Never...and I do mean never...have I ever had such a hard time getting a post up. It's not like it's bad news or I'm ill...on the contrary. I spent last Saturday with all my girls at the Dallas Arboretum and had a wonderful day beginning with lunch at the Olive Garden.
The day was gorgeous, the temp perfect and I was with my precious Trashettes. So what seems to be the problem you ask?
Ummm...the answer would be ME!
Since coming back from the Greatest Show On Dirt, I have been all over the place, running around like a chicken with her head cut off.
There are so many things to do with the holidays just around the corner and my SADD* is in full throttle.
I'll start one project...then run to the next room to work on something else...then remember I need to pay bills...etc., etc., etc. I know I'm not alone here. C'mon y'all...give. How do you manage it all?
(*Squirrel Attention Deficiency Disease)
There has got to be a light at the end of this tunnel...or at least an "off" switch to stop this crazy merry-go-round I'm on.
I feel like things are piling up on me in my effort to get about a gazillion things done in just a few short weeks 'cause y'all know how fast Thanksgiving and Christmas will get here once the days get to rolling.
The worst of it...I'm temporarily, creatively depleted! I'm trying to plan my window at Winnie & Tulula's for our Christmas Open House (the Friday after Thanksgiving...more info to come) and nothing is suiting my fancy. Heck...even my space is in need of something...anything...besides dust for decor!
The last thing I needed to do was take a day off, but you know what? I'm not sorry...nope...not one iota. In fact...spending time with the ones I love is the only thing I am certain about these days. This, I'm willing to bet a dollar to a donut on, we All agree on. Am I right or am I right?
Sometimes finding the perfect piece of junk isn't as important as finding a butterfly...or shutter bug!
If Grayzilla isn't in a's 'cause she was behind the lens...thank goodness and not me! Y'all know the camera is in the purse on my shoulder, but never taken out for use. no attention to the date on the photos. Seems like Kitten #1 is like her Mama Cat when it comes to techno-gear!
I really do wonder how some of y'all manage it all. I know you have to-do lists as long as mine. I just wish someone would do a post sharing how to get it all done...and not look like one hot mess at day's end 'cause right now...chaos is running amuk, amuk, amuk at the Casita de Trash!
Do you make lists? I make lists...then forget where I put them.
Do you plan your day out the night before. I tend to fall asleep right after I find a pen to write with.
Do you fly by the seat of your pants? 'Cause I gotta tell ya...I've been using that method and so far the only thing flying around here is fur...between me, myself and I!
Is it all make believe and you're really not as put together as I think you are? You can tell me...I won't tell anyone.
Just between us you ever feel overwhelmed and burned burnt (aw...forget it) burned out? I need to know! I hate thinking I'm the only one out there who just isn't up to the tasks at hand.
Psst...I gotta tell addition to not being able to focus on creating anything but a disaster...I'm also at a loss for words. Talk about running on empty. I have nothing remotely funny, clever or witty to say or write. This rarely happens to me...'cause talking is my middle name. ('s my first...but like in everything else I'm trying to do...I digress!)
I'm trying to read y'alls' posts early in the mornings, but short of leaving a "it's so pretty" comment, I have nothing to say.'s not because I don't want's just that I can't find the right words to make a coherent statement. I guess it's finally happened. Someone has hit my mute button. I knew it was just a matter of time, but gosh...without my words I feel so nekkid...and that my friends is not a pretty sight.
Help a girl out y'all. Tell me how to recharge (and don't say rest 'cause we all know that ain't gonna happen until 'round about January) and refocus on blogging and junking. Is it time to go a different direction...change my layout...get a haircut...take up yoga, hang gliding...what? The suggestion box is open for comment, but hurry. Something's bound to give around here and it just may be more than my Spanx can handle.
~Now...bring on that horizon!~