I've been reading all the posts about the upcoming Antique Fair in Round Top/Warrenton and started having myself a good old-fashioned pity party for one! As I said earlier, Cat Daddy and I are not going to be able to make contact with the Mother Ship this fall and it's killing this chubby lady!
While feeling sorry for myself at all the fun I'll be missing, I decided to stroll down ol' memory lane with a little look-see at past shows.
I don't know if folks realize the time AND money that goes into preparing for a show this big and this long, but nine days is a lo-o-ng time. It takes a lot of careful measuring and even more moolah to have enough...
A. Space on the trailers for everything
B. Room under the tent for everything
C. Enough of everything to last that long...including underwear
I've always said my goal is for Cat Daddy and I to be sitting in two folding lawn chairs with an ice chest between us at the end of a show! Hasn't happened yet...but a girl can always dream!

I'm sure you can understand now why I wouldn't miss this for the world and I hope you can come. I'd love to get to hug you too!
I won't be in my familiar tent by Royer's, (btw...go to the Junk Gypsy blog for a great ongoing contest Royer's is in!) but a certain someone will be and she has promised me faithfully to keep the party going in my absence!
Malissa and Lurch will be launching a brand new enterprise at this show. Have you dreamed of the man in the moon? Have you danced by the light of it or even howled at it? Heck...have you ever just mooned somebody? Well...here's your chance to make dreams a reality (all but the mooning part...remember that sunburn!)
Make plans...in fact plan an outfit for...Pent-Up Photos! Is this not over the moon clever? Mal will be taking photos that you can take home with you that day...no waiting or mailing...right then and there! She has an on going love affair with vintage photos and has taken that love and created Pent-Up Photos. Your photo will be a reminder of what a wonderful time you had at Zapp Hall or a great blackmail pix...your call!
She'll be easy to find. If you know where we usually are...that'll be her this show. If you've never been to our tent...just listen for the sound of laughter, the smell of pie and you are there!
this is a wonderful post, deb:) and maybe...just possibly...perhaps...you might just have the most grand time ever, just being there without all the sweat and toil it entails! i look forward to your "reports"...
Debb, I am so grateful to have had found your blog. You made a Warrenton/Roundtop Junkie out of me and Critter. Even though I am new to this most blessed event I WILL NOT MISS IT! I had so much fun last year I can't even begin to explain. I don't really even try to haggle because I can't imagine how much work it takes to even try and get through the traffic with a trailer. I cant wait!
Have yourself a blessed evening
Hi Debbie! So sorry you aren't going to be able to make it to your show this fall. But...you'll be able to enjoy your visit there without all the work! (There's always a silver lining, huh?) I hope you're able to report back and let us east-coasters in on the big show! ;-)
Have fun! **Tami
well let me say it won't be the same without you at zapp but it would be a crime if you didn't grace us with your sweet presence at the blog party! glad to hear you'll be there and can't wait to see you and CD!
So sorry you can't set up shop this year, but you and I both know how much work goes into it. I hope you take the time to just relax and have fun this year. Also, a note on the other topic of everyone thinking we get things for free.....it's getting harder and harder to find good stuff even for a high price. I;m glad you mentioned this little tidbit.
Take care,
Fun=)! Thanks for sharing!!
Malisa sounds like she has a really great idea with the photos, can't wait to see them all. And I just betcha you'll be having the best time ever. Just think how fresh as a daisy you'll be whenever everyone else has been workin' to the bone. Relax and enjoy yourself, besides YOU and CD are the rock stars!
I'm so bummed that I won't be at the blog party, but I will be there the day before (Saturday).
What are the chances I might bump into y'all then?
Debbi, I know you will have a good time at the blog party. Hopefully you will make the Spring Show. Have a nice week and give Bella a hug. sandi
I'm thinkin' you are going to enjoy the blog party even more without the stress of setting up! Just wish I could be there to meet you! (and get one of those cool photos made!)
You are so right about how HARD it is to find junk nowadays. I would have thought that the economy being what it is would make it easier, but it is much more difficult to get anything at a decent price of late--I guess we have HGTV and Pickers/Pawn shows to thank for that--everyone thinks their junk is priceless.
Have FUN!!!!!
Girly girl, I am laughing until I'm crying esp. seeing your HBH and TOT, what fun these two are, sometimes they do have to be separated though. I sometimes think they were twins separated at birth! Anyways, Cher has made a challange and will make an entrance no doubt and I can't wwwwwwaaaaaaiiiittt to see you all. It's going to be a fun time at Zapp Hall (we sure will miss you two being there the whole week, but just thankful you are coming out to sign autographs)!
Well... this is the way I see it...
You're going to get there - I'm going to have my duct tape... you ain't leavin' 'til the end.
That's just how I see things. LOLOL
AND! MALisa will help me I'm sure of it!!!
;-D robelyn
counting down the seconds girl...
Warrenton will NOT be the same without you and I am really going to miss my hug. Hope to see you next time. :D
Debbie - It sounds (and looks like from the pics) like you'll have a grand time at the blog party! Seeing old friends and making new ones - is the best thing of all!
And, I agree with you about it being harder to find good stuff...and getting it for free is definitely the exception and not the rule! So...some respectful bargaining is greatly appreciated!
Roundtop/Warrenton is on my bucket list...hope to meet y'all one of these days! :)
Have a great day my dear!!
You, my own sassy poet, are going to have pick-up loads of fun and relax at the same time! count it all joy♥olive
Can I join your "pity party" cause I've got a big dose of feeling sorry for myself! I SO want to go one of these times! I've got a great photo of Tim and Royer's from a show or two back. He's going solo this year, Lisa is staying home. I so enjoyed the pictures and the promo's for everyone!
Take care, Sue
sooooo apparently i've been living under a rock! which i'm sure everyone has known but me! whattheheck? why aren't you gonna be there? i've been plotting and planning our visit...feeling so disappointed...
I am sad also. I have never been. I just have to work that event in next year. You all have so much fun and the shopping is like no other flea market according to pictures.
I'm wishing I was going to Roundtop, maybe someday...little behind on reading but I say ditto about ME magazine, always my favorite, sill sad not to see it coming in the mail.
Have fun visiting with your peeps!
Hi Debbie,
You said it sooo well. I just can't imagine what it takes to do a show like ROUND TOP. It is all I can do...to do the one day shows that I do.
First you have to find...(find the money to)buy...load...unload...clean...sand...paint...
wax...create...load...drive all night...unload...sell sell sell...load...drive all night...unload...and then try to figure out where to put what is left...then walk around like a zombie for two days...and start all over again for the next show. I am not even going to mention what it cost to make it all happen...not goin there.
I have so much respect for the dealers (like you) that do the big shows.
Thanks for saying like it is!
I am sure you will be missed as much as you miss doing the show.
You are such a neat gal, no wonder there is so much buzz about you and Cat Daddy. I pray next year I can go to and join in all the fun. I feel like I will enjot most of it through your posts!!!
That's Elizabeth Maxon!!! I want her autograph. And I want those colorful boots in the picture above that. One of these days I am going to be at warrenton - I'll be the spiky blonde flirting with Cat Daddy and preparing to give you a HUGE hug when you come up to see who the hussy is 'movin' in' on your man!
You are the party girl and it would not be the same without you!
I'm glad you set everyone straight on the work and cost of doing a show. I have never done one but I know what it takes to set up a shop and I have way more time to do it not a day or two. I don't know how you guys do it. Your boths are more stylish then half the shops I've seen.
Enjoy yourself at the show.
btw I miss ME mag. too!
Hi Debbie,
Can't wait to hear all about the blog party. Sorry you're not setting up this year, I know it's a lot of work so just enjoy all the relaxing (I know it's in no way the same, just trying to make you smile). You always put a smile on my face here no matter what my day/evening may be like, thank YOU for that, you're a sweet soul!
The old photos sound wonderful to me too.
You are just adding fuel to the fire already burning in me to GET THERE!! I'm in Demming, NM right now! Think about it, I'll be in TEXAS SOOOOOON, yeeeee haw girl...I just can't wait to meet you & get our party on!!!
See you soon...
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