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Today is Sister Trash's birthday. Time for a fiesta!!! Kerri is my baby sister and I love her very much. I'm not going to tell you her age because A. she would kill me and B. if I told you how old she is, you might be able to figure out how OLD I am!!! Let's just say she is younger than springtime and leave it at that. Besides, if I told you her age, you would be pea green with envy.
She was lucky enough to be born on Cinco De Mayo. How mucho caliente is that? She gets parades, fireworks, dancing and singing in the streets on her birthday! Pinatas, tortillas and guac, oh my! (My high school spanish, she's not so good!)
Kerri, the U.S. postage stamp is no longer 32 and neither are you, but like the USPS, you always deliver, get to go to faraway places and are NEVER on time. Neither sleet nor rain nor hail will keep you from a shoe sale or a twofer. You stick like glue to those of us you love and never cancel us out.
So here's hoping your day is just as salty and full of spirit as you are! Oh, and here's a little early birthday present from me to you.....ENJOY!!!
Happy birthday, Sister Trash!!! I love you!
NICE birthday present!! My birthday is next month, do I get the same gift? Happy birthday Kerri!
Happy Birthday, Kerri! Listen, if that birthday present doesn't fit, send it on over to me...I'll make it fit!!! I lift my marguerita to you in honor of your birthday. Hell, I even put salt on the rim cause at this age, who cares? Happy Birthday!
Ariba ariba, will you do the Mexican Hat Dance today for her? If not, I will, well maybe not. I'll let CD do that dance. Happy Birthday sista trash!!
Happy Birthday Keri! I add salt too! What's a marguerita without salt???
Have a great Birthday!!
Lou Cinda :)
Happy BD Trash Sista. Love your gift :) Tee Hee Hee, easy on the eyes.
Enjoy the Fiesta
Happy Birthday, Kerri!
Did somebody say Margarita??? YUM!
Happy Birthday Sister Trash!
xoxo trailer trash
Happy birthday to Sista Trash. You're right, Trash Talk. I'm peeing green with envy. Isn't that what you said?
The Texas Woman
Happy B Day to your sis. Isn't yours coming up soon? I will raise a toast, ...or three, to you both. Pass the guacamole and to hell with calories, it's a celebration!
Yum!!! (of course I'm talking bout the margaritas)... Happy Birth Day Trash's Sis!!! Peg
Happy Birthday, Kerri and many more. Sandi
YUM YUM YUM and I ain't talking about the margarita.. Can you send him to me on birthday next year. Just Kidding.
Happy Birthday to your sister.
Happy B-Day to Sista Trash! We need to have a big ole birthday bash for all the May and me included!
I want that birthday present! :)
Oooh, please pass the salt and lime this way! Happy Birthday wishes to your Sister for the whole week, Debbie! Is that Benjamin Bratt? Delicious.
Hello, Sista! My birthday is in July. I'll have what she's having!
I am so happy that Benjamin(yes girlies, that IS Benjamin Bratt!) met with all of y'alls approval as an appropriate birthday gift.
I just thought I would serve up something just a little hot and spicy for Cinco De Mayo! Beats birthday cake, wouldn't you agree?
and my my isn't little ol' Benji some eye candy.
feliz navidad or whatever...lulu
A hot and spicy gift from a hot and spicy girl!
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