Happy Birthday Mother. Today you would have been 84 years young. You were a beautiful young woman and you were beautiful until the end. You had so many wonderful gifts that it was almost unfair. You were generous, funny, captivating, witty, a wonderful dancer, a fabulous cook, friend, protector of all. You were also bossy, strict when it mattered, hated housework, stubborn, and just a wee bit catty. You were quick to defend, slow to anger, and always willing to listen...even if it was 2:00 in the morning.
You took in every stray cat, dog and kid in the neighborhood. You encouraged us to seek out those who maybe were alone and to always have a kind word. You taught Kerri and I how to be a lady of grace and David what was expected of a gentleman. You told us to set our goals high and never be afraid of not achieving them. In your eyes we could do anything. You reminded us that God is the greater power and that through Him all was possible.
You were loved by everyone who met you. You never met a stranger and if you did, they weren't one for very long. Men adored you, women cherished your friendship, children wanted you to be their mother and we three thought we were the luckiest kids on the planet. We three are your legacy and we promise you we will never forget you and it will be our privilege to continue to carry your torch.
"The act of mothering is to teach the art of living to children."~Elaine HeffnerHappy Birthday Mother! We love you and miss you every day.
Debbie, Kerri, David
I love that you love Texas, the Lord, and beautiful things! I really enjoyed this post about your mom. We just read "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" in my bookclub and we discussed it last night. Your mom could have been the mother in the book- anyway, it gave me a face for a very lovely story- and that counts your own.
A beautiful tribute. Thank you for introducing us to your mother in such an eloquent way. You were all blessed, no doubt. ~Mindy
I'd like to comment about how lovely your mother was, how much you look like her, and how darling you are/were but I'm still laughing too hard over the verse you put on my blog. I had to do an update and put it on the main page for people who don't read comments!
Damn, I think I just laughed so hard I peed my jeans!
The Texas Woman
What a beautiful post...what a beautiful woman...what a beautiful mother. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Enough said.
I'm so happy you allowed us to meet your mother and for sharing this special day with us. I love all the pictures...very sweet post!
Oh Trash I love all those pictures, you are one hot number honey. And I think you turned out alot like your mom....Love you, Lauri@chippys
What a wonderful tribute to your mother. She sounds like she was quite a woman.
Oh how sweet....you and your mother are BLESSINGS FROM ABOVE with BIG HEARTS! I enjoy your blog soo much, thanks for sharing!
Sure loved readin that one. I am sure your mama has to be just beaming with pride!
Bless your hearts,
Blessings for your mom...I will tell mine I love her today...Hugzzz...Tiina...
What a great tribute to your Mom. I was lucky enough to have a great Mom too -- Leola. Sometimes I think we forget how important we are to our kids & to their being good parents to our g'kids. I'm calling my daughter.
Debbie...THANK YOU...I sat here and tried and tried to remember where the heck I got that chest! (Senior Citizen, here!) All I could remember is that it is across the street from Lots of Furniture and that it used to be in another location but they had a fire! City View, YES! I thought I was going to have to make a trip to Dallas just to cruise by to get the name of that shop. Yeah right...cruise by! If I get over in that part of Dallas, the only cruising I'm going to be doing is from shop to shop...and loading all my credit cards up! Thanks for saving me! I owe you!
By the way, thanks for all the nice comments on my blog! I have been collecting "stuff" for my dream cottage for years! I have dragged that farmhouse sink around for years...It has been in 3 different garages of homes we lived in...but I was waiting for the perfect place for it. I also have an old fireplace mantle that I got from Lots of Furniture. I have it in my cottage...it had been stripped of the paint (darn it!) I am going to paint it as soon as it gets warm and stays that way for more than a day or two. Can you believe we are in for a hard freeze this weekend? Texas weather!!
Ashlei, my granddaughter just walked over...she is my snuggle buddy...she wants to spend the night with me again tonight! Her mom (our boss) just came over and said, "Lights out!" Man, I'm glad she doesn't know we stayed up 'til almost midnight last night!
By the way, I've got to tell you that the first time you commented on my blog, I felt like a blog celebrity! For real!! Thanks for being my blog buddy!
Deb...what a beautiful memorial of your Mom. She was a beautiful lady and she must have been a wonderful Mom to have raised such a sweet lady like you! I miss my Mom every single day...she passed away in March 1995...she would have been 84 this year on March 29. I miss her so!
One of the most beautiful tributes I've ever read! Also quite deserving since your mom did such a wonderful job raising you to be kind, gracious, and loving.
She was a beautiful woman. Happy Birthday to her. I know she's smiling down on you.
Deb, I loved your post to your Mom. Mine died when she was forty and I wished we could have had an adult relationship... I think meeting you has been a godsend for me and I'm going to hopefully be a friend of yours someday.
Happy Birthday to your Mother ...
Awe, what a lovely tribute to her. She did a wonderful job teaching you how to love and be loved.
I look so forward to reading your posts my dear!
Debbie, what a beautiful tribute to your Mom. She was obviously a special lady (and she liked seafoam green!)
This was beautiful!! I'll bet your mama smiled from Heaven when she read this!
God Bless you!
Debbie, thanks so much for sharing memories of your mom with us. I'm sure she is up there telling everyone what a wonderful family she has and what a wonderful daughter she has in you. Bonnie
Deb, every trait you mentioned of your mother can be seen in you. This was just the most beautiful tribute to her! Happy Birthday to your sweet mommma!!
Oh, I LOVE this! You are a very sweet and gracious lady and now I know where you learned it. I know your mom in heaven must be very proud of you. Thanks for sharing this!
On a somewhat related note, I received my grand prize from your 100th post giveaway! WOW! I will try to come up with a post that does it justice, but it won't be easy! You are very generous, Deb. Thank you so much!
Hi Debbie,
What a lovely tribute to your mother. She is so beautiful in the photos you've shared with us. It's wonderful you had such a loving mom and you have those memories to carry with you always!
Debbie, No wonder you are so sweet, funny, kind and beautiful, look at your mom. What a beautiful birthday tribute. I wish I could have known her. She sounds wonderful. Mom's make the world go round. Mine will be 80 in May and still going strong. Thanks for sharing your wonderful mother with us.
On another subject close to my heart , did you say brownies with chocolate chip cookies inside?!? I am heading there now. Pam
Debbie, what a neat tribute to your Mom, I haven't met you yet but I would imagine you are alot like her. Thanks for another great post! Angie
Beautifully written! What a special woman she was. What a special woman you are.
Such a good girl you are...obviously raised by a loving mama...who taught lessons she didn't even realize she was teaching sometimes, I bet, to a little girl always watching...such a kind lady..memories are so special...
Awhhh I can see that your mother really had a special place in your heart! Mothers really are priceless!
I am blushing! You are too sweet talking sweet about me on other blogs! Thanks so much you are the best girlfriend around!
Debbie, I'm sure your Mom shed a tear of joy knowing how special you thought she was. It was lovely!
What an absolutly beautiful post... I LOVE That first photo of your Mom. A special Mom indeed...
xo Heather
It is so sweet how much you love your Mother! She must have been a fantabulous lady to have raised such a wonderful daughter! Your Mom was a beautiful lady...obviously in more than one way! Love the family picture...what a cutie you were...and are!
Deb, what a beautiful post and tribute to your mother...it made me cry.
From what I can see, she trained you well, you are just like her...
I know she was and is so proud of you....
Hugs to you...
Lou Cinda
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