Can any of y'all imagine what it is like to be married to a celebrity? Oh the trials and tribulations...the constant photo ops...the women throwing themselves at my husband...problems with packing the hats...not to mention trying to fit that big, I mean swollen, I mean fat, I mean sweet head into those hats! It is a full time job keeping up with this man!!!
(Photo courtesy of David, Snakelover61)
When we left to go the BIG SHOW, it was the 24th of September. I almost forgot that it was Cat Daddy's birthday! Poor baby! He spent the day loading the truck and driving for 4 hours to get us there. What a way to spend a birthday or so one would think. Nothing could have made him happier. He was heading to the happiest place on least in his world...and his adoring bevy of beauties!
(Photo courtesy of David, Snakelover61)
I was feeling guilty for not remembering...that is until we got there. The ladies more than made up for my lapse of memory! The girls also reminded me he's not a property to be left alone or neglected for very long! They are more than willing to take up the slack...if I were to let them!
Cat Daddy possesses this rare, savage, animal magnetism that just draws the ladies to him like catnip. My job is to simply make sure order is maintained and that no catfights ensue!
I tell y'all...down at Zapp it can be a full time job just managing crowd control! I am so humbled that he allows me to travel with him and carry his coozies. To be able to breathe the same air as him is an honor!
Occasionally when he is feeling magnanimous, he will allow another tom cat into the picture...but only occasionally! Like so many other Alpha Males, he can be quite territorial!
But ladies, one caveat before you think you stand a fighting chance of stealing him...I am the original KITTEN! I AM the Mama Cat of all mama cats and I have the sharp nails to prove it!
In fact, there are 5 of us in the original litter! Take a peek at a couple of the others!
That CD is a one and ONLY original and while there may be some would love to copy him, it ain't happening... Before long he'll need body guards! Love you both, T
Hold out for big bucks on the TV and movie rights! Happy birthday, Cat Daddy, from a hanger-on kitten!
Oh Debbie! This is both hilarious and sweet at the same time! I just love your posts! Cat Daddy is quite the catch, but I know that he really thinks he is the lucky one, cos' he has you!
I just love this!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Cat Daddy!!
Have a great day!!
Lou Cinda
Bella is so gorgeous!! LOVE the Coozie!!
I love all the pictures and was very impressed with Cat Daddy's charm in all those pictures. You surely must have your hands full with a man as magnetic as the Cat Daddy! Great post and love the pictures!
He's really "Tiger Daddy"! Loved this post.
What a great post!!
You are a lucky gal and he is a lucky guy! Happy Bday Cat Daddy- you have been blessed with such a wonderful and beautiful family!!
I am so DAMN JEALOUS! I miss the blog party and then I see all these photos of my man messin' around on me! Cat Daddy, what were you thinking? To top it all off, I find out I missed out on my Koozie! Anyway, I am sending a big Happy Birthday SMOOCH your way! By the way, do you know how lucky you are to have so many gorgeous women in your family? Yes, Debbie, Jen, Graycie and Bella are absolutely beautiful!
I miss you Cat Daddy and Debbie!
What a great post...A "celeb", for sure! Why all those women around him, for autographics, I'm sure, prove it! Keep those claws in, girl.
My Best
You are so freakin' hilarious!!! Even though I've never met him in person, I'm tingling at the thought of when I actually DO get to meet him!
I'll be honest here Deb, in front of God and everyone...
I don't think I'll be able to control myself.
Don't say I didn't warn you...I have all of these witnesses!!!!
This is for CD...pretend I'm Marilyn Monroe...
Happy Birthday to you...
(rubbing my hips)
Happy Birthday to yooou...
(winking my eye)
Happy Birthday Mister King of Caaats...
(fixin' my boobies)
Happy Birthday to yooou...
(lickin' the icing)
So how was I? Not too bad right?
Hey Deb. Deb! Deb? Deb, are you mad at me?
Geez, it was JUST a birthday wish!
everything vintage
happy belated birthday CD! you go baby! love love love ya! and those babies are adorable...
hugs and kisses,
CD definitely has style! Love the pics of the little kittens!
Miss Jodie you be a bad girl... too funny, I was in the middle of a birthday comment and got booted off the internet... so here goes again...
A great "ode" to the CD, but what happened to those wedding pictures that we were all clamoring for? You know we want to see that cowboy and his kitten!
I love your posts that make me laugh out loud! Your CD is one of the snappiest dressers I've ever seen! Face it, he has charisma!
love your are so funny!!! I loved this post! Happy B-day CD! Y'all are the best!
How do you manage? I did notice that I've seen quite a few pictures on several blogs where Cat Daddy is flanked by adoring women. I hope he enjoyed a very happy birthday!
Love the post Mama Cat!!
Did you read that? Jodie's tingling...without ever meeting him. His seductive powers are growing daily!! :)
No one can hold a candle to those sweet glad to be one of the kittens.... and you are so nice to share.....Can wait to see what we get into next time. Love you both, and Happy Birthday Handsome!!!!!!
Happy belated birthday, Cat Daddy!
Happy belated birthday to your Cat Daddy, Debbie. It must be so hard for you sometimes, but you know you're number one, no matter how many kittens may appear!
That post is wonderful! You two are so lucky. Wish Cat Daddy a belated birthday from me... Maggie
Happy Belated Birthday, Cat Daddy! And Debbie, don't one can hold a candle to the "original litter"!!!
Hi Debbie, Great post and CD is the greatest. I have seen your sweet face all over other blogs. What a fantastic time you all had. I swear I love where I live but to be closer to you guys would be so nice. xo Lynn
Debbie - such a sweet tale - funny and full of love!!! Hope to meet y'all in Texas some day!!
Happy Birthday Cat Daddy!
Belated Happy Birthday to your Cat Daddy! Entertaining post as always, you! I'll rep you when the book and movie rights come along.. how about that!
Happy belated, Cat Daddy. I think it's nice of you to let her (you know who) carry your coozies. HAA!!
i'm not saying cat daddy's not worth it, i'm just saying i'm not messin' with cat mama! i'll be content to get my bi-annual hug! but for a birthday...cheek kisses for CD from j!
I'd sing but I don't want to ruin the party...Happy birthday Cat Daddy!!! are hilarious...I love reading your silly renditions of your adventures!
Gaaah, I am such a loser! First I miss Mindy's b-day, now Cat Daddy's! I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if CD issued a recall on my coozie.
But I digress.
Would ya just look at that hunka burnin' love decked out in the gold jacket? What a pimp Cat Daddy is! And you are quite right...there may be many kittens, but you, M'lady, rule the cat box.
Big heaps of love to you both!
Gotta love a sharp dressed man! Happy belated birthday to Cat Daddy!
I hear ya Sasssy Cat Mama.....Kitten got claws!! Sassy you are.....and Mr Cat Daddy ain't too bad either. He is your true Gem, Hugs! Janna
I am have the honor of his presence daily, must be such a drain, you have my greatest respect Mrs. Trash...don't know how you cope, you're a good woman!!!
Happy belated birthday CD...too bad we didn't get to talk on the cell, would've loved to see the look on TOT's daughter's face as you two conversed...WTF...
Have a great one Mr. T...
nut...a CD kitten(and proud of it)
This all sounds like too much fun to me- and when I think that I missed meeting the real, authentic Cat Daddy-
Next time-
Can I sit my husband next to yours? He'll bring an ice chest.
I have the most fab news ever! Something that's gonna put me in close proximity to that hunky CD of yours come Spring, watch out Mama! Come to my blog, I'm so excited I might just wet myself!
You and Cat Daddy are welcome any time! Bring Bella; I'll babysit while you junk to your heart's desire in Portland. BTW, I have never wanted to go to Texas until I "met" you!
You are so much fun, not that we have ever met, but I can tell that if I met you I would love ya to pieces and CD tooooooo....
Feliz Cumpleanos Cat Daddy!
Hey girl,
so good to see ya in texas. Tell the cool cat I said meow !!!!
peacock park design
Nice post - cat in the hat pictures ..Keep Posting
cat in the hat pictures
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