I need to ask a personal favor of y'all tonight. Bella is doing fantastic since her "step down" except on the bottle feedings. After the first three days (which went great), Monday she choked, turned blue and had to stop. Once her stats returned to normal, she was sent to X-ray to make sure there wasn't any fluid in her lungs. Everything looked normal including the development of her lungs. The nurse tried the next day to give her a bottle and again she got choked. Her doctor thought maybe if they waited a week, she would be ready.
This week she still was unable to take a bottle plus her statistics started doing crazy numbers. Initially they were treating it as reflux which is common in preemies, but now they think it may have to do with the amount of oxygen she is receiving. Needless to say, this has Jenn pretty anxious. In fact, she is feeling really stressed because she doesn't seem to be getting any clear cut answers to her questions. She and Roby have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow with the doctor, therapist and family nurse because she wants to understand exactly what is going on, such as why Bella is receiving Lasix.
This leads me to my favor....Jennifer needs reinforcing. She has trusted God in all the steps of Bella's journey and she continues to do so, but she really needs some lifting up. I am asking y'all to pray that she and Roby will get the answers they need; Bella will be able to take her bottles and that she will be able to come home soon. Unless she can take 8 one ounce bottles a day, she can't. It isn't her weight that is the problem (she is now over 4 lbs 12 oz). The only thing standing in her way is the problem with nursing. If y'all could go over and give Jenn just a little of your wisdom, love and scripture, it would help so much. I know it is difficult for her with Bella being so close to coming home, but she just needs to hang on for just a little bit longer. We know we have been blessed because Bella has had none of the problems encountered with preemies born as early as her and believe me when I say, we fall to our knees every chance we get to praise God and give thanks. She is a miracle. I think this is one reason why this has been so difficult for Jenn. Every hurdle that has been thrown at our wee one, she has soared over with flying colors.
God is not quite done with her yet, but in His time she will be perfect. Hard to believe this little chunky monkey is the same baby! (BTW, she is also 16" tall! She really loves her bath time!)
If y'all could just reassure her that the waiting is almost over, I would be beholding. In your prayers would you please ask for Jenn to hold her temper, but get the answers she and Roby deserve. Also if you would, please ask that the doctor talk straight without a lot of mumbo-jumbo that no one understands. If I sound upset, I am. It hurts me to see my baby worried about her baby...y'all know what I mean.
So in advance, thank you and an IOU has been issued in your name redeemable any time after Bella comes home!
On my way, Debbie.
I gave my testimonial at Jenn's. Love ya.
The Texas Woman
Deb... I know this is so hard on your family... I wish I had wonderful words of wisdom, but I don't. I can't imagine what you're all going through... but you are in my prayers every day... I know in my heart that little Bella will be home soon...
blessings. Dixie
At times like these, it's like a roller coaster ride. There are ups and downs and all you can really do is hang on. It is when things are out of our control that the anger and frustration come out. The doctors and nurses in the NICU etc. are used to the frustrations of family. Just be the squeaky wheel till you get the info you are looking for. Bella will come home soon. She's just having trouble with something new that she hasn't gotten used to yet. Be strong a little longer.
I did my duty! I wish I could make your lives easier. I will pray for Jenn to have patience and understanding. I will pray for you to find peace because it is torture to see your children suffer! You know if you need anything...I am there!
My little guy was 4lb 9oz when he was born, that seemed so small. Seeing tiny Bella amazes me! She has already accomplished so much in such a short period of time, and all while napping too!
She will get there...soon enough she will be keeping the follks up with her demands of midnight feedings-and they will cherish it!
I'm back from Jenn's~
Anything for you (& your girls) sweetheart, consider it done.
Peace to you too Debbie...I can't imagine what your heart feels like. A mother's heart is like NO other...
everything vintage
I'll head over to Jenn's in a moment. First thoght my prayers & thoughts & hugs to you Grandma Cat!! I can only imagine how difficult this time is for you & CD. You have been given a tremedous gift, and sometimes there are so many ribbons to untie that we get all tangled up. Sweet Miss Bella is a gift beyond measure, and will be a treasure to you your whole life! Prayer and strength and patience to you all. HUGS *elaine*
Whoops...Debbie...Don't know why I said Grandma Cat...that's what I get for not spellchecking my own writing...get too much in a rush someimes! *elaine*
Gotta hang in there, and try to keep sight of the big picture. A scheduled meeting with the team is the best thing, for Jenn and Roby. Hope this hurdle is overcome soon, Deb.
Going over right after I send you a big XO...lulu
Deb, I'm praying that all will be well. Heading over to Jenn's blog now. Be strong my friends, T
Sending tons of love and prayers your way!
Debbie, I saw your request last night and prayed for guidance. God is pretty cool about speaking to us when we will listen. I picked up a book and saw this scripture:
In him was life: and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:4,5
Perfect! I would expect nothing less. Jesus will continue to guide in the darkness. And we have that promise to hold onto.
Much love to you and the family. ~Mindy
My thoughts and prayers are with little Bella and all those who love her.
Debbie: I am on my way to lend support. I wish there was more I could do!! I will keep each of you in my prayers and know that God will also handle this hurdle!!
Hugs to each of you...
Lou Cinda :)
I'm praying in between suds. I am so sure this little gal will figure it out soon.
Debbie, my prayers continue to be with you and your whole family. You never know what reasons God has for things, and I'm sure there is a good one for this setback. But I'm also sure that many more wondrous things will happen in your little sweetie's life. Hang in there! We love you! ~Lori
Hi Debbie,
I know that this has been a long journey for Jenn & your entire family. Bella continues to be in my prayers.
Going right over! We are praying.
Prayers are on the way!! She is so precious and so beautiful!!
Just hang in there and things will get better!
Hugs and kisses to Bella!
Consider it done! Prayer continues and we know it works!
My prayers are with your family, little
Bella is so beautiful! Angie
done... love to you all.
peace and grace, fancy
More blessings and warm thoughts from Iowa!!!
Take care Grandma!
Prayers for this little one and her family are absolutely coming your way. she is such an angel...and a trooper! I hope her parents can stay strong and positive! I know this is such a difficult time for them...so stressful
Tell Jenn not to worry, if Bella needs to stay
in the hospital longer, it is for the best.
Believe me, I would rather have her there if an
emergency comes up than at home. Really, the
hard work begins when Bella goes home. Jenn
will have time for nothing else when Bella is home, it might even be more stressful for
her. Let the doctors and nurses take care of
her for now. She will come home when they are
sure she can. My son was 1 lb. 6 oz. and is
now 13. (I commented before, but i dont have a
blog). I will continue to pray for all of you..
I will keep your family in my prayers. That baby is beautiful!!!
Debbie, I read your post with tears streaming down my cheeks because I cannot understand the "whys" of these things in life. I look at my newborn granddaughter and feel so blessed, and trust in God, but can't understand the "whys" of what little Bella has gone through. Please know your family is in my prayers constantly, and things will be good, things will get better, I believe that!!
Debbie, Just found you through Garden Antqs Vintage..so glad I did, as I want to extend my prayers to you and your family. Through faith and prayers there isn't anything that can't be accomplished!
Best Regards
Debbie, I am sending love and prayers for your family. You and CD are loving parents. God Bless you. With much love, Sandi
Your blog is such a blessing! I am so excited that I found it! You precious granddaughter is in my prayers and I will be sure to go to Jenn's blog to send her my prayers too!
You got it! love ya...deb
Yes, your lil' precious family and baby girl, Bella remains in my prayers and I know that you will find out answers very soon! Love the pics, just precious!!
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