In case y'all haven't noticed or have been hiding under a rock, there are a lot of giveaways going on right now. Fiona & Twig is giving away an Anthropologie gift card and a copy of Stan Williams' book, The Find. If that isn't enough, Six in One Hand is giving away a $50 gift certificate to anywhere, but the sweetest one is Garden Antiques giveaway. Sweet T is giving a gift certificate for $50 in merchandise from her stock...or as we like to call it...junk!
See, this is where my writer's blockage is stemming from. I've been stewing about this for days now. Theresa is always doing for all bloggers..both old and new..and it seemed to me that something was just so wrong about her giving something away instead of vice versa! She gives to us every day and for her to give a gift on her blogaversary is just throwed off on so many levels.
I've been a bit peckish trying to figure out a way to celebrate with her and for her. I know I wouldn't be blogging if it wasn't for her and Jenn. They encouraged me to start one and T guided me whenever I hit snags along the way. She always took the time to answer my loopy questions (which was every day) and never lost her patience with me (or if she did, she never let me know). When I hit post for the first time, she "introduced" me and she continues to sponsor countless others who are new to blogging. Having someone take you around and introduce you to the room really helps in the beginning...otherwise I would just be talking to a party of!
So-o-o, when I looked at the calendar and saw how close Halloween was...that was when it hit me....a way to say "Thanks Theresa" and help her celebrate three years of some really great blogging, full of all the news that fit to print!
Now before y'all go getting any grand ideas, I already checked and Johnny won't fit and as far as a million dollars goes...I checked the tree out back and it's empty!

Everybody needs a bag to go trick or treating, right? And as in everything else, we must do it with style, right? So, I thought I would send her this Betseyville handbag to fill, but then I said to myself..."Self, our queen should never have to go door to door, begging for junk...let's do it for her!" Self made perfect sense to me!
Here's what I'm thinking...I want y'all...her adoring leave me a comment and tell me what you think I should add in the bag.

Y'all can check her list of the things she loves on her giveaway post and make suggestions or you can wing it. I'll select 5 things from y'alls promptings and put them in the bag for her.
Think of the time we'll save her AND we'll keep her off the streets at night! (Just kidding!!) Seriously, I'm going to be taking suggestions until Midnight, All Hallows' eve (that's the 31st for the calendar challenged) and IF you leave a comment and IF you decide you'd like to be a follower and IF you do a link post, well then, I think there might just be a little treat for you as well...or at least one of you!
I could not agree more, I think Sweet T is absolutely the best! Well, I think considering how hard she works and how much she gives of herself to others, she deserves some *really* extravagant pampering. How about a gift card for a full body massage or some sort of spa treatment? Just something she might not take the time to get herself.
I'm sure whatever you pick, it'll be fab! What a good friend you are!
Okay,me and you have some more "stuff" in common! I LOVE Betsy Johnson and especially Betsyville because they are cooler, or at least I think so. Here's what I think you should do for Queen Theresa. This will take time, but maybe make a slideshow, like she always does of either some of her pictures or favorite blog posts you have enjoyed. Although, not quite sure how you could do that. Anyways, whatever you decide, she will TRULY love. I want to come play in Texas with all of you!!
T is the simply fabu!!!
How about a great bottle of wine!!!
That hits the ticket everytime!!!!
What a wonderful idea...Theresa is obiviously the huge influence on all of us who blog. I know we all like our "stuff", but I also know many of tend to not take enough time to pamper ourselves or spend enough time with our spouses.. NOT junkin! What about giving the gift of time with her hubby at a local coffee shop, cafe' or wine bar...too bad All Hallows is right around the corner or I would say all of us should send you something that we make for you to put in your wonderful bag for T! What a dear friend you are and thank you from me for doing such a wonderful gift for Theresa's anniversary.
My Best
OK! For sure you need to stick in hand sanitizer so she won't get the H1N1. Jan
Just when I think you've outdone yourself, you go and surprise me and then to do this, well I'm speechless! I just don't know what to say other than thank you, seriously, from the bottom of my heart ** **
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Darn, I tried to make you a heart and it didn't show up right, well you get the pic!
i will email you.
What a great idea! I will have to be thinking about what my picks are for the bag and get back to you.
i vote for an ironstone butterpat! bet she doesn't have any of those...haha! maybe chippy lauri would donate one...NOT! but i will if you'd like! i love that cutie theresa...she ROCKS!
you can't go wrong with a wasp nest Deb! The girl loves em more than me maybe... maybe...
Whatever you choose it will have Deb written all over it - Marvelous and fun is what I'm sayin'!!!
Gift Card to Dairy Queen where I seem to spend a lot of TIME!
In the Halloween spirit, I vote for Smarties...since she's so smart in helping you with the blogging...(and cause they are MY favorite...)
You really are a sweetie. I like the massage, or gift card with hubby. What about some candy! Really, it is a kind of tradition this time of year. Something special.
Well , I love a Starbucks gift card every now and the, they have coffee and chocolate. How Perfect. I'm so glad she got you started. xoxo, Sue
Deb, I'm thinking of a little bottle of perfume - a little romantic luxury to tuck into the purse. Do you know sweet Theresa's favourite perfume? have quiet a task ahead of you 'cause her list is long and FANTASTIC! LOL I say - give her a "shopping pass" to YOUR collection of great junk...OOPS - great finds!!! ;)
Hi Debbie! Thanks for visiting my new blog. Now I've found you and will be spending more time perusing and enjoying your beautiful blog. I love this post in particular since I'm a newbie. Such a sweet story you've told. What a beautiful bedroom, too! As for what to add to the bag ~ it's not big $$ but a winter's supply of hot chocolate packets and marshmallows might just be something to include! ~ Angela
Hi Debbie, what a wonderful idea! Theresa is the reason so many of us started blogging. I'm thinking a wonderful "gift card" so she and her handsome hubby can go to their favorite restaurant and maybe a movie, really shoot the works! Let's all contribute! Make it really special.
Okay, darlin Deb, I haven't heard back from you... what's the buzz? Gosh the weather is getting bad here it is gonna hurt the Canton trade days. I canceled my trip.
Drop me a line sweety.
Hi Debbie,
Thanks for stopping by. I love your blog and would love one day to come to Texas....maybe next Fall!
As for a about some fab jewelry but put in a little mini decorated trashcan!(talking trash...get it?!!!) maybe a bit corny but cute!
what a wonderful are so very thoughtful!
how sweet you are, I love that bag. My she will be one fashionable Bag Lady! How about some sweets for the sweet, a notebook to catch all those fleeting thoughts, a calendar? That is all I got girlie!
You are such a doll. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. I LOVE peppermint foot scrub. Makes the tootsies feel SO good-really nice after a long day. And it would fit nicely in that pretty bag.
Take care,
Debbie...girl, you totally make my day with your crazy, fun comments! I laughed so much when I read the one on my last post! You're awesome!
Now, about T's gift. I am just thinking of dinner and a movie. It's always nice to have a date night!
Have a great weekend!
Happy Halloween silly girl...I was wondering what happened to all of my candy!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
That bag is darling and what a great thing to do for the sweet T! No bag is complete without some kind of lip goop... lip gloss, lip balm or even lipstick! Happy Halloween sweetie!
Hope you can edit cause you got mail that needs a good cropping... gift card inclosed. Let me know if it won't work.
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