So here's what I propose to do. In the comments section you can leave a bid for Cat Daddy. You don't have to....but if you want him for the evening, you are going to have to pay for him. Feel free to leave other comments(after all it adds your name to the bucket one more time) just no cat fights over him. Keep it clean. No hitting below the bra line, no hair pulling and no scratching. Oh and for goodness sake, no begging. I am open to bribery, trades and IOU's.
For those of you just tuning in and are not familiar with Cat Daddy and I, here's a chance to kind of get caught up in our world. I'm also listing my favorite Cat Daddy posts. If you don't want to bid on C.D., perhaps you'd like to vote on your favorite post. Feel free to mention one that I didn't.
Here are my favorites in no particular order:
If you are new to my blog I hope you enjoying reading these and maybe decide you want to come back as a regular visitor. I sure would love to have you stop by anytime.
So in the words of Mr. Van Dyke "Hey, well alright sir, open the gate and let 'em out and walk 'em boys. Here we come with lot number 29 in, What'd ya gonna give?"
Hey girl I'm so glad to be back! You know I think I am on post 96 as well, guess I'd better be thinking up something for a prize!
Can't wait until Texas time!
Oh yeah, I forgot, I got my own Cat Daddy! (Craigiepoo) So I won't be bidding on your prize!
You know I'm on a limited I'll have to pass on the chance to have The Most Bestest Date ever! Love your blog header BTW!
Have a wonderful evening my friend!
The White Trash Delux post was cool (or hot, I guess!). RJNJ and his best friend went to that speedway many times while we lived in Texas! My fave photo is that one with CD by those crazy tutus or whatever they are! He's so in touch with his feminine side!
I'm saving up for Warrenton, so, I can't begin to afford Cat Daddy. But, I can tell you that my absolutely, favorite CD blog of all time is your anniversary post. It was one of the first I ever read, and it just screams of wisdom and experience! ~Mindy
I love CD giving the thumbs up in the race car. Since I have my own sweet thing at home I really wouldn't feel right trying to bid for your prize too although he does have that big old teddy bear look I just love in a man. Plus I don't think I have the deep pocket book to place the winning bid. Hugs, Pam
OK Debbie I forgot to say I LOVE the Schrafft's header. I am addicted to vintage photos and post cards that evoke the feeling of times gone by. I often think I was born 20 or 30 years too late. (Course that would put me at 70 or 80 now so maybe not so much) You can't have everything.
Do we have to bid in American dollars? I think the Chinese yen is worth more right now. Heckfire, even the peso is worth more.
The Texas Woman
After reading the anniversary post, I'm tempted to bid on Cat Daddy myself! Because I figure he would be worth more to me that to any of you girls if only he would share his secrets for keeping a woman so much in love for 35 years. Kudos, Cat Daddy!
No bids for Cat Daddy, now that just aint right. I'm placing my bid, but he must wear the tutu and when I win I will automatically give my price to my favorite Talking Trash girl of all time, besides...I can't handle two dates seeing I've already asked (I mean stolen) hunka hunka burning love #2 (see my previous comment on your other post for who I asked to borrow, ok steal)!! Woo Hoo!! :-)
Ok Ladies -- if the bidding seems to be getting a little too high for Cat Daddy, maybe we all need to pool our resources and share him. Being that he is 'The Cat Daddy of all cat daddies', I'm sure he can handle us all! And after seeing that photo of him with all his petticoats, maybe he will loan us some to wear to the party...
What is wrong with all these women? I have a man too, but what kind of woman can't handle two? No, don't answer that!
I am placing a pretty high bid...a big old bowl of my Frito Chili Pie...because I make the best FCP in the whole state! Promise!
I just re-read your list of Cat Daddy posts. My favorite is "Forget My Two Front Teeth." Hilarious!
My favorite part of this post is still - "And the last couple of weeks, I have been especially good at not telling her she has icicles in her hair, glitter on her teeth and a Christmas bow stuck to her butt."
I'm still laughing. And I hope he got his Christmas wish, because he certainly deserved it.
Hey are just crackin' me up this morning! Can't bid on the CD 'cause I've got my own, but the post about the 2 front teeth & the hangdown just had me LMAO in front of the computer this AM!! so...I'm here on your countdown to 100... cannot wait to see what you'll have on that one!!! Have a great day. *elaine*
You always make me smile... or laugh out loud... Love Linda
I love the Two Cats on a Prowl...a man's love affair with his truck and a handful of booty!!! What more can a gal ask for...
Did I mention you crack me up...
I'm not bidding on Cat Daddy, although, technically he's priceless! I wanted to congratulate you on your 100th post! I'm sure there are many more to come! Keep us laughing.
OK Ladies, I got a frito chili pie bid-do I hear nachos, who'll bid nachos? (BTW, did I mention he's housebroken and does not scratch himself in public and dances?) Tn'T
"Why should I give away the milk when I can sell the bull?"'re so funny! Mmmm does he clean? Or better will he clean in a crinoline?!
I bid a plate of chocolate chip cookies!!
Now we got ourselves an auction. I have a bid of chocolate chip cookies, can I get a rusty chandelier? (Did I mention he doesn't smoke, chew or spit?) Tn'T
You had me at "frito chili pie!" Will ya take a post dated check??? LOL!
Gotta run,
Well I only have Canadian dollars, so I'm just not going to be very competitive I guess. But I do love that photo of Cat Daddy with all those gorgeous crinolines!
Well Cat Daddy is certainly the MAC DADDY of ALL CATS! I'm not worthy to be his date....after all you ditch Ms. McBride....I COULD never complete!
Love his pic with the purty lil' dresses....he looks GOOD in color!
Are you gonna be at Urban Market?
I'll raise the bid with a homemade peach cobbler!
Girls: Its a bowl of FCP, a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a homemade peach cobbler...your bid!
Malisa are hysterical! I am speechless and that is saying A LOT for this yaya!
Hey Ms Debbie! You need to head on over to my blog when you get a chance. I have a BIG surprise waiting on you.
I love the blog banner photo. Great valentine's day display.
Check out my post today! You got a link on my blog!
You are crackimg me up. Actually, my favorite Cat Daddy story is the sandlas for Christmas....:) and one missing form the box.
Girls, it ain't over till it's over. I got one frito chili pie, chocolate chip cookies, and a peach cobbler. Who'll make it a dirty martini??? (Did I mention he does all the driving?)
Beth, I will take a postdated check if you'll accept a postdated C.D.
Malisa, I do believe you are the only one capable of handling him AND Lurch!!!
I will accept paypal, canadian, euros, pesos, whatever. I have no pride.
Anita, I had forgot all about the YellowBox story.
Hey Debbie, glad you made it to the shop-thanks for going...Thank you for visiting my blog, I always look forward to reading your comments.....Talk to you later....Tiina...
I just read your comment on my blog and I was dying!!! The baby clothes...UGH... and Little Tykes toys....UGH!!! The exercise equipment too..Double UGH!!!!....Can you hear me groan????? I can only take so much!!LOL
Beth ;0)
Hi Debbie. I just have a min. I don't have your mailing address and I can't find an e-mail address to e-mail you. Where would you like the package mailed?
Girl you are too too funny. I don't even know where to begin. :) xo Lynn P.s. I'll be doing a 200th post give-away later this week....Saturday I think. It will be called Denim and Diamonds. Come back soon...ya' hear?
You are so amazing! So my name you ask about? Well my name is Crystal Sparks and my youth group girls call me Sparkle so when I needed to come up with a name it just seemed natural to be spakled life
Ok, I believe the last bid was a bowl of frito pie, plate of chocolate chip cookies and peach cobbler. I'll add a 6-pack of longnecks!
He didn't get Martina, but there
he sits soaking up the love from
Who doesn't love an auction about food, I like the way this is going. And I can top you all with a Honey Baked Ham from Georgia!!!!! Lauri @ chippys
I got a frito chili pie, plate of chocolate chip cookies, peach cobbler, six pack of long necks and a Georgia Honey Baked Ham. Who'll make it homemade pimento cheese spread? Can I get a Texas Sheet Cake?
Girls, I think I'm gonna take this show on the road. Do you think Vegas is ready for The Traveling Cat Daddy Show? Debbie
You are so funny! I have my own Cat Daddy as such so I will let someone else have the pleasure!
It's been a little bit since I've been to your blog and need to play catch up!
The bidding is way to high for me girl. I was here a while ago and then I got hungry so... here I am again.
I will keep track of who the winner is.
I came from Melisa's.
Have a great week
Love Claudie
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