I have never been so happy to see the skyline of Dallas as I was Sunday! At least I could see it. When we left from Zapp, it was water as far as the eye could see. The show began with rain...high heat and humidity in the middle...then arklike flooding to end it on a high water mark! This had to be one of the toughest shows we've ever had. To all of you who came out to shop, see us and party...a great big ol' Texas thank you is coming your way.
I didn't tell y'all about our adventure when taking the trailer down the Saturday before the show opened and I won't bore you now with the details. Suffice it to say, Cat Daddy ended up changing one tire on the trailer 3 (count 'em, THREE) times! Nuff said!

The Czech Stop is in West and everybody traveling on I-35 stops! This place is a service station/sandwich shop/kolache/cookie/cake...well, you get the picture. The very best egg salad and pimento cheese, bar none! I've been known to fall in the floorboard and throw a hissy fit if Cat Daddy doesn't turn that signal on to exit!
I really hate to tell y'all this, but I didn't take a whole lot of photos. Between trying to get unloaded, setting up and visiting, there just didn't seem to be enough time. I'm so sorry, but Zita will tell y'all, I was working very hard trying to get it all out. I'd get to talking to visitors and totally forget to take pictures. Y'all know me...I love the sound of my own voice! I've been doing a little lurking of my own though and it looks like the show is well covered. Besides, y'all know I can't hold a candle to Sweet T's coverage!
I don't want to drone on and on about how hot it was...but good gosh-a-rover...the humidity was brutal. On the plus side...my skin has never looked so good!

What amazed me was the shoppers. The crowd seemed a little slim this time, but those who came out to shop did so with a vengeance! We're talking serious shoppers...power shoppers! I noticed that the market is changing. Just guessing, but I would say that 90% of our buyers are women. This creates a whole different set of dynamics for displaying and merchandising. They either want to dig in a huge pile of stuff or be blown away by over the top displays. Either way...it's a challenge to keep it fresh.
I can't help but smile while I'm there. Seeing old friends is like going to a family reunion with relatives you really like. Meeting new folks is always a treat for me. This time was no exception. I got to mix and mingle with great new people. I'll be showing some photos of the blog party later. Y'all know I managed to find the time to go to that!

One of my biggest thrills this time was meeting Zita of Mlle Magpie. She is everything you have pictured when you read her posts. So much style, grace and poise! Clever, funny, cuter than a new puppy and just a joy! To think she traveled all the way from Canada alone just blows my mind. I don't think I would ever have that much nerve...ever! She said she is coming back in the spring and I just can't wait to see her again.
Pam, the hydrangeas were gorgeous and several(and I do mean several) people asked me for my source! You can't imagine how happy it made me to say a dear friend sent them to me. Thank you so much!
A special thank you to Fancy as well. She schlepped bittersweet to me from Missouri on Sunday. Between the hydrangeas, bittersweet, pumpkins and tree limbs I snagged from Mindy, the booth spruced up rather pretty.

You are not kidding about the The Czech Stop! I have to stop there every time I go to Ft. Worth.
Your booth looked great, and I was so glad to see you!
We will have to get together again soon.
Cat Daddy's arch nemesis...the tire! Every darned time!! Glad you made it safely!!
I am soooooooooooo glad you are back!! I missed YOU and your wonderful blogging. I am sorry that it was so very humid for you guys, that really makes it tough. I hope you had a sell-out. Looking forward of pictures from all of you!
My Best
How HOW HOW can it be that yall have sooo many flat tires EVERY. SINGLE. TIME???? That might be enough to make me give up!
On a brighter side, it looks like your booth was pretty. Hope you sold a LOT! Glad yall are back, safe and sound.
Debbie!! It's so great to see you - I missed you. I bet you are just exhausted - a good exhausted but tired out nonetheless. Thanks for taking the time to post , I'm so glad your back. xoxo , Sue
AWw! You were the best neighbors a girl could ask for. You did take some great pictures, between setting up and visiting. Love 'em! ~Mindy
Ooohhh, girl I've missed your cute self here in blogland. Glad you had a good show, and I'm so glad you didn't get washed away! Hilarious about the humidity and complexion, Corey mentioned that too, guess I need to spend more time in Texas! Rest up!
Missed you!
I live like 20 min from the Czech Stop and I've never been HA! I guess I should go some time.......
I am seriously lovin' your Beverly Hillbillies Truck, girlfriend! The bad weather must've hit right after we left, it was a pretty nice day when we were there.
I've stopped at the Czech Stop lots of times on the way up to Dallas, it is a lifesaver on those long drives! And what about Cat Daddy's coozies? I'm sitting here looking at mine right now. Love it. And y'all!
Glad you're back girl! Even though I couldn't be there it was nice to have my CR family take my place, and "thank you" for the nice comments on my blog about them. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful Country Roads family. Hopefully in the Spring I won't be living the show through picutres. And everyone at CR said it was the worse humidity ever. Gloria said it soaked all the way through her bra! But that girl, when it comes to shopping, is non stopable. I'm glad they all got to go and meet one of my favorite people, you! Take care.
Deb, you are a hoot and can tell a story like none other. We headed back in the mud last night to pick up one of two of the trailers. Had the best time visiting with you and CD. And the weather, well you can only hope for the best and just manage the rest.
OMG am I glad you are back! It's been soooooo lonely around here without my peeps. LOL. bring on the pictures. You know I live vicariously through you guys. So glad you are home safe. Big ol Texas Hugs, Patricia
You should by stock in Goodyear.
Glad your back
Love the Chez shop it just down the street YUM!! I love all the breads
PS I sent ya an invation in your emil had to make my blog private :-(
Glad yall made it back safe
I have been thinking of you and wondering how everything went!! Your booth looks amazing! I can't wait to hear and see more! You were very missed while you were gone :)
I so missed out by not being from TEXAS!!!
Lou Cinda :)
I am glad you had a good time and despite the weather had good sales!!! I knew people were still buying. One day I will make it to Round Top-until then I will just gush over everyone elses trips and look at all the lovely photos and goodies that got sold...Love Tiina...
I LOVE MY CAT DADDY COOZIE! He gave me a pink one! Thanks, CD. Good to see you two.
Sounds like a great time (minus the heat and flat tires). One of these years I'd love to be down there, y'all love your junk down in Texas!
(And it sounds as if you like saying "y'all" so I tried it out just for fun!)
loved seeing you and CD! your booth was amazing, as always! let me know when you want to borrow my purple bling...it's yours for the asking! hey, forgot to ask you...when are you going to join us on Facebook??? you can link your blog, it's fun....get over there, get it set-up (takes all of 5 minutes) and friend me...wouldya?
Debbie, you have a lot of tire stories!
Hey Debbie!
Thanks for coming by my blog today! I am glad y'all are back home safe and sound and didn't wash away in all that rain!
Hope y'all get a chance to rest now.
WOW! Your booth looked amazing! Hate to sound like a broken record but I MISSED Y'ALL so much. I can't believe my own Chippy didn't call me at the BLog party...any way...glad you are safe and sound! xo lulu
Ooooh, Debbie, I'm loving those photos from your booth. You've got an eye and you've got style! I really wanted to get something from your booth, but you were SO sweet and gracious to take all that time to chat with me and Isabelle while you were still setting up, I didn't want to put any more pressure on you by asking if you could, by the way, hurry up and get all of those smalls of yours unpacked so this wilted Canadian could have something fab from your booth to take back home to remember you and Cat Daddy by? I don't think so. That's another big reason why I just HAVE to come back again in the springtime! p.s. atleast I got to become one of Cat Daddy's Kittens and have the coozie to prove it!
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