Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Head Over Heels In Love With White

"Buh bum, buh bum"

"Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree, for me...been an awful good girl

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight...buh bum, buh bum...

Santa baby...."

Oh I didn't see you sitting there. There is just nothing so relaxing as soaking in a hot tub and singing. Makes me feel tingly all over. In case you were wondering, my name is Sweetie Pie and I'm an ever so good friend of Trash. She's busy trying to dig through Christmas boxes and asked if I could give her a hand. As you can see, that's a little hard for me! I sure do want to help so I offered to do a White Wednesday post for know...WW hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm. I know, I'm a sweetheart...why do you think I'm called Sweetie Pie, silly goose?
I thought I could give you a peek (don't get your hopes up, you naughty thing) into my room mates' home if you like....Fran and Liz just adore white. Actually, they adore a lot of things. These are all my little brothers and sisters they have adopted. Poor least I have some body and WHAT A BODY, if I don't mind saying so myself! A fire would feel oh so nice right about now. Anyone care to light my fire? Oh you flatter yourself...I mean in the fireplace! What kind of girl do you take me for anyway?
I swan, but we sure seem to be missing a lot of body parts around here. I guess that why the girls love us so much. What do you think?

Excuse me, but I really must go now and slip into something a little more warmer. I have a busy day ahead as well making myself beautiful, but come up and see me anytime! I'll be waiting!


Sweetie Pie


Cassie said...

You know, sometimes when I need a little chuckle, I'll hop over to your blog just to look for that tart in the tub! I do love your style and humor. I'm considering moving to Texas...can I live with you?

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Oh Sweetie Pie oh Sweetie Pie...
How the needs to exit the tub
before the shrivel stays on your thigh...

Oh Sweetie Pie oh Sweetie Pie...
I hear Debbie calling
the tree has fallen on her, {sigh}...

Oh Sweetie Pie oh Sweetie Pie...
I'd love to sit here and sing with you all day
but admitting I am enjoying this would be a lie...

Oh Sweetie Pie oh Sweetie Pie...
We better keep our singing confined to the tub,
both YOU and I!!!

Oh Sweetie Pie oh Sweetie Pie...
I love your White Wednesday but...
please give us Debbie back, QUEEN of all high!

{yep, you asked for it. I am back. My spirit is feeling a little better but how can it not be when I peek in and see what you are concocting over here??? You sure know how to put a smile on anyone's face girl!!!}

Enjoy your White Wednesday...this is too cute!
everything vintage

red.neck chic said...

I'm laughing so hard I think my head just rolled off...yet, I'm not concerned at all 'cause Sweetie Pie dear, I have faith that you can TOTALLY hook me up.


Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Listen, Sweetie Pie, be careful not to overdo it today. Do pace yourself.

Anonymous said...

You are SO funny! You're posts are among the most creative that I read. You do have an unusually large amount of body parts decorating your home though. I don't anyone else who can make heads or headless women look so good! I get the feeling if I came to your house, I'd get lost for hours just looking around and I'd love everything I saw.

vintage girl at heart said...

I came for the junk and just about peed my pants at the funny..shh don't tell the other girls....

Anonymous said...

That Sweet Pea is some kinda something! You gotta keep coming back to see what kind of things are going to pop out, her mouth! I laughed so hard thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie Pie, I can't wait to show you what I came up with transforming an old lamp base into something oh so fabulous! Easy peasy! I was tickled white you came by because I got very frustrated going down the list of White Wednesday participants and finding no one home. I finally gave up and started creating some pretty tags. Those body parts...hmmmm....the heads are kinda skeery. :) See you soon! xoxo

Sue said...

Oh God, a WHOLE shelf of those frightening doll heads! I see them in my store and they scare the s..t of me each and every time!! But a WHOLE shelf load, wow, I'm impressed in a scary way! Take care.


Love the tunes and the heads. Yet another thing I have that creeps my kids out (don't ya just LOVE that??????).


DKG aka Scrappy Doo said...

OMG! all the heads!! LMAO at the post!

Unknown said...

Hi, I like to think I am pretty open-minded, and I really like to read your sillytalk.
BUT...I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets creeped out by those doll heads...crreeeepppy!!
Can't we find something better to collect?

Elizabeth Maxson said...

hahahahahahaha! I LOVE the Tub! Baby heads are the coolest....I remember years ago, when I had my store and I had it especially all glammed up with sparkly chandeliers, fancy furniture and such (must have been a good inventory month) I put a crystal bowl full of dirty, cracked baby doll heads right on a French night stand next to my antique bed with my custom bedding with a sign that said, "Not tonight..I have a headache" People didn't really get it. I could hear some customers whisper, "Why would she put such ugly dolls next to such pretty bedding??" I loved it!

Thanks for the laugh,

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Well, Sweetie Pie, this was hilarious! LOVED IT!! You provider of heads you!

Just loved it!

Lou Cinda :)

Debra@CommonGround said...

I have a sneaky suspicion that Sweetie Pie is more like Debbie than either one of them would like us to think. "Naughty and Nice" te.he.
...AND just for the record, I love Baby Heads! some of my best friends are Baby Heads!

Tootsie said... crack me up...but I do love the photos you post!

lorhen82 said...

OK girl, you've done it now! Every time I hear Santa Baby, it gets stuck in my head! So I'll just be humming it for the next few days! Thanks! :)

Laura said...

Dear Sweetie Pie-

Please tell Miss Priss Debbie that I almost spit my chili out of my mouth after reading her comment on my blog and then reading this.

I know I can't give up reading Miss Debbie's posts, so I guess I'll have to give up eating while posting...

Hmmm....Eating, blogging, and reading Miss Debbie's posts are soo much fun- especially when done together.

I'll figure it out!


Anne Lorys said...

I always love me a good, creepy doll head! Unless it's staring at me while I'm trying to go to sleep. Then not so much.