Since we're all getting back from Warrenton and Round Top, I thought I would do a Texas trash day. No, not everything really came from Texas, but it looks like it could.

This is a painting by Barbara Bilberry dated 1978. It just had a Texas landscape look to me.

This is a pair of silver pierced earring, never worn, with an Indian feel and look. Not the best photo I have ever taken.

Here's a better look at them. The book is a complete Texas history lesson for all those wannabee Texans to educate themselves before they come on down. You can't be a real Texas cowboy without a rodeo buckle bigger than your I.Q. That's just standard equipment.

Now I know you are asking yourself, what the heck is a camel doing with Texas stuff. Well, for your information, camels were brought to Texas in 1856 to use kinda like pack mules because parts of the state can get mighty dry. You can read all about it in the Texas history book. This little guy is made out of leather and is stuffed with horsehair(I think) or excelsior. He has a little damage, but is purty durn cute. The necklace is made from safety pins like the little baskets you see. I thought it looked like a squash blossom necklace. The little shell box could have came from Galveston or Corpus, couldn't it? The train case is for your curlers and stuff so you too can have some big ol' Texas hair. You just can't go to the grocery store without full makeup and your hair done!

But this is the greatest thing. I just bought this game and I don't think it's even been played with. C'mon y'all, let's all Go To Texas! Yee Haw! It's kinda like Monopoly with a Texas Twister.

Check it out. Oh yeah, baby. We got the Republic of Texas money, exotic locations, oil wells, longhorns, everything Texan. What do you say we git on down to the Broken Spoke for a cold Lone Star and a little Texas Two Stepping or Cotton Eye Joe? Your choice.

Speaking of exotic locations, how about a stay at The Round Top Inn. Check out the sleeping accommodations. Ok, even for Texas, that's just weird.

Aren't these the cutest playing pieces. You too can be an oil or cattle baron. Remember the Alamo!

If I were a scrapper what I could do with all of this, but sadly, no talent.

Some of these locations are going to send folks to their maps to see if the names are for real. Guess what? They are. I just wish they had included some of my favorites like Cut and Shoot, Frog Knot and Tickey Creek(that's where my daddy was born).

If you see anything you are interested in, just leave a comment and I will get back with you. I'll close with the words of Cat Daddy "Shoot low Sheriff, she's riding a Shetland".
Oops! Ok, I posted a comment on a wordless blog and then your words showed up. All I was seeing was pictures, and you know I was confused, because Miss Talking Trash wasn't talking. I'm better now. Comment removed and replaced with "cool stuff!" I'm headed out of town. Back to BlogLand Tuesday, if I don't die of blog withdrawals before then. Love your stuff! The pieces from the game would be fun all by themselves! ~Mindy
Those game pieces call out to be placed in a Texas printer's box, don't they? And for all you doubters reading Ms. Trash, there is a camel HERD outside of Ft. Worth. I can't remember where exactly but I've seen it with my own eyeballs!
The Texas Woman
Very fun stuff! How can you part with ANY of it?
ox lulu
CD is going to be famous one day, I just know it!! Love the game board most of all, except the three in a bed thing, well...no words needed for that one!
The little playing pieces (markers.... whatever they are technically called) are adorable! I've never seen this game before, but it's sure cute. Fun stuff, Ya'll!!!
There is just somethin' wrong about the thought of a camel wrangler in Texas or a cowboy in a turban...although, I could probably fantisize about both, could be interesting, as long as he had boots on... %)
really cool stuff!!!
Hey sweetie!
thanks for the prayers about my new little grandbaby girl! If you ever get down here to Cowtown (Hoooooston)hehehe....will do lunch. xo...debi (the junkin' yaya)
Laughed all the way through your blogging!
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