who needs two knees anyways...although Mr. OMH might disagree.

(Did I mention how OCD he is when he's working?  Oy vey!)

I am so crazy for this floor...I hate to place anything on it...except me!

Y'all know how a dog will roll on his back on the grass.  You know...with the legs straight up in the air and wiggling all around?

That's me...RIGHT...NOW!

(Move over Tom Cruise and I'll show you how I do crazy!)

I'll get back to my check lists just as soon as I can find my way to make it up off this beautiful floor and regain my senses!

Don't wait up for me...this may take a while!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tonight there are so many gifts I have in my life to be thankful for...I don't even know where to begin.

Thankful for the mind numbing tiredness that engulfs me as I sit here and type.  The kind of exhaustion that wraps around me like a blanket on a cold winter's night.  A wonderful tiredness that comes from preparing food for those I love and who love me back.  Bone tired from standing at a sink washing dishes, but thankful for the hot water and suds in which to wash them, knowing I'll sleep soundly from a day well spent.

I'm thankful for the ability to the antics of children and adults well as at myself.

 For rolls, a cake and a turkey that didn't come out quite right, but still graced our table beautifully and the hands I held as a small child's sweet voice said grace, I am so very thankful.   

Thankful for the ache in my back that came from carrying His special gift (in the form of a two year old) around on my hip and not from carrying around old grudges or hard feelings.

Blessed for my tired, achy knees that managed to hold me upright all day, yet still allowed me to kneel at day's end, bow my head and count my

Grateful for my eyes to see all the beautiful faces that surrounded me today and to see clearly what matters most.

Blessed beyond measure for my ears to hear the chattering around me, the lilt of happy voices, and to hear the most beautiful word in the world..."Nana"...spoken by two precious girls.  To hear "I love you more" spoken with a bit of lisp and in baby-ese and to know they do, I am thankful...even though I know it's impossible for them to love me more than I love them.

Thankful for my tongue that allows me to taste all the different flavors on the table, talk until the family throws me a roll to shut me up, and gives me the voice to praise Him. 
Rene' is having a giveaway on her blog Miss Gracie's House and she inspired my Thanksgiving post.  Sometimes I get so busy with the day-to-day, I fail to see all the small blessings in my life.  Not to make light, but simple things like indoor plumbing, a pillow, or breathing in and out that sometimes I fail to say thank you for.  Thanks to Rene', I'm going to be listing the gifts I've been given on a weekly basis.  It may take me the rest of my life to say thank you to God for all that He has given me, but He took the time to bless me....and after all...what time I have, is given to me by Him and belongs to Him.

All that I have...all that I am...all that I hope to be...

from a humble and grateful heart...

I say Thank you Lord.