Get any ideas here Mindy for your coat rack?
I adore this fencing he built...I mean I REALLY adore it. Their shop, B & B, and new potting shed is not that far from Round Top, so drop by for sure. They will also be displaying their wares at Marburger Farms if you are shopping there.
Here is your latest Bella fix. What can I tell you except she is still doing great and holding her own. She is starting to get eyelashes and an attitude. Jenn is recovering nicely and has been released to start driving! If you are anywhere in between Roanoke and Baylor Hospital next week, I suggest you get out of the way!
And speaking of Bellas, Sue at Bella Shabby is having her 50th post giveaway! Sue is a treasure and has been a wonderful source of strength to me the last few weeks. She sent me a care package with chocolate and something to read while I was living at the hospital with Jenn. She is a wonderful, wonderful friend and her blog is a great read. Just wait until you see her header photo, Fab U Lous! So, get on over there and congratulate her and be sure and sign up.
This will be my last post until we get back from Warrenton. I will return with a vengeance with lots of stories and even more photos, hopefully some blackmail ones!!! Continue to keep us in your prayers for Bella to continue to get stronger and stronger! Love you all and in the words of Arnold, "I'll Be Back"!!!
Debbie , I am going to Miss you ! You just have the best time there at Zapp and know that I'll be thinking of you and Cat Daddy. He found some great stuff this time - I love the white Iron , rusty metal thing. You will sell those in a heartbeat. And such good news about Bella and Jenn. My Jen had a C-section and she wasn't happy without wheels , I'll tell ya! Have a great time at the blog party! Sue
Can't wait til your return. Have a great and prosperous time, Pam
Thanks SOOO much for posting these pix for us of The Potting Shed! You know that fancy slideshow of theirs doesn't let you gaze for hours on each photo...not that we have been trying to figure out any of their secrets or anything like that...nope, not us. Between L&L's and those two trailers of yours, we certainly have to make our trip to TX happen VERY soon! You and CD are going to make a killing this week!! Have a wonderful time and we can't wait to hear about all the fun...
The Boys of Barn House
Deb, so glad everything is going well. CD did the buying? Impossible! And he's even packing up? Couldn't bribe my husband. Loved the window and your pics. Will miss you. I'll keep all of you in my prayers...
goodness! I so wish I could tour in person!!! looking good so far!
Deb.. Ricky doesn't know it yet... but I think I've got him talked into driving to Round Top... Lord willin... ;) Have a save trip... lighting a candle for sweet Bella.
blessings and a bunch of hugs.. Dixie
I'm drooling already!
Have fun! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!!
Ha! Great ideas, you pointed out there, Miss Thang! Thank you ever so kindly. Prayers continue for Bella. And I look forward to a martini or adult beverage of SOME kind out there....fer sure! ~Mindy Sue
I've got the martini shaker, just waitin on you to do the shakin! Can't wait to see you...can you please hurry it up? Tell Danny to get in gear, Joe said to get down here! See you soon!
Still praying for Bella...So glad to hear the good reports! Hoping to see you this weekend. Still trying to talk Mr. Hero into taking a road trip! Hope you all have a great time!
Blessings girlfriend!
Excited for you Deb....and looking forward to seeing your "old time junker lined up in rows" junk! Hope to see you's supposed to be cold!!! Pack some snuggies!
Hey darlin!
Well, it is a rainin' down here...and is suppose to be a bit cool. Which is FINE with me...walkin' those fields can get really HOT (as you know). Greg & I will be coming in on Friday (since Ryan is out of school that day) and then plan on coming back on Sunday and Monday. So, will drop by to see what goodies ya have for the Yaya! Have a safe trip and will see ya soon!!!
And don't forget the camera...the bluebonnets are OUTSTANDING! Not to mention all the pics I will be takin'! :)
Love this post! I really enjoyed all the pictures.
Have a great trip!!!
Love the Windows! Great pictures! jen
Wishing you smooth roads, great sales and tons of fun together with Cat Daddy. Life on the road is always an adventure. I look forward to hearing your stories and seeing allt he pix when you return!
Deb, I know you're away at the show, but just wanted to let you know that you are the winner of my Moroccan giveaway!! Come check it out!!
I'm more and more in love with you every day!!!
The tin fencing made my heart stop~~~sigh
pick me up please!!!!
Nice post... you tease!!! All the best, CHrissy
I want soooooooooooooooo bad to sneak into that trailer and go with you!
Oh Gosh, I sure do miss you Guys! Wish I coulda been there with you, maybe in the fall. Can't wait til your back here blogging and showing me some pics of it all. Much Love and Lots of Hugs,Patricia
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