Psst...were you looking for me?
Bet you thought I had run off with the circus...or the mailman!
Sad to say...no such luck. I've been busier than a rented mule...and I'm twice as tired.
Stop the madness...I wanta get off! I'm dizzy enough without bouncing around in circles like a bingo ball in a church basement!

Y'all know this a crazy time for us. We're four...you read right...four weeks out from blasting off for the Greatest Show On Dirt.
Hark...I think I hear the Mother Ship calling my name as I type.
Coming Mother!
I'm busy hunting, cleaning, pricing and packing. Cat Daddy is rolling the Dolly Mama around to beat the band and slo-o-o-wly that trailer is filling up.
Where the heck did I put those tags? Hey...who stole my magic marker? Has anybody got an extra trailer stretcher they're not using?

Like Punxsutawney Phil, it may be 4-6 weeks before I get to stick my head out again, but I'm gonna try and keep y'all up-to-date on our progress.
Law...what I wouldn't give for an extra set of hands right about now!

In the meantime, I'm taking advantage of these crazy, mild temperatures we're having. Y'all know here in Texas, that can change in a heartbeat.
Ahhh...70 degrees, flip-flops, braids, and grocery store feet...perfect working conditions!

If you don't hear from me in the next week or so...don't fret. Just send pimiento cheese, a loaf of light bread...and a big bar of Lava!
I thought we only said grocery store feet. Hey I made homemade pimento cheese Sunday, sure wish I could send you some. You are right about God being with me-I feel him and wake up at odd times with the words pouring out of me faster than I can get them on the blog format. Thanks for being there. Do not overwork your self. hugs, olive
I just knew you had to be busier than a cat in a litter box!
Keep us posted on what you are doing!
La LuLu~*xoxo
OK...what are "grocery store feet" and why? I've led a sheltered life, you know! (If I lived close I'd be helping you! xoxo
Yes we need to know about the Grocery store feet??? Great photos of some beautiful pieces. sending you some sass from Cali
Me, too! Grocery store feet?? :)
You never disappoint me, Deb.
LOVE LOVE LOVE everything you post. I'm always guaranteed a huge smile when I leave here.
Don't stay away too long! xo
BINGO... we got a BINGO over here! I'm with all the other nontexans, what a grocery store feet? I know you're busy, but inquiring minds need to know! have fun while you work :)
SO jealous!! Wish I was going with you!
Lou Cinda
Can't wait to see you again!
Time sure does fly, doesn't it?
Oh Deb....Some YUMMY finds there....,ESPECIALLY the bingo cage & balls....That's EXACTLY the kind of thing I'm looking for....I must pull my finger out & get a wriggle on with my list....!!!!!
I wish I could come & help you & CD get ready & pack up for the trip.... Maybe next time we'll organise something....!!
I'll be in touch soon....!
Tamarah xx
Not sure exactly what grocery store feet are but I am assuming it had to do with nice warm weather. Texas must be like Cinci as far as the weather. Up down over and out all in a single day. We were 68 yesterday and Saturday is calling for a high of 35 and snow. Oh how I wish I could visit you and the really big shoo. don't exhaust yourself. Enjoy! LYttH, Pam
I heard you scored some great loot last weekend?
Can't wait to see you girl!
I'm sure you are busier than a one armed paper hanger! Don't forget to sleep, even if it is with only one eye shut!
Kat :)
Hey, Deb--Can't wait to catch up with you and Cat Daddy at Warrenton! Don't over-do-it in the meantime.
Peace, love, and all the REALLY good stuff to ya!
Garden Cat/FIRST MONDAY MURDER A Jimmie Rae Flea Market Mystery
Y'all crack me up. You've twisted my arm and I'll give y'all a definition for GSF toot sweet!
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