Let me start by saying thank you to Karen from My Desert Cottage for all the hard work she puts in to host this fab event. I can't even keep my few ducks in a row...let alone coordinate over 300 of 'em!
Whew...and double whew!!!
This is my first time to participate in Where Bloggers Create and I'm thrilled to see all the amazing work places that are being shared. Everyone does such a splendid job interpreting their personal playpens to best represent their unique talents and personalities.
My workspace is basically an unorganized organization of my life and work.
(I get this handy skill from my daddy.)
Here is where the madness begins and ends. It's where I keep the business end moving, hoard store treasures and retreat when I need a break. It's also where I go to visit the world of the talented and sit a spell.
Myself...I've never made a secret of the fact that when it comes to creating, I'm better at stealing...I mean borrowing ideas. I guess when all you girls were swimming in the deep end of the talent-gene pool...I was hanging around the lifeguard tower...trying not to freckle.
It's a fact I've always been aware (and more than a little ashamed) of. Girls are supposed to know how to sew, make pretty things, and be clever gluing cardboard. All I ever managed to do was either glue...or sew my fingers together.
Imagine my surprise when I started blogging three years ago to discover I did indeed possess a hidden talent. Maybe not a great one...but a little talent that up until then I was unaware of.
It seems unbeknownst to me, with the practice of writing that came with blogging, I had an ability to string letters into words, then into comprehensible sentences. Sentences that some people even found enjoyable to read...at least that's what some of y'all tell me.
Well Yee to the Haw!
Having loved the written word, research papers, monograms and most of all...books since I was five...God sat me down at a computer and revealed His plan for me. As my sweet friend R. E. told me when I wondered about the late timing in my life for this new adventure...the 59 preceding years was His way of preparing me.
Where others sprinkle glitter on their projects...I liberally add punctuation marks (and break all kinds of writing rules doing so!).
Where some use glue or nails to hold things together...I use conjunctions...and ellipses!
Your nemesis may be edges that won't lay flat. Mine is jokes that land flat.
You may fret over missed stitches...I cringe over grammar miscued...mine.
And if you promise to not mention spelling...I won't mention that one spot you forgot to trim.
I've seen art pieces that are layer upon layer of individual items, all to highlight the finished product.
I layer adjectives and adverbs to embellish mine...with a ten dollar word thrown in every now and then for good measure.
Do I sometimes go over the top with my Texasified way of talking?
You betcha, but let me ask you one question.
Do you ever use too much ribbon for flourish when you're trying to make it your own?
Ain't no such thing as too much anything...except calories and bills.
(Leave it to Bella to get in the on act...my little muse!)
Don't get me wrong. I certainly don't think I'm the next Harper Lee....ah contrary mes amis. I don't even consider myself Paris Hilton!
The point is I never would have known I could even attempt to write without having blogged first. Whether it is just kinda ok writing or even bad...I enjoy it and that's important to me. Surrounding myself with things I love inspires me, brings me joy and writing allows me to express that joy.
It's the same joy you feel when you step back and look at your art with pride...knowing it was created by you...and you alone.
Just as I know each of you are proud of your accomplishments with a hot glue gun or a roll of burlap...I'm just as pleased with my ability to talk and type! The words I can't take full credit for. Most of the time...I'm just the typist...His.
SADD* Alert!
(*Squirrel Attention Deficiency Disorder)
Little known fact...when I was searching for a name for my blog, I initially tried for "white trash" because we bought and sold so much white junk quality merchandise. That name was taken and I tried several others until something Someone told me to type in "Talking White Trash". I did and it was accepted. The funny thing is when I hit publish for that very first post...my header read "Talking Trash"...and I've been talking ever since.
God knew me better than I did.
SQUIRREL ALERT!!! (The sequel)
Good gravy. I just realized I took so many flippin' photos I'm gonna have to finish this up with a part deux! I really wanted to share the art I've received from dear friends I've made since I started blogging, but it'd be cruel to make y'all sit through 30+ photos with me jabberin' in just one sitting. Nobody should be made to wear out their sit-upons...even for less-than-great photos of some more-than-Fab U Lous stuff!
Besides there's a lot of WBC posts to read (drool over) and I'm not gonna keep y'all here any longer than necessary. If you want to come back in a day or two and see what I've added...come on up to the house...I'll leave the light on for you.
Now go...visit...enjoy all the beautiful spaces that folks work...and play in!

Well, howdy! I just ♥ you and I ♥ your post and I ♥ your creative space, especially little Bella and the lampshade!
Deb you may not glue and sew, but you are one of the most creative people I know; God given talent, my sweet and wonderful friend. I wish we could have spent a week together. and that picture of Bella is priceless!!
lot's of love, Debra
From one Texas gal to another, I like your style, Debra. :)
Glad to know I'm not the only one burning the midnight oil to get the ol blogs up. Good gracious look at the time stamps! Deb, we LOVE you and cherish your gift of gab and key tapping. You always bring a smile to my face.
Love you girl!
You are unique, one of a kind, creative in more ways than one and that's why I love you so!! Even through your writing you are a true artist. Great post, T
You, my friend, are super talented. You create beauty everywhere! I love the name of your blog. So glad 'white junk' was taken.
Have a happy weekend! And I'm still waiting to read more of your book...just sayin'. ;-)
Deb... I adore your quirky style and tongue-in-cheek humor... and where'd you get those curtains with the Frenchie writing? I need those... for reals...
hugs. Dixie
Hi Debra, you are truly talented in so many ways, and might I add your such a beautiful and sweet person too, I miss seeing you at Winnie & Tululas. Have a wonderful weekend!!!
hugs~~~ Daphne
Your sooo funny Texas friend!!! So happy to have a chance to see your creative space my sweet friend, it looks like the perfect place to CREATE!!! well & write your blog too I mean!
The great thing about creating, is it comes in so many forms. You create when you set up your booths at the festivals, you create when you see a new life in some tattered & torn & you most certainly create when you write.
Darlin, whether or not you can cut & paste, you oooooze creativity...love ya!!! ;)
Loved the tour of where you create and all your collections. My belly hurts from laughing everytime I leave here! xoxo
DEEEEEE.LISH! Love everything..... Everything looks like things I would choose myself!
Warm blessings,
Bonjour Deb! I enjoyed reading your exposition from the seat of your own blog pod. (Your studio is what I am referring to.) I'm impressed that you came at writing so late in the game, and I loved the story of how you came by your blog name. I agree that it was inspired! Keep talkin', as my Dallas grand-girls would say... (Nothin' has a "g" on the end.)
so funny! I think I like hangin' around with you and I don't even know you! Nice to visit the space where you do your own unique creative "thang"
I discovered that 'borrowing' aka 'being inspired by' is the way it is supposed to go. Picasso and those types started by copying the masters. You learn as you go and really, if you want to duplicate something exactly it is almost impossible because once the materials are in your hands the muse takes over and changes it up anyway! I love your spot. *smiles* Norma
Deb it all looks great, I love that bookcase filled with all your treasures! As you know I love to collect so I wish I had all of your wonderful things in my room, where would I put it...I don't know but I want it all!! xoxo-cin
Hi Deb,
You can weave, paint, create, photograph, cook, sew and repurpose words like no one else!!!! And, if that ain't talent, then I don't know what is!! You are so creative and have a way of making everyone smile and feel at home.
Thanks for sharing all of your lovely collections.
I love the ideas you've stolen, oops, I mean "borrowed". They all look awesome Debbie! Thanks for the eye candy!
Take care, Sue
When you click on a blog and within seconds you're sporting the biggest grin, you know you've found a treasure! What a gift you've been given with your deeeeelightful sense of humor! You are the color in the world that spreads joy & teaches us all to lighten up and not miss the important things. What a treat it would be to live next door to you! Thanks for releasing lots of good endomorphins into my system today! Xo, Sue {and p.s. your banner on when pigs fly...what a riot!}
I for one am so glad God put you on this earth so that I could call you my friend! I am one of the lucky gals that have gotten to be in the sunshine that is YOU! I just can't wait until I get to come back to Texas and share your smile again!!!
I love you Deb!!!
You are a joy my poet. I cannot sew, craft, or anything either. I can take a photo or two it seems and I would never have known that without the blog. The way you talk/write is wonderful. Do not ev-ah change it!
Love your space. The photo with Bella and the lamp shade is priceless.
I for one love the way you join your words...always learn something and most of the time get a big old chuckle!
Keep it up girl!!
I admire your work Deb. I for one am not a big talker or writer, you my dear have a true talent for the written word. You make me smile!!
Hi Deb, I've missed visiting your blog but I am pretty much caught up now! Bella is such a big girl now, love the lampshade.
xo Bonnie
I know I can't get enough of your trash talking!
well you sure weren't "talking trash" when you visited my studio and left those sweet compliments! LOL! merci..merci! your own creative space is lovely! TFS! :)
Had to visit your blog cuz talking trash is right up there on my list of creative endeavors. Love a good story teller and you are one of those girlfriend. Thanks for sharing your space and trashy ways.
Thanks for sharing your cool and creative space!
Hello Dug! Its Dory! You Cracked Me up with your Visit!I Love your Studio! It is absolutely Amazing! It has been so Fun to visit Everyone and see their Creative Spaces! Thank You for Sharing and I will be back to ~SQUIRREL~ Visit again soon!
Have a Wonderful Week!
Hey sweet lady! I just LOVE your blog! I am giggling all over myself...you literally are a hoot and a holler!!
I am off now to read, read,read more!
Good night nurse-
a kindred spirit-
but oops...
I knew that.
Your blog posts are the best! The last one had me laughing so hard & I tried to comment for 2 days but you know me. I was trying to come up with a witty retort. Impossible after that amazing play on words. This post too. You are truly one of the most creative souls I've ever met. And my favorite pic....well of course the one of your little prodigy. LOL Her grandmothers personality for sure! Lisa
this, my friend is why we love you and keep coming back! in the words of Paris... Hot ~ that's HOT. t. xoxooxoxoxo
Great post as always..........hell, talent
is leaping off you!!!
I loved this post!!! (and that big white hutch, too) 8+)
Aw honey....you are so dadgum talented you HAD to be in this party!!!! I simply can't wait till I can hold a book in my hand that you wrote...please tell me when, OK? I love all that you've shown me here and by the looks of it, I can tell I would LOVE to visit you and Cat Daddy!!!! You win the award for the most amazing taste EVER! hugs and love, Dawn
Hey my sweet
I left a comment here days ago... where is it blogger?
I love this post, it may be one of my favorite because it is the revelation of what God is doing in your life and the awesome talent He has given you. How great it is to connect with people through your words and either make them laugh or cry. To touch someones heart with your words, you my friend are blessed with the voice of God in Blogland... just how awesome is that!
So thankful to call you friend
Blessings today
Seriously, you don't think you are much like Paris Hilton? I've always thought of you guys as two peas in a pod.
You goof. You are so funny, I LOVE reading your words. And I think you have mad writing skills.
your words weave a beautiful story...love your curtains...and that baby girl, miracles every where, and I love that God revealed his talent to you late, gives me hope...and God's time is always perfect. Pretty creatin' space, lady!
I just found you today,, I'm so glad I did,, I love the way you talk and I love the way you write,,
Debbie you are the Queen of creativity. Your brain is on high speed. I loved this post so much. Makes me wish I could be in Texas right this second hanging out with you again. Oh, I love yee to the haw. You know I love me some Debbie Texisms.
A. Want that white cupboard. Yes, I know it's wrong to covet...the heat is corrupting my morals.
B. You are the queen of trash talk - dare I say it? If we shall ever meet upon this earth I will kiss your ring.
Hi Deb,
I enjoyed my visit to your creative space and I do agree that you were given a gift for writing. It isn't easy writing something that you put out there for the whole world to see but you do with ease.
Glad you joined the bandwagon!!!! I admired anyone with the gift of writing, I hate to write, sometimes I even wonder why I have a blog? So I try to write as little as possible and show pictures of my craft projects!!! Thank you for joining the party!!
hi, deb! this post is completely perfect and i have actually read it a couple of times...but today i have time to leave a comment, too:) i trust you're a member of the roller derby that i hear is happening in dallas right now?!? photos, please! hee! i'm not even joking, really - i think you could do anything you set your mind to:) happy week-end to you...
Well dagg-blasted, I didn't post on yer blog thingy-do in time for the party. Was it fun, waz' there a fight, anybody lose any teeth, no? Well hells bells gal you need to step it up a notch, get that hitch outta yer get-along and throw another hum-dinger and invite me, ya hear!
Now don't worry none, I'll learn ya' soon enough. We'll be pitchin horse shoes and sippin' mama's mulberry wine and eatin' deviled eggs under the sitttin sun in no time. Jest let me know when I need to git my sunday best out for the next shin-dig and I'll be there with spurs on!
For those not from Texas, just ignore this post it won't make any sense to you anyhow. That means you're a "learned" smarty pants kinda person! xoxo-cindy
HI Deb! That was a really terrific post and I enjoyed reading it from beginning to end! Of course that is what you're best at isn't it?? Keeping your readers entertained! Thank you so much for joining my little party this year. Between your post and my dear friend Cindy Craine's comment I have a big ol' Texas smile on my face!!
I love the story of how your blog name came to be.
You're an eloquent writer; wish I had the same magic.
That's a great bookcase/cabinet with all your lovlies displayed beautifully.
Thanks for the tour of your space and the wonderful stories.
Oh Deb I ADORE the way you write....Your quirky prose makes me SMILE OUT LOUD & my ONLY regret is I'm not managing my time well enough at the moment to catch EVERY post....I LOATHE to think I might miss a SQUIRREL or two....!!
THANK HEAVENS for blogging my Friend....How on earth would we have met otherwise....!!!!!
Cheers from Oz,
Tamarah xxx
Oh, sweetie, your ability to tell a story (and keep us cracking up) is your talent! XOX
That was a fun tour! And I love the song list with Tanya Tucker and Freddy Fender. It takes me way back! I'll be following you. Thanks for the tour!
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