Man alive...I thought I was the only one getting dizzy from the paint fumes, but seems a certain cute redhead from Wacky Waco has been sniffing the back side of her roll of duct tape. RobUhLyn loves her duct tape. She keeps telling it it's the new burlap and is constantly working it into her designs. Would y'all believe that little whipper-snapper is having a giveaway over at her blog? Would you also believe it's a doozie...if I ever saw one?
Y'all know I'm just nutso crazy for this girl and you've heard me go on and on about her talent.
"You may be a redneck if a dumpster gets emptied...with you still in it."

I (proudly I must add) own one of her red.neck Chic original handbags (I love my Trash Bag)...or as she likes to call 'em...pocketbooks. Each and every one is unique...just like her! She also designs and makes a line of blouses called Saddle Tramps (I personally like the idea of being just a tad trampy from time to time...keeps my man on his toes) and does her own twist on Glam.
Using only the finest of silver duct tape available, elegant pearls (to remind us we are ladies) and with just enough bits and baubles to make the magpie in all of us squeal, she devilishly creates these one of kind treasures in her lab.or.a.tory!
"You may be a redneck if you save your Junk Gypsys' Mama Tried cap for special occasions."

Now tighten up those bra straps ladies 'cause here is where it gets real good!
But wait....there's more.
Because I never got around to having my senior prom (she says hanging her head in shame)...and because I want one of these bad boys so much...I ain't gonna wait to see if she draws my name outta the Eiffel Tire...I'm gonna buy for me...
ONE for you!
Let me just say...I am a fool for statement jewelry. In personal motto is "Don't jazzercise...accessorize!". Truth is, if you can't see me from across a rhinestones ain't big...or gaudy...enough!
"You may be a redneck if your matching serving bowls really do say Parkay...and not butter."

So here's the deal pickle...head on over to red.neck Chic and look at her simple rules for entering. Since I don't like to think or work any more than I have to...her rules are my rules. The only difference is her giveaway will end Saturday and mine, August 10th. A long time...yeah...but that's mine and Cat Daddy's anniversary and I do believe a red.neck Glam necklace will make the perfect gift to moi from moi!
"You may be a redneck f you have a beer box duct taped over one or more truck windows."

Only the best for my Texas man!
I'll fess up...I'm a redneck. can't live in Texas and not be. Our belt buckles...and hair...weigh at least 3 pounds, we like to wear boots with everything, and if you want to know how to spell our names...just check out the back of our belts! If you go to any mall in Texas and holler out least fourteen little boys and a coupla grown men are gonna come runnin'!
Don't let anybody try and tell you different. Even the folks livin' in the North Dallas Forty way 'cross Central Expressway say ham and aigs when there ain't nobody listenin'!
Let your inner redneck out and make a fashion statement all at the same time. It can be yours for just a comment!
"You may be a redneck if your granddaughter learned her numbers by watching Nascar."

(Do I? Oh heck yeah!)
You know you do time's a-wastin' y'all. Head on over to The red.neck (check out her ETSY while you're there for all the tray sheek fashion she's whuppin' up) and leave her a big ol' comment. I guarantee you'll leave with a big toothy grin!
But to me. for for one of y'all.
Oh...and tell her Trash sent ya!
From one redneck to another...can I get a yee to the haw?

Well of course I sauntered right over there...thanks for the heads-up! Now do tell, which anniversary will you and the dandy CD be celebrating on August 10th????
yee to the haw...gimme one and a happy anniversary comin' up!
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TO THE HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! *kicking up my hells......errrrrr, heels!!!
I love her treasures! I popped over there and now I am headed back again!
I am with you on the gaudy...the bigger the better!!
Love ya Girlie!
Oh Deb what a FABULLOUSLY GORGEOUS tribute to the AWESOME talent that IS Robelyn aka Red Neck Chic.... :o) !!!!!
I posted on her blog the other day but would also LOVE a chance at winning your giveaway....AND....The bonus if I win is you can give it to me at Round Top....You won't even have to worry about postage....YEHAW....!!!!!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend GORGEOUS....!!
Cheers from Oz,
Tamarah xxx
Off to check it out, thanks for the signpost to lead folks there.
I smile evrytime I come here,, you make this Canadian very happy just reading your blog,, I just love the way you talk,, (write),,
Deb.. I never leave your blog without a big ole Texas grin on my face... Happy Saturday! hugs. Dixie!
Girl you totally crack me up !!! I LOVE reading your blog because you
make me smile ~
What a wonderfully awesome giveaway and Happy Anniversary coming soon!!
Oh hell yes, I do want one! I see my fun girls hanging around Ms. Thang's neck too. They are in good company! You are hilarious.
Good Grief ...I love your posts! and you! I was having a bad morning and now I'm smiling! I love me some Red.neck.chic and those jewels of hers are awesome! I've entered her giveaway and now yours! What a sweetie you are! Congrats to you & Cat Daddy!
Junk Wild
I didn't just sign up for one, I signed up for two, because she is just so talented. I was sure eyeing several things in your booth at W&T's. Girl you find great things. Happy weekend, T
Duct tape is the new black!!
I LOVE YOU Mama Debinator!!! Thank you!!! I have a special one callin' yer name... you just wait!!!
Anniversary bells? I hear anniversary bells? Hmmmmm....
I'm off to plot somethin' Texas Trash Talkin' Grande Size!!!
(I don't know what that is - but it came out of my fingers and it's stickin'.... like duct tape.)
I just happen to own one of her pocketbooks myself! I love those charms with the duck tape! What a hoot! I going to get in on her giveaway! Thanks for the heads up!
Heck yea, Deb, I REALLY WANT one!!!! Thrown my entry into the rhinestone cowgirl hat!!
xoxo Debra
yee to da haww and howdy do! actually i came here FROM redneck chics place, but alas i missed her give-a-way, because, well because it's been tough. (my husband passed away in june, and i am having good days and bad days.) ANYHOO I think Havana, FL is lower texas 'cuz (1) my husband's nickname was Cowboy (2) i own more boots than other kindsa shoes (s) i have numerous belt buckles and (4) My hairspray addiction is second to none!
So, whether i win or not, I say Happy Anniversary! I love love. :)
Good to meetya, Rhonda Roo
Oh MY. Just discovered your blog. Such talent, such trash talk, such vintage soul. Love all the creations. Will continue to visit and follow. Come see me at Shabby Friends. Cynthia
I love you even more now that I know I'm not the only one that says "here's the deal, pickle". :-)
Speaking of sassy bling, I still remember your awesome chandy crystal necklace from the last Warrenton I attended. You looked DEE-vine!
I told that Red.neck chic I don't wear jewelry...but who don't wear duct tape!? ... Come on now, let me win it!
I threw my name in the tire over at Robelyn's and and throwing it in here too!!!
Do I want one...hell yeah!!
LOL...OK, OK, I'm heading over right now. Hey and happy anniversary you two! Sending hugs!
I was over at red.neck chic and read about your given us a 2nd chance.Gotta love 2nd chances,everybody needs a do over some time. This missouri gal would love one of those necklaces to show off.I'll be checking out your blog now that I found it.
Hi! Hey I'm a loser so here I am w/all the other losers asking for a second chance. Pick me, Pick me twice....lovin' the duct tape
Can't believe all the things they are doing with duct tape lately... but this one takes it, throw my name in the tire, sis.
I love the way you blog...and the duct tape - I don't live in TX but I visit it often because my sis does!
I love me some duct tape!
Came over from red.neck and I really want to win one of her amazing creations! I am following you and I told everyone of my followers about this giveaway! See?
May the Goddess of Duct Tape Bless You!!! And a big ole hee to the haw!!! Throw my name in the tire too!!!
I gave a shout out for you at Robelyn's and discovered I did not win the cool jewels at her place. Please enter me here. I am a follower although I tend to get lost.
Gretchen's music has me dancing and its making my typing even worse.
Happy Anniversary to y'all. I have one of those birthday things happening later this month myself.
Those are great! I love 'em!!! Especially since the name of my Etsy shop is Duct Tape And Denim! :-)
Thanks for sharing
I missed one giveaway- hope I'm not too late for yours! I like your style!
Pick me! Pick me! Love your sites!
Who knew you could do so much with duct tape??!! Thanks for introducing me to the queen of duct tape. And you know I need to be in on the fun. Pick me, pick me, pick me! :-)
Awww Deb,,have loved reading back thru all your & Cat Daddys stories! Love em! Missed red-neck-chic's giveawawy..& I do love her too hon! Been away for a while...some tuff times here...but not keeping me down girlie:)
Happy Anniversary to you & Cat hon! You two are the Cat's Meow for sure! I hear ya about the heat..its the same here (OK) I tell brain has fried..& then give em ole one eyed look!!! LOL Gotta get better!
Throw ma name in hon...LOVE the duct tape...SOO many uses...who knew huh!!
Thank you for always making me smile Deb:)
Deb :) XOX
Yee and a Haw, throwing my big ole Texan hat into the ring! I think a duct tape hat band would be perfect!
I have a Cat Daddy that you described to a Texas T! I caught him 39 years ago and what a lucky gal I am!
Hope you and your Cat Daddy have MANY more wonderful years!
Would love to hang that necklace around my neck for our next pie supper! Along with all my gin-u-wine .. di-mells! (remember those?)
Big ole County Blessing,
Becky R
BRA STRAP TIGHTENED... I would love one of Robelyn's duct taped wonders! Please throw my name in the cowboy hat!
Happy Anniversary! I hope it is incredibly special xoxooxoxoxoxoox
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