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People, I got to tell y'all, I think I have met myself coming when I should have been going. Remind me to never schedule this much stuff for one month ever again. If you even hear me hint of this much craziness, just take me out back and shoot me, please!
This past weekend, in addition to redoing our space at Winnie & Tulula's on Saturday, we also went to the wedding reception for one of our dearest friends. Girls and boys, I was so tired, I couldn't even dance. I danced one slow one with Cat Daddy and one fast one with everybody and I was absolutely done in. Usually I am the unpaid entertainment, but I just couldn't do it. My get up and go just felt like it had got up and went! Now don't get me wrong...the reception was beautiful and I am so happy for Sherry I want to pop, but at my age I have just got to learn to pace myself!
Not to fear though, Cat Daddy did get the trailer loaded for Carolyn's Summer Market Show this Saturday. I am pleased with what we are taking and I really do hope to see all of you there. You know, the high is only supposed to be 95 degrees and here in Texas, that's a cold front! With the shade trees at Carolyn's and the tents, why I just know it will feel like air conditioning!
Between Carolyn, Willow Nest Farms and the other great vendors, you are bound to find something you can't live without. Cat Daddy has been practicing his "How you doin'?" in anticipation of your arrival and you wouldn't want to break his heart or his ego, now would you? You can get directions over at Carolyn's and I really hope to see y'all Saturday.
Now on to my other little surprise I hinted at a few posts back. Misty, my daughter-in-law, will be hostessing a baby shower for Jenn on the 25th of this month. I'm helping her(no pressure here!) and we're both so excited. Bella is doing so well with the bottle feedings that it looks like she will be coming home in a month. (Keep those prayers coming!) We've waited this long to make sure that Jenn, the Bella Mama, would be able to relax and enjoy herself and we feel the time has come. So what do y'all say to making this fun for everybody who has been involved since the beginning...namely y'all! After all, she's your baby too!!!
I've decided to hold a virtual shower for the Bella Momma on the 26th. I'll post photos of Jenn's shower and I would love for all of y'all to post baby showers or just baby photos on the same day. They could be of your kids, you, showers you received, showers you gave, puppies, kittens...any and all babies. I love all of y'alls imaginations and I just know you can come up with something great, fun and maybe a little silly!
Girls, I promise to make it worth your while. For starters, Jenn, Misty and I are all going to be wearing these Bella Pink Rose rings. I will be giving one away the day of the shower. Y'all know how much I love big, honkin' rings and this one is a doozey!!! I haven't worked out all the details as to how I will be selecting winners, but let's just say there will be a diaper pail involved!!!
BTW, aren't these photos just the worst? I don't know what the problem was, but I will be trying to get better photos up as we progress. I just wanted y'all to see what I was giving away.
I want to make sure that everyone leaves the party with a gift (even you, Cher), so I am going to send everyone who participates a Junk Sista coozie. The only thing I will need is an address to send it to. This is just a little thank you gift from Jenn and I for all the prayers, hope and love you sent us over the last five months. Y'all can't even begin to imagine how many times I went back and reread your comments to get me through a day. Your kindness is the stuff dreams are made of and I plan on printing out each and every comment and e-mail for Bella's baby book. I want y'all to be a part of her life since I already feel like you are family.
I also have a secret prize that I will be giving away. I'm holding that information back for just a little bit to pique your interest. Tell me, do I have your attention yet? Believe me, it will be a prize fit for Cinderella!!!
Would you believe it is also my blogiversary tomorrow? I can't believe a year has passed so quickly! So much has happened in this past year and I just can't wait to see what's around the corner!
So dig out those baby books, pull out those shoe boxes of photos, and let me know if this sounds like fun to y'all. Y'all know me and how much I love a party. I promise you up and down, you'll never attend another one like this one!!!
Here's hoping I see you Saturday!
Oh Deb, it does sound like fun. And Bella coming home before long? Sounds like Heaven on earth. Can't wait to see the day. I know you'll take a ton of pics. PS ~ I will tell you next time you are doing to much. We're not getting any younger girl. Er. I guess that could go both ways. (Not enough time left to do it all or better get after it fast!) I do want one of those cuppy things too. Love you.
Sooo...depending on life and all...we're gonna try and come see you Saturday. I imagine we'll have fans in hand. Though 95 does sound a little chilly!
The shower idea sounds like fun! I'm gonna have to see what I can come up with. The ring looks like fun! I'm so happy to hear about Bella and her feedings. Praise God!
Hey Debbie!!! Thanks for the invite! Will be there with bells on!! As always, what a cool idea! Now go sit the shade with an tall iced tea, and take a break!! You need your git up n go! Hugs to Baby Bella....*elaine*
A virtual baby shower sounds like fun!
Debbie: So happy to hear the wonderful news about Bella!! I know you are all so excited!
After this next rush of activities, you are going to have to take a break and CHILL! Course, your gonna be holding and rocking and precious Bella pie, so you can rest then....maybe :)
Have a great show this weekend!
Lou Cinda :)
I SO want to go to the show and meet Cat Daddy and hear him say, "how you doin" AND Miss Bella coming home, baby showers, oh. . I AM so happy for all of you. Can't wait to post baby pix's on the 26th. You know me and babies, I can never get enough of them. Again, I'm VERY happy for your family Deb, you guys take care!
I am such a baby magnet!!! I won't be missing this shower for sure! :0) What better reason to celebrate than Bella and her soon to be homecoming! :0) Congratulations Bella on all your hard work growing so big like you are! Yeay you! You rock baby!! Can't wait to see all your presents! Have a good day!
Count me in to participate with the Baby Bella Shower. I'll put on my thinking cap.
My two girls are a little slow in the baby department, so I may just have to enjoy other peoples', grandbabies. This sounds like so much fun. Now rest, Gma.
Hey Mrs. TT, I hate to tell you this but I lost track of you a LONG time ago. I can't keep up with you girl!!! You gotta SLOW down!
Thank you for the invite! Sounds like LOTS of fun! I'm in!!!!
(love those coozies!)
everything vintage
Too fun! Hope your energy is restored! Wish I could be there with you at all these fabulous events!! Love the baby shower idea!!
Continued prayers for Bella! Three cheers for coming home soon!
Wish I could attend the show! I am junk jealous. What a lovely idea for a shower on your blog. Too sweet. Hope you are up and dancing this weekend. Happy blogaversary, so glad you won my give away. BTW Andy Griffith is one of my all time faves, along with Lucy of course. I can see you as one of the "fun girls".Send me your mailing address, I had it but of course I can't find it. Typical. Hugs and good luck on the show, Pam
I would love to come to your party, Deb. These parties are so great because you don't have to clean your house or dress up. I'll be looking for baby type photos in honour of Jenn's Baby Shower. In the meantime, you've got a few days to rest up before Carolyn's Summer Market so put your feet up on your chaise longue (do you have one of those?) and get yourself a nice cold Long Island Iced Tea to chill down with.
Okay...this sounds like fun...but I am going to need someone to remind me to do it!!! I also have to figure out how the heck to hook up my antique scanner to the have no kids this week and I am loving it!
way to go BELLA!!!! princess diva doll face!!!
I am so proud of her! the way...slip your sexy little self over to my blog for a minute...PLEASE!!!
Just found your blog and really enjoyed it, but it sounds like you are a busy lady. Congratulations you will have so much fun with baby and the shower sounds really great.
Good Luck to you
Hey Girl,
The coozies are AWESOME!!!! Also lovin' the baby shower idea, count me in.
I am so happy to hear Baby Bella is doing well, she will be running around in her little Tierra before you know it!
Oh Deb! I have never been to a virtual baby shower...sounds like fun! Thanks so much for keeping us informed of Bella's progress. God is good isn't he?
Good Luck to you this Saturday at Carolyn's Summer Market!
Peace and Love~
How wonderful that Baby Bella is going to be coming home! Prayers answered! Have an absolutely wonderful show and enjoy the fruits of your labor. I would love to join in the virtual baby shower for Bella, even though I am a newbee.
My Best,
What a sweet post! I wish I could play...but, alas I was never given a baby shower (boohoo) and I have 3 kids! :) And when my daughter had her first shower all the pics where done the old fashion way. And she has all of, even though I can't play---it's a great idea and sounds like fun! But, do give that loving baby and her mama a big smooch from her Auntie Yaya! xo...deb
Deb... what a great idea! I'm always so glad to see how well Baby Bella is doing!
I read your comment at Scrappy's about the barn/house and nearly fell out of my chair laughing this morning... thanks for the wake-up call... hugs. Dixie
Deb, you know you throw the best parties, count me in girlfriend. So glad to hear Ms. Bella will be home soon, lots of hugs and kisses to her please. See ya soon, T
Goodness girl you just stay in full run mode all the time! I don't know how you do all that you do!
You got all kinds of fun stuff going on! I need to come to Texas for a little junkin adventure.
Everytime I post pictures I say.."next time I'm going to take better pictures" "I'm going to up the quality of my blog photos" They have been shit since I started blogging! All I can say is..........I try!
Thank you so much for finding me and stopping by. It's so much fun to have new readers stop by. We do have fun that's for sure. There is always something going on in my neck of the woods.
Have a great day
yea got my necklace...accidentally deleted the post when I made a new one...sorry!!! I might put a photo of it in my sidebar!
I'm SO GLAD Baby Bella is doing well and will coming home soon. I can't wait to see the shower. I'm sure it will be wonderful! I'd like to play along and maybe I can...there's just no telling where I'll be on the 26th. These days you may find me in crawl space holding pipe, in a closet fishing wire, or on a ladder painting the ceilling. Hopefully I'll be sitting on the couch blogging and can post some shower/baby photos.
Have fun!
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