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Top of the mornin' to you all!!! And isn't it a beautiful morn to be sure? I've heard it said that when you are Irish you either laugh or cry. Well, I am Irish and today I feel like laughing. Had just about enough of the crying to last me for quite some time, thank you very much! Jenn got to come home late last night so naturally I woke up feeling like doing a jig. Baylor Hospital will continue to be Bella's home for a while longer, but she is doing well. She gained a teeny bit o' weight and Jennifer got to see her without her chapeau on. That wee babe has a headful of black hair just like her Cat Granddaddy! God is good and in control!!!
The sun is shining brightly and I feel like doing a little River Dancing. Care to join me? Today I will not only be wearing the green, but I'll also be wearing the grin!!! When you're lucky enough to be Irish, you're lucky I am not only lucky but truly blessed! In case you were wondering, I really am Irish on my daddy's side. With a maiden name of Callahan going back to County Cork, red hair and green eyes, it's a little hard to deny. Plus everyone on Daddy's side of the family is built like leprechauns including me! I think I will have a bowl of Lucky Charms this morning to really get this day off right!
If things continue going this well, it looks like I will get to spend some time in Warrenton helping C.D. get the tent ready. I thought I might get out of the dirty part of the show, but I'll gladly tote that barge and lift that bale this year. I'll be working like a mad woman from now until the 26th trying to get everything ready. I must warn you though, I expect our tent to be one hot mess including me. Pul-lease pretend that it all looks wonderful when you drop by to see us and I hope you do drop by to see us! It won't, but just humor me, Ok?
Well, I am off to look for that pot o' gold Shamus has hidden. I suspect it's somewhere near Zapp Hall.So for now...Kiss me, I'm Irish and I'll blow kisses right back at you!!!
have a blessed day dear friend
If Cat Daddy doesn't mind, consider yourself by the Texas Woman!
See ya at Warrenton!
Yeah....about your daughter coming home and Bella doing well. She'll still be in my prayers but I'm glad you are smiling and doing a jig today!
I'm planning on coming to Warrenton on Friday, April 3...I'll look for your booth.
Hugs and Happy St. Paddy's Day!
Nice to hear you so happy, I enjoy that kind of blog. I wish I could make it to all the shows, have a great one!~Jacque
Debbie: I am so glad that BellaPie is doing good and that Jenn got to come home! So MUCH to be thankful for!! I will continue to pray for Bella to gain ounces! Ounces = pounds! Have fun at the show, wish I didn't live so far away!
Lou Cinda :)
Happy green day to you!! So glad to hear about Jenn coming home and soon to follow will be Ms. Bella!! My dad is part Irish. I'm a bad combination, part Irish and Mexican, and no telling what else. That explains it!! P.S. Tell CD that naked pic was supposed to be a secret and hope he got some of the profit. If he ever misses it he can always ask Andy of Found Around if he wants to sell it.
Well, it's great to see you in such good spirits! Glad Jenn got to come home and that Bella's growing! Awesome news for sure!
Happy St Paddy's day Debbie... Being half Irish myself, I love to celebrate the green! My Mom's side was the Irish, my Dad... the French... but at Dad's funeral, an Irish tenor sang Danny Boy... He loved the Irish. That song always makes me tear up. I posted a beautiful song from Celtic Woman on my other blog... I hope you'll get a chance to stop buy and listen to it too.
So happy to hear that sweet Bella is doing well and gaining weight. A wonderful sign... I continue to keep her in my prayers... and Jen is home... how wonderful is that!
Ricky and I really wanted to go to Warrenton this spring, but spent too much money at the Rodeo this year (bought a hot tub!), so we're opting for a fall trip!
Blessing to you Debbie, and your dear sweet family too.
hugs. Dixie
God is good!!! I am so glad things are looking up for you and your family! I cant wait to see more pics of the little one! Have a great week, keep dancing, Janna
Yeah! So glad Jenn got to come home! Baby Bella will get to join her in no time I'm sure! You all are still in my prayers! Happy St. Paddy's Day to Ya!
OH, WHAT GOOD NEWS!!! Doing a the river-dance for ya today in celebration!!
Hi Deb I'm glad to hear you can make it to the show. I've been praying for your girls. It's amazing what they can do with those tiny babies now days. I've always wondered where Andy found that nude picture. He said he bought it for me. What for! I'd gladly bring it back if someone wants it. Where in the world do you hang such a thing. See ya soon, Susan
So good to hear your Irish eyes are smilin' again. Thanks goodness all is going so well. I wish I could come to Warrenton and see all the goodies and give you a big ol' hug.Don't let CD work you too hard! Hugs, Pam P.S.If you stop by my blog anytime soon click on the song about the scotsman on my playlist, I think you'll like it. Tee Hee
I am so delighted that you are home again...and Jenn is home again. We keep praying for the day that Bella comes home! You do not worry about your tent looking perfect! Please! You have been thru quite an ordeal and you came out of it with a healthy daughter and granddaughter! That is your priority...not that your space looks fabulous...but you know it will! I am so anxious to meet you and give you a big old hug! Lurch is trying to make the decision if he wants to come in a wheel chair or stay home while I come Warrenton. I will see you and we may both see you. Tell Cat Daddy to try to contain himself when he sees me! :) You simmer down, drink some green beer and get ready to see me!!!
Love the new pic on top ~ can't wait to see you in Warrenton!! hugs,
Happy St. Pats day!!!!
Thanks for the visit to my blog made me giggle with your brown thumbs comment!
Well top of the evening to ya. Sorry I missed you this morning. Just now getting around to returning comments. Hope you are doing well and enjoying the goodies! Happy St. Pat's Day
Here's a BIG KISS to you and that baby girl, glad she is growing! Have a wonderful week!
I've been to Ireland, but I didn't make it to County Cork. I kissed the Blarney Stone though! Supposedly, it gives you the gift of gab! Maybe that's why I feel the need to blog! :)
Boy, it's great to hear that you are in such a good mood, you deserve it! I am so happy to hear that you will be blessing us with your presence at the show, I can't wait to see ya! Glad all is well with mommy and baby!
Hi Deb! The comment you left on my post today made me laugh out loud! Thanks so much for that -- I really needed it. Hope you had a great St. Patty's Day.... Maggie
Best news I've had today!
I'm very glad to hear that Bella is doing well. That was a good way to start the day!
And why didn't I think to have a bowl of Lucky Charms this morning? A perfect Irish breakfast. haha. Oh well, maybe next year I'll be havin' a bowl o' the lucky charms. Maybe I'll just go watch The Gnome Mobile, that'll make up for that lack o' the charms. ;-)
Good to hear that Baby Bella is gaining weight and Mommy is at home doing good as well.
Looking forward to seeing you in Warrenton next week!
Peace and Blessings~
SUPER nice to meet you...your blog looks a lot of fun...will have to add to my favorites!
AND yes- I will definately do the jig with you and my daughter who does Irish Dance competitively!!
Happy St. Patricks Day!
blessings, kari & kijsa
Hi, What a great post. It really brought a smile to my (Irish)eyes! I have spent a lovely time on your super blog relaxing after and listening to the music.
I'm amazed at how many of the blogs celebrate our national day with us. I know a few Callahans here (although they spell it Callaghan) I wonder if they are related to you somewhere along the way. Anyway, thanks for a nice visit...Pam, White O'Morn Cottage,Leitrim, Ireland
Happy belated St. Paddy's Debbie!
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