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May is one of those months that I really would be better off just to pull the covers over my head until it's over! There is Mother's Day, my birthday, Sister Trash's birthday (Cinco de Mayo, no less!), Graycie's birthday and Ta Da...The Oldest Melon Head's! That's right. My baby boy is 37 today.(In case you were wondering, I was two when I had him!) I can tell you right now, he gets that name honestly! At 9 lbs. 3 oz. and 24" he was one tough delivery, but oh so worth it.
I know every mother thinks their children are the most beautiful things on the planet and I'm no exception although I have to admit when he was a baby, love is blind. He was all legs, arms and head! Joey was one those babies who just got prettier and prettier. Everyone always thought he was a girl and I didn't help matters much because I wouldn't cut his hair. He had the most beautiful blond curls and it drove Cat Daddy crazy when folks would say something about our "daughter"! He was a loving child that just seemed to draw people like a magnet...still does. He never meets a stranger (wonder where he gets that?) and never forgets a face or name (I really do wonder where he gets that, oh yeah...Cat Daddy!).
He loves being the center of attention and holding court! He's always up for any adventure or new idea. Never any negativity, only positive!. (Pay no attention to the woman in the photo. I have no idea who she is or how she got in the shot. I am really 5'10" and model thin.) Jenn(psst, new Bella photos) says part of his charisma is the "eyebrow". That is a family joke about how if you possess the gift of the "eyebrow", you are naturally charming and loved. She just may be on to something there. When I named him after my daddy, I had no idea how much of a joy he would be to me. Being a new mother, I didn't have a clue as to how a child can change you and your focus, but change me he did!
Joey and Misty bring so much happiness to all who are fortunate enough to be their friends and family. They also gave me my first granddaughter, Graycie! He has made the most wonderful, loving father and it just takes my breath away to watch him with Grayzilla. He serves as my validation that C.D. and I must have done something right. So for the rest of the day, I am going to take a trip down memory lane, remembering what a wonderful gift God blessed me with on May 4, 1972. even though at the time I thought I would never be able to walk straight again! In fact, I think I'll go have a sitz bath in his honor!
Happy Birthday, my darling baby boy! I love you!!!!!
He's definitely a chip off the ol' trash pile!
Happy Birthday! (I was a 9 lbs 2 oz bruiser!)
ox lulu
What a beautiful, touching post! How do our kids get so old, even if we had them when we were babies. Haven't figured that one out yet!Thanks for sharing all the photos, I loved them. Take care, Sue
Happy Birthday to your Joey! Just as handsome as his Mom is beautiful. (Not to mention CD's contribution) Jeez Trash sista, another connection. My first born was a whopper baby named Joseph as well, 9lb 8 oz 21"s. I'm feelin your pain! When is your B Day girl? We have to celebrate!
You said "He loves being the center of attention and holding court", hhmmm, I wonder where he gets this trait!! What a cutie he turned out to be and May is a great month to have Birthdays!! Happy Birthday to him... Mine is right around the corner too! Trash, great post on your baby and hope you enjoy your day!
What a great, fun and loving post! Happy Birthday Joey and happy Mother's Day and Birthday (when it comes around!) to you too! Thanks for sharing your family moments with us.
Enjoy your day, Bonnie
I wish your son a happy, happy birthday... He is a handsome guy!! Wonderful post!
Sounds like Joey is a great kid. Happy, happy, birthday Joey!!!
Oh Debbie! How sweet this is! Happy Happy Birthday to Joey!! My Seth weighed in at 9lb 2 oz also. I, on the other hand, was a 9 lb 5 oz whopper!!! MY poor mama!
Oh, how I can relate to the sitz bath!!
I will bet you one thing though, I bet Joey thinks HE is the lucky one to have had you and Cat Daddy as his parents...
Have a great day girl!
Lou Cinda :)
Debbie... what a sweet post... you went all sentimental on me... and then that line! LOL... you know, you can still get a (non-medical) sitz bath at the Buckhorn in Hot Springs... get mine once a year!... it's a mineral sitz... LOL
have a beautiful walk down memory lane... hugs. Dixie
He is very handsome!! My daughter weighed 9lbs 12 oz~~~ ouch!!! She's not like me though, she's tall and thin!!! Thanks you Jesus!! Have a happy memory trip. Peg
Happy Birthday to your son and a big pat on the back for the momma that birthed him. Sweet post too. Enjoy this special day be it in the tub or out.
Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday, Dear Joey...Happy Birthday to You! Sorry, didn't mean to make you sick by singing on your birthday, but had to do it! Debbie, the way you described this handsome young man sounds very familiar to a proud mama I know! Apple didn't fall too far from the tree, did it? You deserve to be proud! And remember HOW MUCH THOSE DAMN LABOR PAINS HURT!!!!????????? Have a drink, a cigarette and take it's only been 37 must still be sore!
Joey, Joey, Joey... What makes him so special.. I sure hope my Bella girl gets that eyebrow.. :P LOL
Bella has the sweetest little hands I have ever seen. They brought tears to my eyes. Such a precious photo. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. ~Mandy
This is a really beautiful post and I hope that Joey reads it. Happy Birthday.
By the way which tarot card did you frame. Is it one of the major arcana?
Love Renee xoxo
Hi Debbie , My Jen will be 37 this December , I gained 50 lbs with her! The Doc kept saying " you're doing fine". She was 9 lbs 6 oz but is now a petite 5 foot 3 in. Tell Joey Happy Birthday from all the ladies who love his mama. Sue PS I saw Jenn's post on getting to hold Bella for the 1st time - God is Good!
Debbie the wheel of fortune is a great card to frame.
Your mother sounds exactly like me. I would never charge and I would not do people who took it to seriously.
Happy Birthday Joey! What a great post for a great looking guy that's the son of a great and awesome lady and Cat Daddy! You can tell he ROCKS in your book! What an awesome family you have...looks like you raised them right mama!
Hope you had a happy birthday, Joey!
What a handsome son! Wish him a belated happy birthday! ~Lori
Happy birthday to Joey!! I hope he enjoyed a wonderful day.
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