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Y'all, it's official. Amy at Trailer Trash has announced the winners of the Bella Bucks raffle! She has published a list of the winners at the Junk Sistas for all to view. Please go over and give her a big hug and kiss for all her hard work and while you are at it, please let all the participants know how much they are appreciated. Amy, Ms. T and all those who donated their time, talents and money are unsung heroes who deserve a huge pat on the back. In a world where everyone is looking after #1, it's a joy to see and feel love oozing out every which a way. I can't begin to say thank you enough, so I'm counting on y'all to help me out.
Jenn, Roby, Brandon and BELLA want to say thank you for all the loving support you have so freely given! As you know, Bella is moving closer to a "going home" time. She has been moved down in the NICU(which is a HUGE thing!) and is only on an oxygen line and feeding line. The step-down occurred Saturday just as Cat Daddy and I arrived at the hospital.(Hence, the makeup sliding down my cheeks!) All her nurses were there taking photos of her graduation! I know what they do is probably one of the hardest and most heart wrenching jobs, but they do it beautifully. I'm sure that when they get to see a baby all the way through to the point Bella is at is one of their main rewards. What angels they truly are! There will be a lot of training for Jenn and Roby over the next few weeks to prepare them for bringing her home and Jenn will be talking about all that on her blog. One of the biggies is giving her a bottle. She received her first one this past Saturday and did great! Jenn got to give it to her and her bottle feedings will be increased to the point where the feeding line can be removed. God continues to hold her in His mighty hands and for that we are most humbled!
I am not going to reveal who is the lucky recipient of my hunka hunka! You'll just have to go check it out here! Cat Daddy was kind of concerned she might not have won the grand prize, but more like the booby prize, so I am going to add to it! I don't know exactly what I'm going to do, but I guarantee it will be a doozy!I want to say congratulations to all the winners, but you know, you are all winners in my book!
Y'all have made me cry and laugh on more than one occasion, but always in the best of ways! You know you are my favorite and I love you all, but this post isn't about me, it's about you, so................. LET THE SQUEALING BEGIN!!!
You are the best, Deb. And, you always make me smile. Congrats to all the winners - and they all are.
So glad for more great news on Bella!!! She will be home in no time flat!! This has been an absolutely amazing miracle to witness and I want to thank you for allowing me that privilege.
Thank you for your support regarding my "job" issues ~ all is well :)
Lou Cinda :)
Deb... yes that is your placecard at the French Lique porch party... I just assumed you'd hide baby Bella in your purse and bring her with you... LOL
blessings... Dixie
ps... I'm sending you a email with a little secret... just between you and me... so, I know it will be hard... but keep the secret!
What great news about Bella, Deb...!! WE are all rooting for her!!! I am so happy I was able to donate to this wonderful gesture, and congratulations to all the winners!!
Hi Debbie
That little Bella , she continues to amaze and bless us all! I cannot tell you how happy I am for your family. xoxo , Sue
Love that quote, Deb! Where did you find it!
I am so glad to read more good news about our little sweetie. And you know she's become our baby!! Can't wait to see her in person. Give her a big kiss and hug for me!!
I just LOVE the Bloggin' World!! Isn't it AWESOME!
Lots of bloggy love all around! :)
Absolutely love your new header photo! I'm lovin you writing about all the exciting news about Bella. I'm sure it's only a short time till she gets to come home! She is really beautiful!
Hi Debbie,
What great news, I'm so happy for you all! Have a wonderful week - love the new header photo at the top, sweets!
I won four fabulous prizes in this raffle! But, Deb, I will need you to take this one off my hands! No babies in my immediate future and this stuff is too good not to be put into use!
I'm giddy all over!
Yee haw! This was lots of fun, for the love of Bella. ~Mindy
girl..this is such a wonderful post!
Back at ya my friend! Look at that sweet little doll--wow has she come a long way! So very happy for you and your family! And don't you dare refer to CD as a booby prize!
We love you SO much Debbie...our little Bella is part of the sister hood! Dear God has been good to her and so have all of the Junk Sistas...they are the best! This was so much fun. I gave and received (in more ways than one I tell ya!) and all for the love of little Bella...Wow! I know you are thanking us, BUT I want to thank you from the bottom of MY heart for ALWAYS making me smile, day after day after day. You are amazing Deb!!!
everything vintage
That header is awesome! I am so so thrilled that everything is moving along! What a fun and wonderful undertaking the Junk Sistas organized. Plus, I won something fab-u-lous! Go Bella, Go Debbie, go CD! I agree with Jodie, you always bring a smile, Hugs, Pam
OK y''re making me cry again!
Wow! I have been out of town, so I am trying to catch up on my blogging. So glad to hear Bella has "graduated" to a better level. Yea - you got to hold her!!!! She is beautiful!
Hey, if you ever do come up to Wichita to the flea market, tell me! I'll meet you there!
Hey darlin!
Great news about Ms. Bella! :) And thank you so much for your loving support to the Junkin' Yaya!
Hopefully, ya'll get down here soon??? xo...deb
I'm squealing, but I just hope the chick that won CD, can speak Mexican!!!!! lauri
Deb, my original plan when we went to Louisiana was to come back through Houston and make a surprise visit to you...then I had to go and get sick!
Laurie, she better be able to talk Kleberg!
Shannon, if we get to go to Wichita before it gets too hot, I will so give you a call!
What a blessing you are to us! We all love you so much Mrs. Deb! What an amazing testimony of God's faithfullness Mrs. Bella is! God never fails us!
I think you are amazing!
You are really holding her in that picture- I'm teary eyed for you! And I bet Cat Daddy is so proud ( and relieved)...I just love the quote you put in your post...
Bless her Heart! SOO GLAD to see that sweet baby so BIG and out of the castle.
Joy! ox lulu
FYI:Babies who are born extremely premature
and with low birth weight should qualify for
social security. My son was born at 27 weeks
weighing 1 lb. 6 oz. and qualfied for this
assistance. He will turn 13 soon and is doing
great. Beautiful Bella Marie reminds me so much
of him when he was a baby with the pudgy cheeks. When we brought him home I bathed him
in the pink throw up bucket they give you at the hospital. So precious, enjoy every moment
when she comes home.
So glad you have had good news with the cute little baby! xo Joan
Thank you for the information. As a matter of fact, the family nurse came to Roby and Jenn just a few days after Bella was born to give them this information. Because they both have jobs, she only qualified for $30.00 a month and while they appreciate any and all help they receive, this doesn't go very far. It does help with the breast pump rental. But we do love hearing of babies who are now doing thriving! Jenn clung to these stories during the first month and knew God was sending folks to her just for this purpose. Thank you for sharing yours. They gave her a bath tonight with the nurse's help, but I don't think it was in a bucket although that would be a photo and a half!
That header photo is sooo cute. Bella, "you've come a long way, baby!" from that tiny little girl 2 plus months ago. Debbie, I know your heart has to be full and overflowing with this beautiful miracle and God's love. And you've shown such love and trust and faith through this all. You're living the quote you posted.
So excited for you all,
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