Sorry I am so out of breath...there is nothing like being late for one's own party! A certain program that I won't mention (Blogger was giving me fits!) didn't want to cooperate with uploading the photos, but I am also guilty as charged of being a first degree procrastinator! Shoulda started earlier, but I'll try and make it up to you with a great slumber party!
Before we get this party kicked into high are a few house rules:
- No dancing on the furniture...that includes the Twist, Mashed Potatoes, Jerk, Iron Horse, and the Cabbage Patch!
- No smoking the bathroom...I don't care if everybody else is doing it! If everybody else was running naked in the streets, would you do that too? Don't answer that, you know who!
- No prank phone calling...unless I'm the one doing the dialing! got Prince Albert in a can?
- No opening the windows for boys to sneak in and NO sneaking out to meet guys...bring 'em in the front door...just let me get the curlers outta my hair first and some lipstick on!
- No gossiping...I don't care if you can see through Gussie's gown...pretend you don't!
- toilet papering the neighbor's house. I gotta live in this town after you go home!
It's time to ask the Magic Eight Ball if we are ready to have a good time! Magic 8 Ball, are we ready to have a good time? Whaddaya says HECK YEAH! Do you want to start out with Truth or Dare just as an ice breaker? I dare you to tell me your real age AND your real hair color!
Whoops, I forgot to tell y'all to try and not be the first one to fall asleep! Guess whose bra is going in the freezer first and I guess we all know whose little hand goes in the warm she needs any encouragement in that department. If you lose!
I think I've covered all the bases for insuring a great time for all! I've gathered up a bunch of holiday classics sure to make y'all smile! Hey, can one of y'all do my hair like Princess Leia...guys dig it!
Games you say? Oh baby, do I have games to play! How about a couple rounds of Mystery Date...just be sure you don't end up with the nerd! Sorry about that girlfriend...didn't know you married him! Oh, you say he's the CEO at Microsoft bad!
There is nothing like a rousing game of Twister to work out all those kinks and make you feel like a youngster again...until tomorrow morning! Boys...listen up...all hands on the Twister mat and no where else or it's out the door with you, mister! Speaking of boys...I want y'all to have a good time, but come can party, but you can't party here! I won't have the ladies league gossiping about what went on here!
I think I bought plenty to eat...hopefully enough to last the night...otherwise someone has got to make a run to the Border! Who has a license to drive...and a car with gas?
For the girls, I got pizza. We'll put some toothpaste on those zits and worry about them tomorrow!
And for the boys....Hangdown! Do I know the way to a man's heart or what. I'm gonna make some man happy one day...or so my Daddy said!
To wash it all down with, nothing beats a steaming cup of Hot Dr. Pepper with a twist...except maybe a vodka tonic with a twist!
For entertainment and a little lip syncing...check it doesn't get any better than this! Girls, quit giggling and flirting with Cat Daddy...I can't hear myself think!
If Elvis isn't groovy about a little Rubber Soul? One of these days, I'm gonna run away with Paul...just as soon as he knows who I am. If I scream a little you think I could get his attention?
Like I said earlier...I think I've covered all the basics. In fact, the only thing I can see missing now is.....
So just a nice and leave me a comment by Midnight, December 20 (I pushed it out one day due to the postponement) and I'll put your name in the freezer with Jenn's bra. If you invite friends over to play with a post, I'll put it in again...if you do a post with jamos, that's three chances you'll get! If you like what you're reading and you'd like to become a follower, please do. I may have something up my sleeve for new friends! Brrr, baby it's cold in there...but just for a little while!
Gift #1
Gift #2
Set of four Gorham crystal martini/pudding glasses
Gift # 3
Vintage ballerina length gown...perfect condition! I KNOW!!! Isn't it dreamy...perfect for wearing to bed or out on the town. It is gorgeous, but my flat butt won't fit into it or I would be wearing it now instead of the little sideboard getting to! It is just impossible to have a p.j. party and not give away something to have sweet dreams in! Right? Right! And to go with it...
Darling Christmas mask...would look lovely with this gown and I'm willing to bet money your better half would love the winning combination!
I think that's y'all mix...mingle...make some new friends...invite some old ones! Just be sure and have a good time and let me know what else I can do to make you comfortable...besides letting you show up in your ratty bathrobe!
Kiddies...put Cat Daddy down...gotta run...the inmates are running amuck!
Ha!!! Now that was fun! Laughed out loud...thanks for that :)
Too funny!
:) T
I can't stay if we aren't going to hypnotize someone or join in on a little levitation.
We are all 'light as a feather'.
Do not laugh. I am considered an expert levitator.
And I didn't see anything about Wild Turkey.
Oh heck-
Of course I'm staying
Peer pressure.
I'm here and in my pj's! Staying up all night.
the pizzas look good and love the 'puddin' glasses - what i use mine for also ... raised on dr. pepper .. best cure for a hang-over eva! ..
oh girlfriend!!! I love this post!!!
now...I am a Dr.Pepper addict...a raging serious addict I tell ya...and I have never had a hot one...I have had a twist...but not a hot ...I am off to the kitchen to try that!
love ya!
Hi y'all! This is gonna be so much fun! Nothin' dorky here! Who's got the camera? Ya want some gum? Chocolate? Ooooh, never had a hot Dr. Pepper. Mystery Date? Only the best game EVERRRR! Gee, Debbie, this is just the coolest! Thanks for inviting us. ~ Angela
My Dad tells the best ghost stories. And Mom makes some great chocolate chip cookies. We just have to promise not to giggle toooo loud after 10 when they go to bed. Oh look! It's already 11:28pm! I'm sorry I'm late for the party. But, since it looks like it will be going on for a while. Well, heck. Let's party! Who brought the big pink hair rollers??? ~Mindy
OOOHHH a seance would be fun! Can I get a little bourbon in that hot Dr. Pepper? Don't tell my parents. Deb you gotta reread my post today, I added to it. I am so excited!
Gee, I wonder who brought the eggnog? ;-)
I'm already in my brand new pj's I got for my birthday and I'm bringing the nailpolish.
Can't have a party with ugly nails.
I can bring my ear piercing kit too..
I'm a me....just don't tell my mama.
Mystery Date!!!!!! My favorite game of all time! I am so lovin this.
Come on let me TP the neighbor Please!!!!
Fire up those candles and count me in on the levitation! I am already chanting, "light as a feather"!!!! michele j.
I've never heard of this special Dr. Pepper drink! The gown is definitely 'dreamy'. You sure know how to throw a party! Pizzas look so yummy right now.
By the way, how's your friend doing? The one you posted about yesterday...
You have to go check out my is all about your party! We are going to have so much fun!!!
You are the hostess with the always!! Do those martini glasses come filled?
Amy, those glasses have been filled and emptied with Pennsylvania Dutch egg nog more times than I can count. Thank goodness my PJ's have growing room! Now. Where is my bottle? Robelyn! Did you steal it again? ~Mindy
I'm down under in Australia in my pjs lovin' your blog every day..I'm always up for a game of twister and love a sleep over...Bring on the truth and dares, can't wait to share and giggle...
Debbie, I'm thinking this party is about to pick up. I just sent out an invite. Check in, folks! Troy, stop hogging all the pepperoni pizza! ~Mindy
For sure going to try a HOT DP!! Thanks for always making us smile.. Hugs darlin'!
How safe would it be for a 'Jersey girl' to come to a sleepover down in the lone star state ?! .... eewww, warm Dr. Pepper, serious? ... don't know about that, but that 'Pennsy' eggnog sounds inviting!! I'm going to get my pjs.....
Did I make it in time for the TWISTER game? I am here with a case of warm Dr. Peppers!!
I wore my fat pants pj's ... Mindy are you sharing the nog? I would like to put it in my moose cup... yaw know the one.
OK, I'm the whiney one that always got shortsheeted or shaving cream in my sleeping bag. Everyone would hide the donuts, and jump out and scare me. I'm comin', but you all have to promise to be nice. Besides, when I take out my contacts I'm blind as a bat. So no fair turning off all the lights and hiding the toilet paper in the bathroom!
Lee, I am, by nature, a share-er. Hold that moose cup out.
Debra, I'll guide you all around after you take your contacts out. What are friends for?
I don't know about y'all. But, I am feeling very unsupervised. Reckon Debbie and Danny have left us all alone to tear the place apart? Someone crank up the music and let's see how long it takes the neighbors to complain.
Okay, I've got some questions here before I commit....Hangdown? What? Is that made with venison? Thank goodness you showed a picture of it!
Also...Am I gonna have to wear jammies when I come and live with you? I thought I read in the brochure that clothing was optional...wasn't that your brochure? Of course, if David's going to be there with his camera he'll need the extra wide lens. Heeheee....
I just invited some of my red.neck friends...I'ma hopin' you don't mind... LOLOLOLOL
I'm so excited!!! I've got my duct tape packed (no parties complete without it...) and I'm ready to go!!!
Now... where did I put that package of toilet paper....
;-) Robelyn
P.S. I'm only 21...
I almost missed this!!
How could I not be at the Coolest party of the year?! Thanks for inviting me! Otherwise I would have had to crash the party. :0)
Just so you know I always fall in Twister after the second move - I am So unco-ordinated.
Good grief y'all...who called the police and why is there yellow tape all around the house? I just ran to get ice cream and donuts and come back to find y'all running amuck, amuck, amuck! Laura, I don't know nothin' about Wild Turkey, but I do know a certain Wild Cat...wink wink, nudge, nudge!
Troy, from the looks of things I think we're going to be needing your D.P.Cure in the morning!
Sue, are you uncoordinated or uneggnogged?
Robelyn...yeah and I'm 30...thank goodness ol' C.D. is blind as a bat...speaking of B.A.A.B., run get your duct tape and tape the lid down on the toilet before Debra goes in there! Turn the light off too...that outta be fun!
Cassie, to the unlightened, hangdown just happens to be one of the four food groups down here in Texas right along with BBQ, catfish, mexican food and anything chicken fried! Oh and I'll be glad to make your reservations at the Sundowner Nudist Farm located just out of sunny Canton!
Lee, I prefer to call them waist challenged seeing that is all I own!
Pam, bourbon and D.P.? Really??? Maybe milk and Pepsi!
Y'all it's HOT Dr. Pepper...H--O--T...not luke warm...that's just like you know totally gross!
Ear piercing kit...we don't need no stinkin' kit...that's what clothes pins were invented for!
Ok, who's got the quija board...I want to find out if Cat Daddy likes me!
Well...*hiccup* since that Mindy busted me with her bottle of eggnog I guess I'll climb down off the roof (hey, how come you haven't taught that dude down the street how to yodel yet? *hiccup* good thing i been let loose 'round these parts...*hiccup*... fyi: he's a quick study)
Where was I?
Oh - now I sho' do luve me that Debra, *hiccup* but Mindy's nog brings out the tiny devil... so I'm all over it with my duct tape - the way I see it, she'll never know who done it 'cause Lee turned the light out right after I duct taped and I'm certain I see David out there paperin' yodel dude's house... and that's not the tp I brought with me...
Wooohooo !!! I am still recouping from the birthday party but I am sooooo there!!! I will whip out the makeup for MAKEOVERS!!!
psss... I have my flask if anyone wants their punch spiked...Mindy.
And Redneck...don't be duct taping my mouth when I'm sleep either!!!
Mindy, I just realized...I didn't order any pepperoni pizza yet...what on earth are you eating?
Remember Misty if you go to sleep where you can find your bra the next morning!
What yodel dude down the street, RNC? Are you talking about Mrs. Glump...she can't help it if she's 6'1" with a 'stache...hormones, don't ya know?
Ha! Troy brought it with him. He thought, being a boy and all, he needed to bring comfort food with him to get in the door. He is a good man, isn't he?
Mrs.Glump is a heck of a yodeler!
MALisa, who is that singing now? You know I'm too young to know all these groups! he he he ~Mindy
oh, i couldn't miss stoppin by this party! looks like so much fun!!
merry christmas!
Ohhhh....Debbie....I'm sorry I'm so LATE! I had to do Christmas shopping....stop at the liquor store and get the stuff to make hot fudge sundaes for later! I had to make plane reservations for my trip to visit my sister in Cleveland on Christmas too!
Mystery Date! That's my favorite game! I don't even care if I get that nerdy guy! I'm not a big fan of Twister though...(maybe that's why I'm having back problems right now...huh?!?! Now...who brought the Barbies and are we doing a clothes swap?
"Light as a feather...stiff as a board..." Yup...I know that one too! :-) I'm havin' fun! Tami
Dadgumit girl!.... I thought the party was Thursday night! Is anyone still here? Anyone with peanut butter in their hair, underwear in the freezer?
My mom's already left and I don't have a ride.... anyone here?....
Fine, I'm taking my barbies and walking home!! ;-)
Oh, I hate coming to a party late, you feel like everyones laughing at you when you walk in the room---Just give me a big cup of eggnog and I'll soon not care! Glad I got invited!
Tami, Jill, L.A., girls, you aren't're just making an entrance and trying to steal all the attention. Laurie, don't take your Barbies, c'mon...I want to fix her hair.
Hang around...the fun is just getting started!
Phew!...Sorry I'm late. I had to iron my fleece jammies first cause I wanted to look my best for all you sweet Junkette's. I brought along the makin's for some pomegranate margaritas...anyone want one? Lots of antioxidants, dontcha know!?
Now I'm going to whoosh back to my new post and let everyone know about the party. Hope you have lots of pillows! I'll be right back
OK, I'm making a fool of myself over on my blog now, so go over and see it and laugh, but you have to leave a comment so I'll know you still like me.
p.s. Debbie, I'm SOOOOOO getting extra points for this!
Y'all look so cute all snug as bugs on a rug on Baptist pallets everywhere! I checked and the freezer is getting full of bras and jock straps. I've left out hot coffee, hot cocoa, hot donuts, AND hot Dr. Pepper for y'all when you wake up. I've got to go out and get more provisions (we got two more nights, y'all, for this pajamapalooza! Y'all take a little nap and I'll check in on y'all later to see who's up! There's cucumbers in the fridge for those bags under the eyes...if you need 'em! Tighten those bra straps...we've got "miles to go before we sleep"!
Can we go skinny dipping in the pool, too? Promise to keep the pool lights out! If I get Poindexter in Mystery Date, someone's gonna pay! I ALWAYS get Poindexter!!!
I'll be getting into my jammies and coming over tonight. Good thing Mom doesn't know about the boys, or I'd be grounded again. Don't let Deb hog all the Dr. Pepper, now. You know how she gets!
I invited a few of my friends and the promised to be good *snicker*.
Yeah Right!!!!
Pass the eggnog pleeeeze...
RNC, I might need you to duct tape my cane to my hand so I don't fall down...LOLOL!!!!
Well, I finally made it and not a minute too soon...Debra's stuck in the bathroom screaming for TP and Angelique is spiking everybody's drink! Alright, Mindy pour me a big ole glass of that eggnog! I am ready to PAR-TAY!!!!
Whoo-hoo, I'm so glad I'm not late for the PAR-TAY! Debra @ Common Grounds invited me over!
I posted
and yep I'm in my PJ's (circa 1970's)
I am now a follower of Talking Trash!! I like what I see!!
Ah, come on, let me make a crank call, pretty please . . . .
Love this post and this party - glad I made it.
Deb-Deb-Deb... you can sure put on a party girl! I've got my bells on... teehee... and you already know I'm! Haircolor... natural gray which is why I'm a blond now. It's been so long since I've seen the "natural" color... I may be as white as Candy @ Rock Candy by now!
You know I'll invite all my friends along with me to the party.. thanks for inviting me... Have a beautiful happy Friday... and give the "Bella of the Ball" a big hug from Aunt Dixie!
Laurie - get back here with those barbies!!! I need the pink sparklin' shoes!
And Mindy...she's been hittin' the nog bottle (we're swappin' it back and forth) so it COULD be pepperoni, but it could be frozen stuff out of the freezer (you know, behind the donuts.) - she might not know the difference...
Jill - never would I laugh! I shoulda brought my tractor over to pick you up sooner but Mrs. Glump...she wouldn't quit yodelin' and yodelin' and yodelin'... you can thank me later Debbie.
Hey Angelisix - I'll bring my duct tape with the lil' cute skullies on it JUST for you!!! And Misixty - I ain't makin' no promises...
Robelyn, I quite drinking after you stole the bottle. Thief.
Somebody tell me who all was jsut singing Amazing Grace with Debbie? I knew Debbie could sing. Wasn't she great? Who else? What part were you singing? We might need to do it again, it was so pretty! ~Mindy
Debra over at Common Ground sent me over - what a hoot! Love your blog. =)
Is that my bra I see in the freezer? Y'all think y'all are funny, huh? That's okay where's Robelyn's duct tape...oh, and that was me singing with Debbie. You didn't know I could belt out a good tune now and again, did you? Me and Debbie are just getting warmed up! Y'all ready for some truth or dare? Don't look now, but I think the twins are up to no good! Anne, we need some help over here!
I'm here!!! Thanks for the invite - hate to crash parties - no, that's a lie. Love to crash them.....I LOVE parties....I'm the one who brings the "make-over" stuff. I love to paint walls and love to paint faces....and being married to a barber, I get the insider good stuff! Paraffin Wax dip! Yes, we can all dip our hands and tootsies and wrap them in plastic and get all soft from this winter cold. Besides, when your hands are wrapped up, you can't stop me from doing your hair the way I want to...hhahahahaha! PJ's rule! I am writing this while still in mine and it is 1pm!
Yo, Adrienne (sorry couldn't help myself), LOL, I double dog dare ya'!
Hilarious post, Anne of Fiona and Twig sent me over. Her post was full of laughs, also... Congrats! 100,000 is HUGE! Don't know if you still have room in that crowded freezer, but count me in, I know a few party tricks you didn't write about!
I follow (now!)
So much fun - what a great idea! I don't think that I have any pics of myself in PJ's (except maybe at the hospital when my kids were born, hmm, I'll look for those!)
Marsha...did you say double dog dare? Well, now this party is really getting crazy! I might need another swig of eggnog to work up my nerve, though!
Hey y'all...can any one help me bring these groceries in...y'all stay out of the you want your hair to turn green? I gotta make another run to the market...forgot Doritos and M/M's, plain and peanut. I may be awhile...everybody and their dog is getting Christmas groceries! While I'm gone, who should I leave in charge...who's the oldest? Anyway, while I'm gone stay outta trouble and outta the cabinet...liquor and medicine!
Oh, I'll take M/M peanuts please!! Hey, there better not be p in the ool!!
Yep, I double-dog-dare! Here, have a Dr. Pepper chaser!
Anyone up for a pillow fight?!?!
I'm only 17...
Mindy - NEVER would I take off with your nog without sharin' - Adrienne, want some? teeheehee AND I'll share my duct tape with you - who we gettin' this time? We can work fast... while Trash is gettin' the Dorito's - I don't think ANYBODY is in charge of us right now!!! Whoo hoo!!!
Do you think Elizabeth's paraffin wax will work on duct tape adhesive? I think I just accidentally taped up Anne...
Deb...You think anyone is going to admit they are the oldest...I-don't-think-so! :-) I just got back from the liquor store, boy, you girlies really like the Bailey's and White Russians! Watch that creeps up on ya! and leave some for me!
I found my big fluffy pink slippers and more pink spongy rollers! Elizabeth..I'll let ya do my hair...but I get to do your too! ;-)
Anybody bring a Ken doll? Barbie needs a date to the Holiday Ball! Growin' Hair Francie (her cousin) has already tryin to move in on Alan and Midge...Francie's gonna get her fool self in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!
Whoppee! I am ready to par-tay! You really know how to throw a great pajama party. What the heck, I live in my pajamas, just look at my blog picture!
I'm gettin my baby dolls out right now, cauze this here is a special o-cassion!
I'm going to be the biggest cry baby ever!! I missed out on all your guy's fun (weep weep) Dang this 'ol internet anywho...We got some huge storm (yes, even in California) and kocked us from all civil and uncivil communications!! Well, anyway looks like you all had a great time and sides all my pjs have paint all over them anyway. Doesn't anyone else have that problem??
Since the boys have to leave by midnight, David and I are gonna go play spin the bottle or 7 minutes in Heaven, or whatever you wanna call it. But, y'all go on without us. Maybe I'll show y'all my hickey after he leaves. ~Mindy
Mindy...7 minutes...really??? OMGosh...a hickey...I thought only loosie goosies got hickeys! sure the back is cinched up good and tight on those hospital p.j.s! Wouldn't want to get raided for indecent exposure or southern exposure!
RNC, you accidentally taped up Anne's what?
E, will that hot wax work on upper lips...cause I've either got a Bailey's 'stache going on or my hormones are working overtime!
Hey y'all! Who wants to go moon someone? I still got the car key!
That was hilarious. BTW for Truth or Dare (really never played that game) my real hair color is dark brown & I'm 41 LOL.
Now, where's a pillow & get me a XX beer. I'm going in - PILLOW FIGHT - Cowabunga!!!!
I wanna win I wanna win - Hey ya' missed me with that pillow HAHA !!!
I love you blog and have become a follower. Cool giveaway~
Hey, Sissie, I'm glad to see you came to the party!!!
Gale, I do! I have paint and glue on my PJ's!!!
Hey, you all! I think I have 99% of you babies beat. Debbie and I may be short, but we're probably the oldest. OK, she's just a smidge older than me so that means we're the "bosses of you", nanny, nanny, poo poo (tongue sticking out). Whoops, I better put that thing back in my mouth I see Robelyn coming with the duct tape!!!
You are too clever Deb. I love it!
Enjoy your weekend.
Hey, Elizabeth, let's get everyone down and give them haircuts like we have. Maybe we'd have to wait until they're asleep. Debbie's been thinkin' of shorter hair. (evil laughter) Where's Randy?
I'm still getting a visual of Princess Leia's hair on the Queen of Trash...and I'm still crack me up!!!
Thank you very much!!!
Yes or No...
Does David Page like me or not???
I MUST know.
Okay now...enough is enough...who put my "butt" in the freezer with the padded bras? Houston, we have a problem...Cat Daddy has disappeared. Did the chick with the red neck and the duct tape make off with my man? I bet she taped his mouth shut, 'cause I know he'd be meowing for help by now! you think we're old...'cause I sure don't...not after the last two nights! Look at us...the old gals (I almost typed gasses) are still up and everyone else has fallen out! We'll show those young whippersnappers what a couple of party animals we are. I bet I can still get a high kick up by my ear or at least boob high...since they are down by my knees!
Don't go hatin' on my hair...there may be snow on the roof, but there is still plenty of fire on the floor ( is that how that goes?)!
Laura, we need one of those folded up thingies like we used to know the ones that you put all the boys names on and then worked with your fingers to see who liked you. If you can't make one....then we'll just have to go with "Plese check yes or no"!
Oh boy that brings back memories, those folded up thingies! I'm going to make one!!
ROTFL reminds of when Carol Burnett played the charwoman and she would flip her boob over her shoulder!
I'm up for partying all night!
Hey everybody!!! Mindy fell asleep on the couch! Where's the bowl so I can get some warm water...and does anyone have a sharpie marker?????? And where the heck is my bra?
Don't you know that a stash is the new beauty mark?? NOT!! :-) No, the wax aint' for the stash unless you want a rash - hahahaha now I am a poet. But we can bleach it. If I got a stash, it ain't showing yet - blond hair only shows in the sun. Yeah, Debra - let's do haircuts! Randy gets mad when I don't wait for him to trim mine and I get out a straight razor and start hacking away and when we sit on the sofa and watch TV I can see him "studying" my hair and wondering what I did to it. I will bring the razor, and we'll have a party with Edward sissorhands!!
OK, my computer just ate my comment! I was saying that Donna and I have been talkin', and we were wondering about takin' this slumber party to the Drive-In!!! Anybody up for "3 bucks for a car load"? We could take the mustang, but we'd have to stash a few of you in the trunk! Who's game?
(doesn't this remind you of Malisa's neverending story?)
Debbie, I don't know where Danny is now. But, after one minute in the bathroom, I mean after one minute in Heaven, Danny came knocking. And then Debra knocked saying something about toilet paper. And. Well. No hickeys. David left and I apparently fell asleep on the couch. Maybe Debra and Danny went in search of toilet paper?
Elizabeth, keep the wax away from Robelyn. She's not right in the head and I think wax and duct tape are too much excitement for her.
The Six sisters and Adrienne can sing! They woke me up with some kick butt harmonies. Who is up for choir practice?
Debbie, thanks for the pigs in the blanket. Good food, good music, good peeps. This pj party rocks! ~Mindy
And who put this mustache on my face? Melissa!!!!
Debbie, Joe says I can't come, something about Martinis and disco dancing??? That martini set is lookin pretty good though, maybe worth sneakin out for! As soon as he goes to me a spot for my sleeping bag. That is not hot Dr. Pepper, that is what we called a "Hot Totti." Can we make those with Diet Coke for Portia? Make sure you have Portia's meds or none of us will ever get to sleep, she will still be asking us what the theme of her vignette is or what the favorite thing we bought was... and you know Gina's gonna need a craft project of some kind. How about making some macrame key chains??? I'll have to stop by the store and get some squirt cheese and beef jerky for Heidi and tell her to park that hot pink Escalade round back, as to not draw attention from the neighbors! Tell Cat Daddy, no peekin in the bedroom windows!Yall don't have any fun til I get there...oops I just lost my fuzzy slipper in the shrubbery, and I cant get the window down! XOXO Carolyn
Did someone say disco dancing!? Let me find my glitter platforms . . . I'm there!!! Saturday night fever . . . . .
For a minute there I thought I got locked out . . . blogger wouldn't let me comment . . . where's Debbie with the Doritos and M & M's? I need some Tylenol for my head...too much of Mindy's eggnog! Robelyn just kept filling my cup up! Shoot! Y'all put my underwear in the freezer too! Well, I guess I won't have a problem mooning anybody now! LOL! Debbie, you mind if I borrow that Christmas mask to cover my face, I don't want anyone to recognize me!
Ya'll better not fall asleep first because I have a ton of eyeshadow colors that I'll test out on you. I was wanting to try a peacock look and I think ya'll would be the perfect testers for me. Oh and I brought some brownies talk about YUMMY!!
LOL....oh my gosh a flood of memories came pouring back to me!
This was super fun!
Merry Christmas
*rubbin eyeballs*
who duct taped me and threw me in the basement? and where's my bra? oh wait... i'm not old enough to need one yet. where's the eggnog and did sumbody say sumthin' 'bout white russians and - what's his name? Where's the flippy paper thing? Oh.... I hope he likes me...
geesh... i'm gone for a few hours, i get accused of tapin' cat daddy (sssshhhhhhh Debra - don't tell on us!!!) and now I'm sportin' a mohawk? But Elizabeth... I really like the 9th eyeshadow color you applied to me... what's that shade? And who is at the drive-ins mooning people? good grief! Adrienne and Debbie?! No way... I best remember where we taped up Cat Daddy... I hope the 6 twins remember...
*yawn* ...I gotta go home. Thanks for the grand time and why do I have such a headache? Wait a one of my eyebrows thinner than the other? Anyway, my Sweet JunkSistas and I are doing a traveling "eat-and-drink-and-checkoutthedecorations" at each other's houses tomorrow. I should have that Sweet Man-o-Mine drive us!! Spose I should get home and clean house because their houses a junky awesome!!! I'll post some pics after!
You all behave now!!
Good grief y'all...I step out for just a minute and I come back to find one holy mess! What the H-E-double hockey sticks has been going on here???
I go down to the rumpus room to find half of you being rumpusses and the other half asleep with "NERD" written in magic markers on your foreheads! Robelyn, is this torpedo bra yours...I found it under the couch and pray tell little the heck did it get under there and WHY is it under there!
Now I gotta go and shampoo the darn carpet 'cause there is nog, hot sauce and eyeshadow all smooshed together on it! Law...I hope no one barfs!
Mindy...who is the heck is Danny? We don't allow no "Danny Boys" around here! We like 'em called Snake and know...tough guy names...real biker dudes...ten speed bikes that is!
Okay, I gotta go out one more time...y'all are eating me outta house and home, but it's my own fault for bringing out the Hungry Hungry Hippos game, I guess!
It might be late, but I'll be bringing back Krispy Kremes if anyone's interested!
P.S. Would somebody Puh-Lease find Cat Daddy for me!
Are we gonna play a little "post office" or Murder in the Dark? Count me in!
The Red Shed
How absolutely fun...and I'm excited! LOL I'll stay up all night I'm no early sleeper! No way!
Oh, and I'm a follower now! Love your blog!!!
I'm up for some Krispy Kremes and some nog . . any left?
How come I have no eyebrows left!? Oh, yeah, I remember, I tried lighting the pilot light in the oven and it kind of blew up in my face . . . and then I went to make popcorn and I caught the popcorn popper on fire and . . . oh . . maybe you haven't been in the kitchen yet and seen the mess I left . . . .
Anyone have any blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick?
You always through the best parties. I think your next job should be event planner! Merry Christmas to you and CD and all your beautiful family, T
Oh my goodness!!! What a party!
94 comments - Is that a record for you?
I think I need another one of those Dr. Pepper drinks...any more left?
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