It's time to pay close attention! I have for you today not one, but two fantastic giveaways!!! I know I am greatly reducing my chances of winning by sharing this, but I think y'all really deserve a chance of getting in on the action while the getting is good. If you know me, you know I love contests. I love games, crosswords, trivia...anything with even a small challenge and I am a really poor loser. Just ask my kids. When they were small I never let them win...they had to do it on their own. Woe to them when they started beating me. (And yet once again I drift off from the subject on hand.) The two giveaways, that's what I was telling y'all about, right? Both of these bloggers are celebrating their 100th posts and we all know what an accomplishment that can be.
The first is at Whisperwood Cottage. Amy is a fantastic, oughtabe photojournalist and junker extraordinaire. She takes "junk" and repurposes it with real thought. You have to go over and look at her blog just to see the Kaaa-Yute wine glass charms she made! You're going to want to steal, I mean borrow that idea for your own and believe me, that's just one idea. She's got a million of 'em! The photos that go with her text just have to be seen to be believed. Talk about a talent! Am I gushing? Good!!! To be included in her giveaway, first you have got to go see her, second leave her a whisper (translate that to comment, doncha love that?), third, become a follower...which you will want to do immediately, and fourth, give her a shout out on your own blog. Easy peasy, right? Hers is one of my favorites and I look forward to all her new posts. I wait with bated, baited, oh heck, I wait with martini breath for each and every one!
The next giveaway is at Maison Douce. Isabel is no stranger to most of you. She always has the best eye candy and beautiful things to look at on her blog. It is such a feminine blog and one that never fails to inspire. She has led the most interesting life and her 100th post is all about her life. She shares so many details and photos of traveling and living around the world. It's just like we were there for all of it. I mean she has a wonderful life! Imagine growing up in Portugal, attending french schools, living in England and Morocco, marrying your Prince Charming! It's just all tutu much! You just have to go over and read it all for yourself. I swear up and down, it could be a novel! She has a clever twist on her giveaway that you will really enjoy. Think decisions, decisions, decisions!
Now in case you haven't already noticed, I haven't mentioned what the prizes are. Let's just say Fab U Lous! To find out how generous these two ladies are (and may I add, REALLY generous) you are going to have to go visit them. Be sure and tell them I sent you (can't hurt my chances, right?) and leave them a sweet comment. Remember though, I don't like to lose!!!
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! The Domestic Fringe just posted an interview she did with me and I actually like me!!! Check it out if you have time and be kind!
Hi Deb , Is that photo your space from warrenton? Awesome! Thanks for the shout out on the giveaways - I've already entered Amys and on my way to Isabels's blog right now. Take care , Sue
Thanks for the shout out, Deb! You are the sweetest thing ever! Can't wait to see you next weekend! Ready or not, I'm coming to Texas!
I loved the interview with FringeGirl!! I left a comment...a kind one, of course!
Fringe Girl did a graet post on you!! Loved it. Congrats and will check out the others. See you soon, yipee!!
Debbie: I loved your interview! It was wonderful and "real"! I am just positive we would be great friends in "real life". I say that about Dolly Parton too. Ya'll would be so much fun to hang out with! I visualize ALOT of laughter around you...AND Cat Daddy!
Have a great day!
Lou Cinda ")
I loved your interview. You sound so fun!
Love the post today! I will be doing a post on fertilizing...I just need to find some time!!! my kids have spring break next week and are sure to drive me insane!
Deb, I am blushing!!! Thank you so much for your sweet words and for mentioning my giveaway, you are too kind!!! Now off I go to read your interview...
Oh, hell YEAH that was a good interview! Can't wait for Warrenton. I'll be hunting you down. P.S. I don't get the crackhead doll heads either, but I sell them when I find them! I don't judge...
I have a week before I am coming and I just almost can't stand it!!! Love the interview with Tricia. Looking forward to seeing y'all. ~Mindy
Dear Debbie, I loved that interview! Fringe Girl is another of my must read blogs. I want you to know I am over the top happy hearing you sound like your old self. (old in a good way, girl) I so wish I was in Texas for all the goin's on. I will have to settle for pictures this spring. Thanks for sharing these wonderful give aways. Have fun at Warrenton and sell lots of goodies so you can buy more shoes, and a wardrobe of sweet lil togs for your grands. (Maybe a little sumthin for CD too) Take care, Hugs, Pam
I like you, too honey ... I like you alot.
Gotta love these giveaways!!!
It brings everybody out of the woodwork!
Great interview! Loved it!
Deb, I am a little behind, but loved the pictures of Bella and praying for her.
Thanks for your support in our time of loss.
I am anxious to read your interview and go and sign up for giveaways.
Hope to see you again in the near future.
We just wanted to say Thank You!
kari & kijsa
Glad I found you ladies...and if you haven't had your morning coffee yet...c'mon by!
Visited your empty tent at Warrenton today on our way home. Can't wait to see it filled!
The Texas Woman
just stopped for two see if there was a baby update for us! (I am praying)
AND to let you know that next friday (for Fertilizer Friday) I am adding a little information on and several others have left a load of comments asking what I use if you still need the will be there for you! Keep me posted about the baby!
Deb, if I don't get to 'see ya' before you go, have a wonderful time - you deserve it. Loved the Bella pic and continue to pray for all. Will you be able to post pics while you are down at Warrenton? Can you tell I can't wait to see all the goodies?
You're just the bomb Deb, such a good friend to so many, I'll check 'em the way, happy 'Grannyville' and good luck and prayers to y'all!
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