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Y'all are not going to believe this. My children have declared a mutiny against their own mother. Me, who endured labor for those two melon-heads. Me, who wiped various body parts and kissed a lot of booboos. Me, who had to ride with them when they got their beginner's license! And to add insult to injury...Cat Daddy backed them up! My daughter and son kicked me out of the hospital room last night and forbid me to come back until this evening! Jenn seems to think I'm, hovering? She has me confused with someone else, obviously! My son stayed with her last night so that I could(translated to "TOLD TO") get some much needed rest. Y'all know this isn't possible...even when I know they are right, but I am taking the time to TCB here at home and do a little blogging. I've missed you all and feel like a year has passed since I did a normal post. (Can someone define what is normal for me?) I really don't want her to add me to her worry list, so I am doing as I am told for the day, but just for the day. They really don't want to mess with me much as I am the Queen of the Bed Pan and have the power to withhold privileges! Y'all have all been so wonderful to us the past week, I thought I would reward you with a little something I promised long ago and far away.
Laurie Anna was so sweet to give me this award during my absence and I wanted to take the time to say thank you. I have received this award previously from Patti and Lisa and as you know it was originally on Isabel's blog.
It states that blogs who receive this award are "exceedingly charming". This blog invests and believes in the Proximity nearness in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more are propagated. Please give attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight more bloggers.
In typing and rereading these words I was overcome with an emotion hard to put into words. This award is about blogging, but it is about so much more. It is about opening the door to a world of caring individuals who hurt when we hurt, cry when we cry and laugh when we laugh. It's about complete strangers opening their hearts to a need and answering that need with prayers. Real prayers, heartfelt prayers, loving prayers. How can one person be so blessed? God has guided me to so many of you wonderful people and I can't say thank you enough.
It credits this blog with being "exceedingly charming". Well, I don't know about that one. I do know that everyone of y'all are charming beyond awards and words. I love each of your different personalities, your special "tics", your sense of humor and your style! I grow a little each time I read a new post by each and every one of you. You open my world and allow me to spend a little time getting to know you better. For that, I am eternally grateful.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm including more photos of Laurie Anna's store that I had promised you before. This is my way of saying thank you....inspirational vignettes from an inspirational lady. Really puts you in the mood for spring, right? I'm supposed to give this award to eight more bloggers, but if you haven't figured it out already, you who are reading this right now are my favorite. (Just don't tell the others, OK?) Take this award, post it, run with it and have fun with it. You deserve it and so much more. I wish I had a million dollars to send each of you a 2Chippys junk jewelry treat, but alas, I am just a poor girl....poor in money, but not in gratitude!
And speaking of money, I need to close this post now and go pay some bills! I want you to know one last thing though. Before I go to sleep at night, when I'm saying my prayers, I thank God for all of you and your big ol' Texas sized hearts. Love ya!!!!
I see you are still on "post" duty....get it?
You are so precious and so loved Deb. Get some well needed REST're back on post again tonight.
Texas sized prayers are going up for you and your family. Lots of love and hugs being sent your way!
Much Love,
We love you too, Debbie!
I'm still keeping ya'll in my prayers. Hope you got some needed rest!
Debbie , You are SO missed. Blogging isn't the same without you. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself , too. Hard to do but important. Hugs , Sue
That's right! Blogging is just not the same without you, Debbie! So glad you're getting some blogging in there while you rest up before going back to your "command post" chez Jenn at the hospital.
Love and prayers to you and yours.
Glad to "hear" your voice again Debbie. Take a rest, mom's do tend to hover but in a good way. By the way, I always knew you like me best... Tee hee. Love ya girl, take care of yourself and keep us up to date when you feel the need. We will be here waiting...I will just peruse the lovely pics of Laurie Anna's shop. Pam
Take the breaks whenever ya can, girlfriend. It's a long nine months! Thoughts and love your way!
The Texas woman
Prayin like crazy in North Carolina for you and your family! Take care of yourself are such a sweetheart!
Debbie, it's so great to hear good news about Jennifer and the baby. I have been thinking and praying for you and yours each day...many times each day. Although I have never "met" you in person, I feel I have known you a long time, i hold you as a dear friend. I read your post from yesterday and I can sooo relate to the relationship that you have with your daughter. My daughter lives next door to me and we are best friends...we do everything together just as you and Jenn do. I say there's no such thing as too much hovering when it comes to your kids...mine are in their mid-thirties and I hover just as much now as I did when they were my little ones. To this day, when one of them is sick or hurt, they call "Mama"...because no one else will do when they need that special TLC that only a Mom knows about.
Please keep us posted on Jenn and the baby...get some rest whenever you can because when that sweet baby gets here, they are going to need you then more than ever!
You and yours are in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Listen to your kids and take a break! Glad your daughter is well enough to yell at you. That's a good sign. ;-)
Many prayers are being said for her.
You'll do your best hovering after a little rest! :-)
Here's a Texas-sized hug from your favorite Minnesotan! Okay, I don't know I am THE favorite, but hopefully one of your favorites! :)
Oh, you make me smile...take a deep breath, a small break and then I promise you can shift into 1st gear again. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers..
Glad to hear you're getting some rest. Take and your family are in my thoughts.
It's hard to "let" our kids tell us what to do, but sometimes we need to. You and your family are still in my heart and with time, everything will be fine, it really will. Take care, Sue
Debbie... you, your family and especially the beautiful Jen and grandbaby remain in my prayers. I think of how hard Jen is struggling to keep this precious baby alive and well, and then think of all the poor little souls aborted... surley God will answer our prayers and bring this precious baby into your family, who will cherish and love him/her for all time. Take care of yourself... you'll be needed even more as the "birthday" draws near.
God bless... Dixie
Wow! This has to be the sweetest post I have ever read. I have really missed you. Take care of your family but in order to do that you need to take care of you sweet friend. You and your family will always be in our hearts and prayers. Big Big Hugs, Patricia
Your incredible sense of humor will carry you right on thru with flying colors.
you crack me up...your cheerful heart doeth good like medicine...
pop on over if you have time...I'm showing some new trash for '09
ppppssssstttt.....I don't see me on your sidebar ... heehe
after all we are trashtalking sistas
It's a sad day when our kids start giving us orders and WE have to OBEY!! Seriously, I'm sure they were right and you could use a break to recharge. It is nice to have your funny self back in blogland for a post. You take care and remember the prayers go on!!
Hey BFF! So glad to hear from you girlfriend! Take care of yourself first so you will be able to take care of that sweet daughter. You all are still in my prayers. That daughter and baby are going to be just more worrying now for you! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
I feel the same way about my blogger buddies. Never in a million years did I expect to find such fellowship and support from so many. Some of the closest and dearest people to my heart are online! It is so nice to have met you and I will follow your blog if you don't is beautiful and I have seen many of your posts and found them inspirational!
Deb, just stopping by to let you know your and yours are in my thoughts and prayers today. Have a great weekend in spite of spending it at the hospital!
Awww..such a sweetie you are.. So putter around the house for awhile and talk to yourself (or maybe I am the only one that does that) while you arrange stuff...and renew yourself so you can be an even better momma to those melon headed blessings!
Alright! that did it...I have been a reader long enough. Yes,I am a good driver,and all the booboos have been kissed and I wipe all "those" body parts these days....but you are hovering. We love you, and you need to rest....that being said I am gonna go back to being your biggest fan(follower).
Guess they won't want you "hovering around" when that baby is here and crying in the middle of the night! Ha! They will be begging for you to "hover"! :) My Mother is is worst to have around when I am sick. She will wake me up constantly tucking in the sheets, feeling my forehead, fluffing the pillows and asking me if I am okay! Lurch and my kids always hang around the background and laugh their asses off as she flits around my bed!!! So, don't tuck, fluff, feel or talk! Those are my best hints! :)
Gosh, I miss you around here! Are you taking your laptop to the "horsepital"? I certainly appreciated you showing up and kicking off the Never-Ending Story! See what an influence you have? I know you will be around when Karen makes her world premiere debut!
I am still keeping you and your family in my prayers! Keep your spirits up and don't hover!
So glad to see your post -- was getting a little scared. You'll come out the other side of this & you'll have a beautiful g'baby to show for it. Life doesn't seem to want us to become too complacent. Jan
So happy things are going better...Still thinking of you and GET SOME REST!! Said with love:)
Oops! Busted! #1 son AKA Oldest melon head caught me not resting! Did I mention son that YOU are my favorite? Debbie
Ha, I see your oldest melon head came out of lurkdom.
Hope you get a good night's sleep. Still praying. It's good to hear from you.
okay bring it all home to me now. not only did you make me laugh, you just reinforced the fact that it just gets harder w/kids....not easier.
good luck to grandbaby will be awesome and your daughter will thank you later when the 'craziness' wears off...right????
i talk like i've been there. when zoey finally has a baby, i'll be so damn old, i will will be a granny.....the kind with the cane and everything.
hang in there. thanks for inspiring me over and over again.
Congratulations on such a wonderful award! A big Texas hug from two Texans living in a foreign land (Kentucky!)!!
kari & kijsa
Wow the power of prayer. Take them up on that rest, it won't last long and they'll be beggin you back
I just wanted to take a minute to tell you I'm thinking about you and I'm sending you a big hug! Congrats on the award.
kiss kiss, hug hug. Back at ya! Glad to know you do obey someone once in awhile! I am thinking a virtual cocktail party might be in order soon. Perhaps while everyone else is livin' it up at the shows. love to you! ox lulu
You're just the best Ms. TNT...just can't wait to meet cha in person, I already feel I know you too well...ha!!!
((( Jennifer ))))) ((((( and Family))))
Sleep Debbie and lol at melon heads. Love that!
Hi Debbie...thank you so much for visiting my blog. You are right there are so many wonderful people out there in blog land and you are surely one of them. Hope you are getting that well deserved rest.
Deb...We love you and we are praying for you and your sweet family constantly! I can't wait to get my hands on you and Danny and hug your sweet necks!!! I love to see that through this trial you have your same sweet personality!
See you very soon! God bless, sweet friend!
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