As promised in a couple of post ago, Paula (who just happens to be another Texas girl, imagine that!) has started a new blog, Lone Star Lifer. (That's Paula all snuggled in by Cat out Double L's!) I'm so excited for her and I told her that a whole new world was going to be opening up. The people she was going to get to meet and become friends with was just amazing! Y'all know I'm talking about all of favorite! So if you get a chance in the next few days, go on over and warn her, I mean welcome her to our crazy world. She's a doll and I know you'll be instant BFF's!
Without sounding like bragging, even though I am Texan and that is our reputation, I wanted to say a thank you for a nomination for Most Inspiring Blog. I don't know how this happened...I had gone over to vote for Tootsie (who just happens to be nominated for THREE awards!) and saw my name! I was a little shocked since I don't consider myself inspirational. We all know who the inspiration is...I'm just the typist. Never the less, thank you to my one fan. There are some really fantastic blogs in this category. Two of them already have over 6200 votes! What do you think my odds are for winning? Not a snowball's chance or maybe one in a million? Patti at Delighted Heart summed it up for is an honor just to have my name there and by voting for myself every day I can at least guarantee I won't be skunked! You can click on the button to go over and see all the nominees and categories. (I tried to put a subliminal message in here to get some votes, but I don't think it worked!)
But this got me to thinking about a category that is left out. There really ought to be categories for commenters. Comments are a gutsy thing. First, you have to get up the nerve to leave one, especially on a mega-blog, then you have to try to come up with something clever to say that hasn't been said. Truth is, no comment is too small or trite. Any and all are wonderful little surprises, but still it's something I worry about when I'm commenting so I bet you do too!
There should be a category for most reliable commenter. You know the one who is going to leave you a note even if it is the worst post you ever did just because they care about you. Then there should be one for the commenter who always makes you laugh. Don't you just love when you get one of those? It's the one you hope for to start your day off with a smile. How about one for the, when someone gets me, well I am one happy little fat woman! I think there should also be one for the seeker. You know who you are. You're the one who seeks out new blogs, leaves a sweet comment and goes on to tell others about it. That is an art form all to itself. I don't want to forget the thoughtful commenter. You're the one who leaves wonderful messages and mini-letters. You take the time to write from the heart.
See what I mean? This could be a whole contest all by itself. Everybody is always mentioning comments and how important they are to bloggers. Why not recognize those who do comment instead of the blogs. It's kind of like a football game. Without cheerleaders it would still be a game and a good time...BUT with them, heck, then it's a good time complete with short skirts and pompoms!
(I forgot to mention I have (along with some secret celebrities) a huge surprise coming up that y'all are just going to love...stay tuned!)
Just voted,and I have to say, I do agree with Patti, you ARE pretty inspirational. I truly enjoy your blog and visit it each day.
Take care, Sue
I voted...and you ARE an inspiration...and funny too!! Like the idea of the commenter award. When I first started blogging I was afraid to leave comments, especially on the BIG blogs. Now? I comment all over the fear! Have agreat day!! *elaine*
(From the bottom up) Great idea to recognize commenters! I do love to hear from folks, even if it's just an acknowledgement that they took the time to read what I took the time to write. There are mentors, encouragers, comedians, back patters, empathizers. Love em all! Congrats on your nomination, friend girl. I need to vote. Then I'm gonna go check out Paula. Thanks for blogging, Debbie. ~Mindy
See...I comment even when I don't check my spelling...or my punctuation...or forget to hit the spacer bar between words :} *elaine*
Wow, I just left a long mushy comment for you but it was deleted. boo hoo. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that you have blessed me this week with your sweet and thoughtful comments on my new blog. You always leave messages that are so personal and give me ideas for future posts. Thankyou, for being everyones "cheerleader"!I'm going over to vote.
Ah shucks, you are so sweet to all of us! I would not be such a regular commenter of your blog wasn't so damn inspiring :) I voted too! Gotta take care of my peeps!
Thanks for visiting me so regularly and leaving me comments even when I post a giant turd! It is so nice to have bloggy friends, ay?
Speaking of turds, here I am!
Girlfriend, you are inspirational!Congratulations on your nomination! Good things do happen to good people...with a little help from some friends!
I LOVE your idea on awards for commenters! I think you need to take that idea and run with it! Or at least suggest it to the big dogs who run these contests. Getting comments makes all the difference in the world. That is what makes blogging worthwhile!
Now, I gotta run. I'm busy voting!
Oh, I've gotta go vote quick. You deserve this award!!!
Shoot'd win the best commenter award hands down! You always leave the best comments and wordy ones at that! Always love getting them from you and everyone else that takes the time to leave one....and you ALWAYS take the time!
Hell Debbie, I think I would just close out my blog if I didn't hear from you anymore. My whole world would just fall apart! Blowing smoke? NO, I'm serious girl...I love visiting here and I love when you give me your two (or three) cents. I'm sure everyone who blogs with you feels the same way I do!!!!! You deserve awards coming and going, right or left, up or down, get the drift~
We just love ya!
everything vintage
well... I think you're inspirational... funny... outrageous... engaging... and you already know you're a winner... so "thar ya go"... hugs... Dixie
Is that woman trying to steal MY Cat Daddy????The nerve of her. I'll be on a plane faster that you can say, "SCAT." Us southern girls don't play.....Just wait till I tell Lulu. The South will rise again you know. Lauri
Too true, commenters ROCK. Especially the ones that make you snort!
Hi Debbie,
I'll go over and say hello. Congrats on the nomination, I'll have to go over and take a look there as well.
So glad you're signed up for the scarf, Debbie. You make your pooches very proud. Can't wait to see what you do to decorate yours in memory of Dempsey (what a great idea!).
...And, of course I'm voting for you!
Congrats sweetie! It is well deserved....and I will go vote everyday for ya!!! Surely, between a Texas gal and a Cajun...we can do something? ;)
i nominate you for the blogger with the biggest heart, too:) i appreciate you and your visits, comments, deb. and i looove your droll humor and the fact that you put names for drawings in a vaporizer when you're sick on your birthday. oh wow. you just make me smile.
Hi Debbie! Thanks for visiting my blog. Congratulations on your award!! You are an inspiration! Amy and I are looking forward to our Round Top trip!
You would definitely win the "commentors" award too. I can always count on you. I'm going over to vote for you right now. Good luck -- you deserve it. Jan
I wish I had more time to comment, but my blogging friends seem to post faster than I can find spare moments! I did manage to give you my vote, though. I'll try to get over to Paula's if I can find another one of those spare moments! :-)
Well said. Only you could write about commenting with such thought and depth. Sure you aren't a professional?
Girl, you deserve every award you receive and then some. You always seem to know what to say and you do always leave the best comments! I know I appreciate you and CD for all your sweet words and even for your honesty! That's a whole other award in itself :)
No time for any backtalk and sass right now. I GOT TO VOTE!! But, I'll be back.... Maggie
Hi Debbie! Thanks for stopping by. Love your title of "keeper of the crap"; do you get a crown with that? Lovely post about your dad. A little something is on its way to Bella. Can't believe how juicy she is!
GURL, you're gonna have to REMOVe ALL THAT HIpstress furniture to make room for your awards. You rock, on my way to vote...oxox lulu
I just voted for you Debbie! That's a wonderful idea about awards for commenters. A friendly, encouraging comment can make my day more than the most beautiful blog! I think you're onto something! ~Lori
Debbie: I can think of no one who deserves this award more than you! Inspirational?? OH YES!!! You make me smile, you make me belly laugh and you touch my heart and bring tears to my eyes with your kindness and compassion!
I have been out of town and am just now getting "caught up" and I am fixing to go and VOTE!!!
Thank you for all of your kind comments and hysterical posts and heartwarming words! You Texas gals are something else!!
Lou Cinda :)
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