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Well it finally happened! The doors were opened at 11:00 and it's a good thing. There was a mob just waiting to get in and it didn't matter how hot it was outside...they weren't budging!
A word of warning for those of you thinking of opening a is a lot of work, time and money. Gloria has worked her fool self almost to death to get this unique shopping experience ready and glory, what a sight it was to see!
It was my privilege to decorate one of the front windows. All the vendors will be taking turns doing the windows over the year. I gotta tell you, I was just a little worried. I wanted to make it special for Gloria and I hope she was pleased. I'm pretty sure the outside crowd was thrilled with the window show I gave them trying to finish before the doors were unlocked. If any of you shoppers got a photo of my best side bent over...Puh-Lease, do not publish them. The world just ain't ready for that!
Gloria, Don and all the staff (with a big thank you to Cerise for among other things, yummo pimento cheese sandwiches!) worked from can to can't cleaning, painting, helping us decorate and just about anything that needed doing. I so appreciate Gloria giving me the opportunity to be part of this great new adventure.
This was just a small view of the turnout! Wall to wall folks having a great time!
There were old friends as well as new.
I thought at one time the Fire Marshal might bust us for having too many people in the building! It was that crowded and it didn't let up all day. The girls had run out of chicken salad by 3:00p.m. Thank goodness, there were plenty of mimosas!
I know there are going to be a lot of posts going up in the next few days, but I wanted to share with y'all the feel of the shopping! That's what it's all about, right? The thrill of the hunt?
I didn't get to take as many photos as I wanted to because...well kiddies, I was just too busy! Things moved out a lot faster than Cat Daddy and I had been able to move them in.! I don't think Donna and Gloria looked up from the checkout for more than 5 minutes until late afternoon. But breathe easy...David was in attendance and he had his camera!
We were all happy with the attendance. Thanks to everyone who came out and it was fun seeing you all!
I'm going to bed now...I'm tired, but it is a good tired. Here is a photo of my space almost finished last night. Trust me when I say, half of what you see is GONE! Woo Hoo!!! Come see us soon Wednesdays through Saturdays when you get the chance. We'll leave the chandelier on for you!
Wish I could have been there to see all of the fun, thank you for sharing the day with us. Bless you with the new venture. Sandi
Wow! is there anything left? :) I wish I lived there so I could have shopped toooooo!
Lots of smiles!!!!
I'm so upset I couldn't attend. I do look forward to getting that way soon. You window looks great!
Great pics Debbie, I'm gonna link to your post from mine.
BTW when you get time, send me pics of the piece we were discussing.
Thanks for the photos, the window looks great! I am going to try and make it there soon! Angie
Deb.....Congrats..Sharon and I hope to be there Wednesday. Sorry we missed the opening.
Rest well, you will need it
Happy Hugs
wish I was part of that crowd!
Critter says the store is just a couple hours from here. Guess who is planning a a weekend trip that way ?
Looks like yall had a great time.
Get some rest
It all looks fabulous. I'm sure they loved the window you did!!!!!! Get some rest, congrats on a great and successful opening. Hey!!!!!
Yes - owning a store is not a hobby like I originally thought but oh the pay off and the fun (and the JUSTIFIED) continued shopping makes it all worth it!! Sandy - The Tattered House, Calif.
I LOVE the building and was drooling over some of the architectural stuff! My store is in an old building also. I think it helps give the antiques and junk a better backdrop! Thanks for sharing all the photos, you have no idea how I just stared and stared at them as if they were in a magazine. Thanks! Sue
Wow, seems like a wonderful store...!! You did a great job on the window... Thanks for bringing us pictures, we want more!!
So glad it went well! I can't wait to see it in person!!
What fabulous stuff!
Glad to hear that Jenn got answers to her questions. Still praying for Bella.
It sounds like yall had a good opening weekend! I hope this venture is a wonderful one for you.
Debbie: It is just painful to see all of these WONDERFUL things and I am sooooooooo far away and can't get them!!
Your booth was gorgeous! Love the wicker, and the wrought iron looking table!! ~ Sigh ~
Maybe I can get out there one of these days!
Glad you sold TONS! Makes all the work worth it, if it don't kill ya' first!
Have a good week my friend! Hope Bella is doing great!
Lou Cinda :)
Amazing to have a turnout like that. You gals must have a following or reputation! Loved the pinkish cabinet and wicker and alabaster lamp...
Glad you ladies had such a great turnout! Looked like a fun time.
Just wish I could have been there. Your space looks fabulous, Debbie. I love those green walls - SO my colour and my shabby taste. Glad it was a wonderful turnout, now you rest up and recover.
Great post, Debbie! I love all of your outdoor pictures and of course, your window was fab-u-lous! I may grab that pic for my blog. Love it! Congrats on a great day. ~Mindy
What a great day, Huh? Will see you again this week as we drag another load into the New Mall to replace the treasures that have already found new homes. Can't wait!
Hugs, Donna
Looks wonderful. What a space! I love the phrase working from can to can't. Cute.
You had a busy day, my dear, but it all looks wonderful. I hope you sell, sell, sell!
The Texas Woman
Debbie, just wanted to stop by and say Hi! I've been following your blog since the beginning, and you are in my "Hall of Fame". Thanks for all the great photos and hilarious commentary. You are a joy to read and would love to meet you in person!
I'm new to blogland and so just wanted to introduce myself and invite you over.
I have been blessed and amazed at that sweet Bella. (who bears a striking resemblance to you) God is good, all the time.
Thanks again, from one Debbie to another.
Well you did a fine job. It looks like everything went well. It's too bad this shop is in Tx.
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