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Cat Daddy and I got up at 4 am, Saturday morning to take the first of two trailers to Zapp Hall at Warrenton! Yes, you read that right...I said 4 am. I know to all you hunters and farmers that isn't all that early, but to this city girl, it's still night! Was I really awake, you ask? No, but I was sitting in the poodle seat where I belong and C.D really doesn't care if I sleep all the way down as long as I am awake when the work begins! To be honest, I do wake up at West...gotta get some hangdown or at least a breakfast sandwich! That's always a must stop on our itinerary.
This is our biggest trailer and I won't bore you with the dimensions, but let's just say it's humongous! It's filled from the nose to the back door. In fact, it's always a good idea to stand back just a little bit when the door is lowered...wouldn't want to get hit by flying junk! We'll be taking the other trailer down on Thursday evening and that's when the fun begins! We were really blessed going down Saturday...nothing monumental happened. A very safe journey for which we are grateful. It's not always smooth sailing. One year we had two flats on the same side of the trailer in the middle of nowhere. C.D. limped the trailer into this little town where everything was closed for the day(at 12 Noon) including the one and only tire shop! A sweet gentleman came out of nowhere, had a key to the shop, sold us two tires for the owner (who was a friend of his) AND called his son to come up and change them for us. Imagine! The local policeman came by to check and see if we needed any other help. Didn't even question the selling of the tires. This same sweet gentleman wouldn't take a dime for himself or his son, but we insisted he at least let us buy them a steak dinner! This was small town kindness one just doesn't see much anymore.
This load went down without a hitch (except of course for the one on the truck, yuck, yuck!), although I can't say much about the highway conditions! I'm a little worried about what the inside of the trailer looks like...took quite a lot of bouncing.
Big Boy (the mannequin, not Cat Daddy) rode down in the back seat with Jakie. He'll have to spend the next few days in the trailer guarding all our "quality" merchandise just waiting for y'all to come on down and purchase!
It looks all peaceful and serene here, but just wait. That will all change in just a few short days. This is a shot of the side of Zapp Hall across from our tent. We are just a few steps out the back door. Theresa is at the front of the hall just around the corner. You can't see her little house, but Carolyn is my front door neighbor and on the other side of our tent is the Beer Garden! Royer's is right next door...can you smell the shrimp? Yum! And pie...lovely, lovely pie! I'm gaining weight just thinking about it.
This is the big tent and it will be full from stem to stern with vendors from all over. This grassy area is where you pick up purchases made at our show. Cheryl and the gang make it easy peasy for all you shoppers!
Ahhh! Home sweet home, at least for 10 days. On Friday morning this will all look so hot mess! You can barely make out Country Gardens and Richard's tents in the rear of the photo. Getting the idea of why we have so much fun doing this show? We have the greatest of friends and neighbors here. It truly is a homecoming for us.
Some of you have asked if my new header is our space. Yes, it is the first show we did at Zapp Hall back in 2000. We've been doing the Warrenton show since 1997 and consider ourselves fortunate to have finally made it downtown. I told y'all I am a city girl! I had to be in the "city".
These photos were taken with one of those little disposable cameras. You know the kind...where you have to take them in for developing. I must have a 100 of those in a drawer that never made it to development. In fact, these are the only photos of our tent that I have at all! Thank goodness for Kodak digital cameras and progress! I hope you get the chance to come to the spring show and if you can, please come by and see us. We would love to meet each and every one of you.
Now, howsa about some bebe updates and pictures? Bella is still improving a little each day. She had to have a surgical procedure last Wednesday evening to close a chute (PDA) with a ring. She did beautifully and the doctors were pleased. Her spotlight has been removed along with her sleep mask. She is almost totally off the blood pressure meds and is now getting her mother's milk through a feeding tube. Her weight is now 1 lb. 3 oz. (Thank you God) and she is 11" long! She is quite the mighty mite! Jenn is changing her diaper and taking her temperature. She opens her tiny eyes when she "feels" Jenn close. It's just a beautiful thing to see. Continue to pray for her that she will continue to grow and get strong. Her oxygen is being turned down a little each day and she is still kicking those little legs. Maybe she'll be the Rockette I wanted to be! I have Jenn with me this week...Roby had to go back to work. If she thought I was hovering before, she ain't seen nothing yet! It looks like I may get to stay at Warrenton longer if things continue this great. God continues to hold her in His mighty hands and I give Him all the glory and praise! Jenn and I have decided to continue chronicling Bella Marie's (I love saying her name!) progress on Jenn's blog, The Apiary. We'll be doing it together and I'll let you know when that starts. Stay tuned!
I'm going to close this post now...I hear Jenn stirring around. I wanted to say once again thank you to Tricia at The Domestic Fringe for the interview. Her questions were really wonderful and made me have to think. I don't usually like to think too me a headache, but I enjoyed answering them all. It was such a great idea of hers...a way of ushering in spring. Very clever! You really should go back and read the others she did and there will be more coming. It is such a great way of finding other blogs and connecting with people. I was so honored to have got to be a part of it. Her blog is spectacular and if you love words like I love words, you'll love reading her musings. This chick is Fab U Lous!
I am going to try and get in one more post before Thursday, but in the meantime....ZAPP HALL OR BUST, BABY!!!!!
Hi Debbie , I am going to live vicariously through you as you do the Warrenton Show. It looks like the Greatest Show on Earth. We don't have a show to do until the end of April , I can't wait , I miss it! Just how big is your tent and space? It looks Ginormous!! Once again I'm very thankful to hear great news about Bella. I think you can tell by the photo that she has grown. Have fun at Warrenton . Keep us all posted , Sue
Oh, Deb, I wish you great luck at the show, sell tons, and take lots of pictures for us sad creatures who can't go!! So good to hear about Bella!! Have fun!
Thank you for the update on Bella. Sweet! Praying for those little lungs to keep getting stronger and stronger.
I look forward to following Bella's progress on Jenn's blog. Prayers continue for her strength and growth.
I'll be there late Saturday, depending on how many garage sales and junk shops we stop at along the way! Can't wait to see all the goodies! ~Mindy
Me & Big D can't wait to go junkin!!! He is busting at the seams!!!Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get ready to go or when we are there!! Loves!
two wishes for you Deb... first... baby Bella continues to grow and gain strength and is soon home with her family to thrive...
second... that you come home from Warrenton with empty trailers...
I'm still hoping that Ricky and I will get to come on Saturday... but still not sure... Hope to see you there!
blessings. Dixie
Hey Bella, Do you hear all of us out here in blogland cheering and praying and cyberhugging you to bits. Grow sweet baby grow! And Debbie, if I could, I would be there at that show with bells on. Happy Monday! xo Lynn It's my turn at VintageJournal to post this week. Pondering what to talk about.
Loved the interview, love Bella's growing and her eyes opening to see her Mom... Good luck with the show; I know how hard those shows are to do (it's why I quit). I can't believe you take that much stuff. I took half and still couldn't do it. Can't wait to hear about it and Bella.
So glad there will be a place to continue to watch Bella grow strong.I love all of your setting up photos. Keep em comin'. I want to see this all come together first hand. Actually second hand through your eyes. Hope you don't have to load a single thing on the trip home except your own purchases. Hugs, Pam
Ohhhh wow....I'm getting so excited about Warrenton. The pictures are making me itch to get up there right now!
I'm SO glad to hear that Bella Marie is continuing to do better. How sweet!
First, let me say what a beautiful baby!! No wonder I missed you, you were up way before me. We also took one trailer down Friday and the other Saturday and I'll be there tomorrow night, can't wait to see you!!
I bet that when Bella opens her little eyes, hearts melt all around her! She is precious, precious, precious! So glad she continues to grow and do well. She will be running around your house before you know it!
You will know me when I get to your tent...I'll be the one screaming obscenities and hugging your neck! Can't wait to meet you! I think Karen and I are coming Sunday and Monday and any other time we just feel like it! Hope Lurch may come for a while on Sunday, but we will just have to wait and see. He could use some cold beer and good company! He needs to meet all the people who were praying for him!
Girl, you better get ready...I'm on my way!
wish I could see the show in person!
My niece was 9 weeks early....they are a should see her now!!! I will keep Bella in my thoughts and prayers! she is precious...amazing how strong they are when they are so small isn't it?
Oh, bebe Bella Marie is so sweet. Bless her little heart and grow bigger and stronger every single day. Tell Jenn, that pumping her milk for Bella Marie is the best possible thing she can do and not to give up if it get's hard, 'cause it really is worth it - it's "liquid gold"! Blessings to all!
baby bella is beautiful and your daughter looks rested, well and happy. good things will come....they just will. i bet you are so proud.
i don't know if i will make it to warrenton or not. would love to. i'm gonna try.....
your booth pics looks incredible. why wouldn't they???? BUT EVEN MORE...HOW BIG IS THAT TRUCK!!! texas vendors are like the hardest workin' junkin/creative/booth folks i've met. (i still love you georgia folks) i feel like it's an honor to even visit blogs....
you are going to rock the house at round top this just will...
It's so good to hear that sweet little Bella is growing and continuing to improve! God bless you, sweetie!
Hi Debbie,
So glad things are going ok with Bella. I'm still praying for her.
Good luck at Zapp Hall! Wish so bad I could come to shop and to meet you! I was in Dallas this past week for my nephew's wedding. Thought about you and little Bella.
Talk to you soon,
Oh Debbie,
Just seeing that beautiful baby girl gives me goose bumps....she's so tiny and perfect. May God continue to watch over her and your family.
Good luck my friend at Zapp, have a wonderful show!! I can't wait until Fall when we will be joining you! We were in Round Top Friday and will be there again on Saturday. Can't wait to see some of the incredible flying junk from your trailer!
I wanna go!!! Sounds and looks like SO much fun. I'm not sure what would be better: shopping, vending or just plain cutting up with everyone!!!! I hope you have a blast and sell everything off of those 2 trailers!!!
Please take ALOT of pictures for us to see!
Bella is PRECIOUS! Still praying for her and wishing ya'll lots of fun...Have a good one!
everything vintage
Miss Bella is a tough little cowgirl! She's got you and CD's genes galloping all throughout her itty bitty sweet self!
Can't believe I won't lay eyes on you 2! I know you'll have a blast...and much laughter!
love & miss u! ox lulu
You are one busy mommy or should I say grandmother! You are awesome girl! Keep us posted on that sweet little baby I pray for her everyday as I hold my own little babies in my arms.
Have fun at the show! I'm so glad to know the little Miss Bella is doing well!!
I know you are going to have a blast!! Wish I was there. You will have to post more pics. Can't wait to see.
The itty bitty one is just to sweet for words! Many Blessings, Janna
Hey girlfriend!
Looks like you are going to have a lot of treasures for me to tear through! :) I am planning on being there Sunday & Monday. Until I see ya...have a great show!
So glad to hear that baby Bella is doing great! xo...deb
Have Mercy on US...I don't think I have ever seen a trailer that big! We can only imagine the "must-haves" that are filling it up! We will be down to TX hopefully this year. But, it just may be toooo much for us to handle.
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