I've been busy this week getting our tax information in order and let me tell you...that is just too much fun for one person to have. It's right up there with a root canal...you know what I mean? If I were better about inventory and bookkeeping, it wouldn't be such a nightmare...but I'm not and it is! About the only thing I have got to do is a little more research. I've been reading up on what not to do when writing...good gosh-a-rover, there are a lot of no no's. Over and over I kept reading the same piece of advice...never use a big word where a small one will suffice. My first thought was but how would anyone know how smart I am, BUT then I thought about the times when I'm reading and come across a word I can't spell, much less pronounce. Yeah, I can dig it...who wants to stop in the middle of a paragraph, grab the dictionary and try to figure out what the author was trying to say? Not me for dern sure Skippy! So what say I practice on y'all and then y'all can give me a grade? Ready?
In my previous post I had promised y'all a review of the opening of the Barn House Marketplace. One word...WOW! To say they were inundated (swamped) would be the understatement of the year. I'm surprised the whole web page didn't crash! The ladies were lining up and apoplectic (throwing hissy fits) to get registered and start buying. As a matter of fact, I think they just about sold out and are going to have to restock. It's no wonder...everything is antediluvian (rusty, timeworn and primitive) in the Barn House style as only the redoubtable (famous for) J & J can do. In their insouciant (casual) style, they bring grace to the humblest of furnishings and find beauty in the simple things. Sounds easy, but trust me...it isn't. If I attempted to do what they do, it would look like an ersatz (crappy imitation) hootenanny (thingamajig) instead of the rustic elegance they create.In addition to all the merchandise that is being tendered (offered), they are also doing a largess (giveaway) in the form of capital (moolah). In other words...they are giving away cash prizes totalling $250 in shopping money to four very lucky folks just for stopping by and leaving a comment with your own review. I can't put it any simpler than this...that ain't chicken feed and you better get your rusty dustys on over there! (Whew, that felt so much more like me! That was just way too much work and I probably butchered the words at any rate, so I think I'm just going to go back to talking the best way I know how...Texan!)
Just in case you're wondering why bother...let me just remind you of one thing. According to Lulu, I am the "Amazing Win It All Woman"...why, I don't know...good vibes I guess...well that and I am on a first name basis with Random Generator...I call him Randy when we're all alone! (Psst...don't tell Cat Daddy!) Heck, you'd think I'm also carrying on with my mailman...look what he brought me today! Janet at Talk Sweet Talk held a giveaway and I was one of the winners. Her gift came and it was just as darling as she is. Valentine's Day was the theme and I am so in love with her cards!
2die4, right? Janet, you are MY sweetheart and I just love you to pieces. Thank you so very much!
I've got one more request to make...if you haven't gone over to The Vintage Laundress and voted, click here and do so PDQ! The polls close tonight and she is thi-i-s-s close to winning. Do it for me...do it for her...do it for Texas...do it for the Gipper!When you drop in on the BH Boys, be sure and tell 'em their Trashy Texas friend sent you. They'll know who it is...and maybe they won't hold it against you!
I saw so many things on their site I wanted, I actually wanted it all but the credit card error message said over limit when I tried to buy it all and wouldn't allow me to buy anthing, ha, just kidding. They do have really great things! Loved your booth in W&T's today, saw some SOLD signs, that's always a good thing. More shopping to do, right!
I just want to hug you... I don't know why.. Cuz I love you... Cuz you're so smart... Just cuz you are you.
Hugs baby,
I think my fav word in your 'tester' was HOOTENANNY! Just brings a smile to my face...:-)
I enjoyed that! You had me worried I might need the verd buk (dictionary), but I made it through with the help (help).
You're adorable,
I LOVE the Barn House Boys! There pictures and displays and more are totally awesome!
Take care, Sue
I haven't started our tax work yet!! I dread it!! And I haven't been to the Barn House site yet! Going right now!
Bravo on your extensive lexicon and etymological magic my little Texas Teacup!
I just love to see English As a First Language used to perfection.!
If you were a man I would invite you into my Leopard Lounge to engage in verbal bugtussling. As you aren't I Will have to ask CatDaddy......
Will check out the Barn Boys.
Wow...my brain is aching from those fancy big words (you are so much fun to read!)...I love to look words up in my 1944 old faded 6" thick Webster's. For "antediluvian" it says: "pertaining to the world before the Flood" ??--I need a new dictionary! I love that word, though, and never heard it before!
Thank you so much for your encouraging comments, you are too kind! I am forgetting all negatives, and getting very busy!
You're such a goofball... perhaps that why we adore you so much!
hugs. Dixie
Love this post! Anything about my boy bff's always great reading, and you, with your verbal grandeur sticking out all over the place! Don't stray too far from your mission, darlin'. Keep focused, and write.
LOL, as usual...I still google words and from what I remember I am an English major but post-pregnancy brain is not good! OK, so I am excited that you posted about the Barn House Boys. I bought the Somerset Life this week for my MIL bday and just had to open it to read about the boys but shhh don't tell. Anyhoo..headed over to vote, have a great weekend and kiss that lil Bella for me!
You know I love me some $10 words! Your writing is always so engaging, it doesn't matter what you say! XOX
Hi Debbie,
LOVE LOVE LOVE...the BARN HOUSE boys. They did such a great job. I know how much work that is.
Have a fabulous trashy day...
I like your big words! Recently WordPress added a new feature to the spell-check. It now tells me when my words are 'complex' and offers a simple suggestion. I get offended for my readers every time. You're smarter than my spell-check and I don't use words that too big, after all, I'd never be able to spell them! ;-)
Thank goodness.
I am not alone.
Laura Belle
Put the list of no's away.
Anyone who writes about HOW to write is REALLY crazy.
I know.
I taught high school English for 32 years.
oh for "crying out loud"! this post and the one about avoiding cliches??? they're just TOO MUCH!!! leave it to you, trash:) and i agree with 'laura' - forget the no's and just write in your own "inimitable" voice!!! it's who you are and it's why we keep showing up here!
Awwwww shucks!!! You are toooo good to us...we don't deserve all the love! :o)
Thanks so much for the beautifully written words...It really means a lot!! We were up until the we hours shipping-shipping-shipping...and uploading more stuff. I hope we haven't bitten off more than we can chew!
J & J
Great post, Debbie. You are the Queen!
p.s. I'm getting some custom word tags from Janet - lucky you, you just win them!
ahh, so glad you heart your tags! love you back!
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