Theresa just did a post on the blog party (which was so much fun) and I thought I would show y'all Cat Daddy's take on it. Now keep in mind, I turned him loose with the camera and this is the result. I must add a warning at this point...this is not for the faint of heart or be forewarned!
Polly of Counting Your Blessings and her cutie patootie hubby, Steve.
David and Mindy (who is obviously channeling Cat Daddy) strike a cute pose for the King!
Stan with his adoring audience. Three words ladies...Fab U Lous!
Angelique' and her divine Mr. M. meeting Janet (who, BTW, was wearing a necklace 2die4 AND she has pinkie swore to let me borrow it!!!)
Are y'all starting to see the pattern here? Look closely and think about what you are viewing. MEN!!! Yowza girlies! There were so many good looking men at this party and y'all thought it was all about the ladies.!
Yessirre bob...the old Y chromosome was well represented! Why even JLB showed up with Cher! Dig the guns on Amy's Ron!
Shelley's Mr. Sweet Pea (and we know what that stands for, don't we Shelley?)
Craigie Poo minus the hard hat/cowboy hat and TOT! (She was busy struttin' her stuff in a fab little slip of a dress!)

If I missed anybody's name, just let me know and I'll add it right in, but for now, I want to be the first to thank Cat Daddy for providing some real insight into the blog party that we ladies sometimes miss in our giddiness! This, my friends, is the REAL eye candy of the show!
Great photos, Cat Daddy! Makes me proud to be one of your kittens! :) Ron and I enjoyed hanging out with both of you! Looking forward to our next visit!
P.S. Thanks for the thoughtful gift!
P.P.S. Ron loves the "guns" comment!! :)
Cat Daddy did good!! He gave the dirt from a man's point of view! How fun!!
So glad ya'll had fun!!
Lou Cinda :)
Looks like a fab time was had by all...Love that your blog music is "It's Raining Men"! xoxo from Portland
GOOOOO CAT DADDY!!!! he did a great job!
So, if I get my California butt out there in the Spring to join all of you, are any of these good lookin guys single? I love all the pictures, I "almost" feel like I was there!
I figured with CD using the view finder it would be an ALL-GIRL post. This just shows he is well balanced and promoting the Male attendance! Loved all the photos!
Man, between that and all the cool pictures of the show you have nothing but eye candy around here! Dang-nabbit, gotta hitch myself a ride to Texas~!
Any your song...Laugh my ass off funny!
I must be dwellin' in the wrong state
missn out on all the fun is no fun
Well, I must say that Cat Daddy has an interesting eye too. Seems he really liked to focus on the boys gone wild theme - brings a whole new perspective to Theresa's blogger parties, doesn't it?
Great picts! Looks like so much fun. Those men deserve a great big pat on the back for joining your party. Cat Daddy is good with the camera.
Next year's coozies should read, "I'm a Tom Cattin' friend of Cat Daddy. I came with one of his kittens!" Wait. That sounds dirty but you know what I mean!
Debbie: I knew you would appreciate my cat's name! Beautiful things are named Bella!
Lou Cinda
Cat Daddy won my heart during the show. He was a helpful big brother every single day, sharing tips, making me smile and walking back and forth with that 2 wheeler. Ha! You are a blessed woman, ya know? ~Mindy
Good job, Cat Daddy!! Fun to see you all down there, that is what I could still see through the sweat!
Sounds like you had a heck of a time! Someday...I will plan to make it out there and see what the fuss is all about! As always, thanks for stopping by my blog. Tami E.
Hi sweetie!
Sorry I missed ya'll this year! Texan hubby and I went early because I had some serious shopping to do and had to get back to the shop! Hope ya'll had a great show and maybe we will be able to see you in the spring!
Oh my gosh - that clinches it! I'm going on a diet!! Yikes. And why was I wearing so many layers in that unbelievable heat?? *smiles*
It was so much fun meeting you in person, Deb! And, of course, Lauri and TOT and so many others. Cat Daddy was terribly sweet with his coozi's. I can't wait to do it again!!
Blessings... Polly
"Boys Gone Wild" -- I love it! That's the story of my life!! lol
Looks like you all had a wonderful time...I am looking forward to seeing more pix of this month long party.
Barn House
;D !!!!!!!!
yapping cat
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