Everybody say Hey! If you have been reading Jennifer's blog, y'all are aware of the rapid progress Bella has been making. As of last night, she is up to 3 lbs. 14oz. and is 16" long! Can you believe it? God is so faithful and good! She is giving the nurses fits and they are ready for her to be placed on the nasal line for oxygen. She keeps pulling her C-Pac line out and rearranging her wrestler's helmet that holds it in place. She can be quite the little handful and a true little diva and you have no idea how happy this makes me!!! Once she goes to the nasal line, she will get tried out on a bottle for feedings. If she can handle that, we are looking at a time to come home with her mommy and daddy. I said at the beginning of this journey that God placed us on that I would take it one day at a time and I'll try not to look ahead, but just be thankful for this day the Lord has given us. Psst! Just a little secret between you and me...I may get to hold her and soon! Raise those hands high baby girl, all the way to the heavens!
I know y'all are getting tired of my birthday celebrations, but guess what? I don't care! Actually, this will be the end of it. What's that? Do I hear a collective sigh of relief? All I was going to say was that I get to celebrate my birthday every year with my other favorite little trashette...my Graycie. Her birthday is the 23rd (which btw, Patti's new granddaughter was born on...go tell Kay-Kay congrats!) so every year we share a cake and candles! She's 7 going on 14 with an attitude and there isn't a sweeter present than blowing candles out with her. Many more and I'm afraid the cake is going to melt!
Now I am just going to ramble so hang with me if you can. Mindy tagged me and wanted me to list 6 things that I am going to be bringing to my space at Winnie & ulula'sT. I hate to give too much away, but because I love games, I'll play along.
- White alabaster lamps
- White garden statuary
- White fountain
- White accessories
- White garden sets
- White pottery
Do you see a trend here? Not that it will all be white...there will be rust. Rust is quite the commodity in our business. And of course, some gold...y'all know gold lame' is my favorite color!
Now I am supposed to tag six others, but I figure if I have to tell what I'm bringing, I think y'all need to tell me what you are looking for. It's kind of hard to shop unless I know what you want.
So here's the deal pickle, I challenge all of y'all to leave me a comment telling me what you would be looking for if you came to W&T's. Believe me, I'll pass the information on to the other vendors if they don't read it here. I know one of the goals of all of us is to make shopping fun. And what's more fun than seeing a shop crammed jammed with the things that make your heart race?
Sometimes you have to kiss a lot of toads to get the best deals! So what do you say...wanna be like Monty Hall and Let's Make A Deal? You show me yours since I showed you mine....list that is! I am also supposed to list 6 things about myself...is there 6 that I haven't told y'all? Let's just see!- I love to read! Anything-books, maps, magazines, newspapers, cereal boxes...if it's written, I'll read it.
- I have a passion for watches. They're kind of like shoes...you really only need one, but I have to have a different one to wear with different outfits. My favorites are my Luckys'.
- I can't remember names. This is just so embarrassing. If you see me out and I look a little confused, please be kind and just gently remind me of your name. I'm not rude, just moniker-challenged.
- While I can't remember names, just give me your phone number and I will remember it until you change it. Same with addresses...does this make me an oddity?
- Music is my life blood. If you can't tell by posts I do, every memory I have is tied to a song. My love of music is like my love of reading. I love all of it from show tunes to polka music.
- I was a rural mail carrier for a long time. I delivered mail in a Chevy S-10 blazer from the passenger side with my leg stretched out like a Barbie doll! And that's a whole 'nother post!!!
You know, before too long y'all are going to know more about me than Cat Daddy!
I'll wrap this up now and I promise you up and down, not another mention of my birthday!
Oh that Graycie is pretty. What a neat thing to have your birthday together. I love alabaster lamps and garden statues. What I would like to see while junking - unusual things, the big wow stuff, the things you don't see anywhere else. Also, love old oil paintings.
What would I like to see? Just you, honey bunch! :)
NEVER would I be sick of hearing about you celebrate your birthday!!! That's my favorite holiday of the year!!! (not yours silly...MINE)
I have to tell you, pink lipstick looks good on your green complexion and Graycie is a little DOLL!
Oh! My! That green face is the frog! Okay...now I get it! Whew! I thought you were still sickly and I was getting really worried about you!
everything vintage
Oh, my! A post full of beautiful women! Now how can you have two granddaughters who are both so darling? Those little outstretched hands are just begging for Nana to pick her up! Graycie is a knockout! It must be so cool to share the same birthday! You are one lucky woman...and they are two lucky little girls to have such a loving, neato Nana! Believe me, I want to hear that Barbie story! You know what I will be looking for...vintage photos!
Happy Birthday, Graycie!
Wow! Boy can your little Bella Vogue! She is the same size that my little Faith was when she was born 10 weeks early! What a strong little woman...just gorgeous! Almost Ready for the cabbage patch doll wardrobe! :) ! You have your very own real live baby doll!
Take care... hope you can give her hugs and kisses soon!
I'm so excited you are going to get to hold her soon! I know you just can't wait! How cute with the hands raised! And oh boy...are you going to have to get a stick to keep the boys away from Graycie! She's beautiful... taking after her grammy! So glad we could oblige with a Bella for a BD present! I got to hold her and give her a little milk this morning. I was in grammy heaven! Brought back so many memories of my little babies years ago!
At the rate Bella's going she'll be punching cows with us next spring in N.Mex. The Lord is so good!! And Graycie couldn't get any cuter if she tried! What a treat sharing a B'day.
BTW, I answered your ? on my post. Thanks for the comment.
Wow! You pack a lot into one post. Let me see. Hallelujah! I'm so happy for Bella's growth! Such a blessing, she is. Graycie is a doll! Great pics of the two of you. I love your 6 things for W&T's. Great idea to ask what folks want to see. I want to see statuary. I'm really liking statuary. And ironstone. But, I betcha Theresa will have that covered! And I wondered when you would mention that letter carrier stint. See? You still have lots to share! Thanks for playing, Debbie. ~Mindy
Woo hoo for Bella. Going on 4 pounds! What a great birthday gift. That cake is too cute, how wonderful to share your birthday with your sweet Trashette. I like children's books and old trinkets for art. I am always digging for metal junk and sweet old Homer Laughlin china and hammered aluminum and...well I think I could find a truck load of goodies if I was shopping at W&T's.Love ya, Pam PS Loved the trip down memory lane in the last post. What fun.
It is such a blessing to be able to look back and recall God's past faithfulness during those "Where's God?" moments that we all have from time to time. So I know my faith has been strengthened in watching God work in Bella's tiny life. I pray I never forget what I've witnessed!
Graycie is absolutely angelic! Happy, happy, happy birthday to you both!
OK, this is the last time I say it, Happy Birthday Deb! You really know how to milk it, don't you :) I personally think you're stretching it till you can hold baby Bella in your arms - that's the best birthday present ever, don't you think? Well worth stretching that celebration, I say.
Deb, this is the best news to know sweet Bella is growing and getting stronger everyday (strong willed just comes naturally) :) You my friend can celebrate your birthday all month if you want to, no complaining from any of us!!
Ok so I can't figure out how to just e-mail you! I wanted to say thank you for the comment and compliment about my art work..and guess what? I will have it on canvas soon!! Mom and I are working on opening an etsy shop and I will have canvas art work there! Thank you so much, it means so much to me to hear from you!
Bella raising those hands to God, she knows! Graycie 7...say it ain't so! Yet another precious baby girl in your life! I'm liking your theme...white...ironstone, of course, is there anything else?!?!
Hey girl! First off great news about Bella! What would I like to see you bring? Me (if only). Just kidding~~bring some old mirrors that have lost their silver in just the right amount.
Love Ya Girl!
You may enjoy your b-day as long as you want to!! I have something lovely for you on my blog..check it out!
Oh, your Bella is getting pink and beautiful! What a precious photo with her arms up in the air. She's throwing you a birthday hug :)
Blessings... Polly
Once you all get to put your loving hands on Bella, she'll grow like crazy. She'll be coming home at a wonderful time to get all that Vitamin D. You'll never forget this b'day. God is good! Jan
Some fun decoupaged newsprint hats...and crowns and tiaras...
Hi Deb, I've been out of town so I am trying to catch up. So happy to hear every new great report on Bella!!!!
When I shop, I am always looking for silver. Well, duh!
Debbie: So many things to comment on...let's get started...
Happy Birthday to you and Graycie! She is such a doll baby! I am SO thrilled to hear of Bella's weigh gain!!! She is just getting bigger and stronger with such heart and attitude I might add! ALWAYS a good thing!
I wish I could get to one of your shows! I LOVE statuaries and also ironstone! Love the creamy whiteness of it!!
Mail carrier? Keep talking girl!
And if you EVER have an urge to go to Bass Pro Shop~call me and I will talk you down!!
Lou Cinda :)
Ladies & gent, you made this birthday girl real happy with all your sweet comments about my two beautiful trashettes!
I think I got y'all covered, so be sure and get into Winnie's & Tulula's on the 13th. I sure hope to see all of you there, at least in spirit!
Debbie.. just stoppin by to say hi... and thinks for your sweet comments at French Lique... You were right... God send Lynne to me at exactly the right time in my life... and forever in my heart...
now..as for what I am looking for... I need a footstool... a small one about 20" high so I can prop my feet up while sitting in my new office chair... If it was covered in cream/white/black or any combo of those colors... that would be swell too...
take care... great success at your sale!
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