Remember when I said Cat Daddy was through loading the trailer for The Carolyn Westbrook Home Summer Market?(Wow, what a mouthful!) Well guess what? I lied. It seems he was through loading the pieces I wanted to take, but still had to add what He wanted to take!
You might as well sit a spell as this might take a while to explain. Cat Daddy and I are good junking partners to a point. The point is we don't always agree on what to buy or how much to pay. (Something y'all might want to consider when trying to get your husbands involved in your addiction!) He tends to go to the dark side occasionally which in the case of this set of eight chairs is fine by me. I love the french lines and can see them in a creamy white or "as is" with burlap seats, but I digress. He also loves and I do mean loves victorian...sometimes he is such a "girl"! We'll just have to see how this all plays out Saturday...where there is a will...yada, yada, yada!
He also has a "thing" for heavy stuff. If you don't believe me just take a look at his lovely bride! Now I am not going to lay all the humongous purchases at his feet. I have been guilty of buying things that should be boat anchors as well. We are a sad, sad pair and will probably be bent and broken over by the time we are 60! But good gosh arover...will you take a look at these gates! They are killer both in looks and in weight! Y'all really should plan on coming Saturday, if for no other reason, just to see Frick and Frack try and maneuver this stuff.
While I am rambling I thought I would give you a little update on the baby showers. I should tell you I really dislike shower party games. I do not want to be blindfolded (although I won't say never! wink, wink!) and asked to stick my nose or finger into a baby food jar and guess what it is! That is just eewww! Nor do I see any reason whatsoever to embarrass the mother-to-be by guessing her girth with toilet paper...that's just cruel!So I thought I would be so clever and go online and see if I could find something for y'all to play with me and something for Jenn's guests to play with her that wouldn't be totally offensive to me. Oh mylanta! Offensive? The aforementioned games are kid stuff compared to what I found. I'll just list them for you and let y'all choose one or two, what do you say?
- Baby Bottle Chugging...This one has blackmail photos written all over it!
- My Water Broke....Freeze a tiny baby doll in an ice cube, place in a cup and hand out to guests. Right now in Texas, that would be all of 5 minutes and it would be a race to the hospital!
- Dirty Diaper Test...melt chocolate candy in microwave and place-Oh you know the rest! Gross!!!
- And last but not least, my personal favorite...Bobbing For Nipples! Oh yeah, you read right! People, I cannot (and will not) make this stuff up. This one ought to be a big hit with all the dads in attendance!
So ladies, any of these sound like something you would be up for? Actually, I have picked out a game for y'all. I thought it would be fun to play the Gift of Advice. We all have that inner need to share our wordly knowledge with new mothers. So I am giving you that opportunity. Be thinking of the one thing you wish someone had told you that you can share with the Bella Momma at the shower!
Well, times a wastin' so I better get back to my rat killing before C.D. gets home and wants help rearranging the trailer. That's something else he is real good at...loading and unloading two or three times just for gits and shiggles! (Can I say that?)
Again, I look forward to seeing any and all of you this Saturday the 18th in glorious Chatfield. And for those of you unable to have my sincerest "you snooze, you lose!".
I sooo wish I could be at Carolyn's! Waaah! I'll have to try to think up some "motherly" advice. Maybe I'll ask my mom! :) Thanks for posting the Blog Party button in your sidebar!!
Those gates are to die for!! I also love the chairs! I WISH I could be there! WISH! WISH! WISH!
Have a great time and sell EVERYTHING!
Lou Cinda :)
Tell that new Mama that she WILL have days when that baby is crying and she will just sit down and cry with her and wish her own Mama would come save both of them.
Would come if I could, you know that! Can't wait to see your post about the show. As for games I have played the "dirty diaper" game and found it, well, interesting....
Oh you could be writing about what is going on over here in our "cozy" little nest..... you do see that in the background of your photo is a shot of me, lugging something heavy in my arms while those "hunks" are lollygagging around the umbrella... don't you? Any way we too are excited by the mention of a cold front and a fun day spent with some of our favorite folks... Love Linda and Ludmil...
I love those chairs! I, too hate shower games. David and I will be there Saturday. He has agreed to take my big truck and we'll garage sale our way to you, then to Malakoff, then to Athens. Sounds fun, doesn't it? See you there! ~Mindy
I would lick a chocolate diaper to be there this weekend! But, alas, I will be here thinking about all the fun ya'll are having! I must admit that I won't miss the heat! Here is what I don't your hair stays so dang perfect in hot weather! I am so envious!
I will be sending my motherly advice for Jenn. Gotta think on this for a few minutes!
I'm looking forward to the pics!
Give Cat Daddy a sweaty hug for me!
I recently attended a shower and they did the chocolate diaper thing. We had to sniff 20 different diapers and tell which candy bar was melted in each. A couple almost made me throw up a little. But I would do it with a REAL diaper if I could be at the Summer Market! NEVER fail to crack me up! My first reaction was how COOL it would be to have a man that had a shopping passion...but when you put it into perspective...I see your point. And Cat Daddy is a crack up all to himself. Ya'll both have great taste and I LOVE, Love, love all the things you are showing us. I just had to laugh at your two funniest things...I have a set of friends that I call Frick and Frack....just makes me laugh. And gits and shiggles...I'm gonna STEAL that one!
I hope to be there sometime on Saturday. Dh and I are going to be driving back from the Austin area at that time, and will try our best to make an appearance. hope to see you there.
I tell you what Deb, If I were going...those gates would be mine! But I'm going to have to let some other strong person take them home. Not that I'm snoozing because I really wish I could go...but it is a loss indeed because they are gorgeous!
Ya'll have fun and don't fight. Behave. Act your age. Take time out if you need to or make CD sit in the corner. Sometimes the nose against the wall for a while makes all the difference in the world! ;)
Take lots of pics...and I hope you come home with an empty trailer, for two reasons of course:
One...You made some $$$
Two...Frick and Frack won't have to unload!
everything vintage
Lovin' those you think if I put my ruby red slippers on and click my heals together saying "There's no place like Carolyn's" I'll get there? Cross your fingers.
Good stuff!
This is definately one market you don't want to miss and you want to be there early for sure! That's if you still want to find the goods, if you're late it'll be gone. BTW, I just can't picture CD as a girl, hhmmm, I'll have to give that one some more thought!
Grrrl, you are so lucky to have a junk hunk, no matter what he buys. But those grates are KILLER. Jack those prices skyhigh! And I'm TOTALLY stealing "gits and shiggles." But you knew that....
Have a ball this weekend. Make sure and take pics of some of the stuff. I'll be waiting.
ok, deb - here's the deal. i will most certainly be holding *someone* up with a glue gun if i find people bobbing for dirty nipples in a chocolate diaper or anything that even resembles such an activity. just for the record.
(you crack me up!!!!!!!!!)
Cat Daddy sure found some nice chairs, there. I think it's sweet that you guys are junking/antiqueing partners. Have a ball at the big event at Carolyn's!
When Bella comes home from the hospital, she may find it too quiet to bells and whistles going off like at the hospital...At least that is what happened to my little I did was got a CD player and put it in her room with some soft soothing instrumental music playing constantly while she slept...this made her more content in her sleeping. It took a while to figure out why she wouldn't settle at first after bringing her home :o) Also...Definutely....sleep when she sleeps...don't try to be supermom! And take help when it's offered...don't feel inadequate for taking a break now and then...even nannies get time off! :0) Smiles and infinite wisdom to you in your newest step in motherhood adventures! :0)
I love the whole shopping with a trailer instead of just a truck or trunk of a car!! :0) I love all that you got...must be hard to decide what to keep!
Have a good day!
I do love the idea of the burlap on the chairs. I made burlap drapes for Bobby G's man cave. You know I would if I possibly could attend the Market. You guys have the best stuff going on out there! xo Lynn
I had my bets on CD getting those chairs.. I hope you all come home with your pockets full and trailers empty... esp. those gates. I don't want to help unload them this fall. Tell everyone Richard and Mom says hello.
I love those gates, take a picture of the new owner of them. I wish I could find some like that, I know I would keep them for myself. Sandi
Debbie , Have a great show ( I know you will , those gates are killer!) If I wasn't going to be at Barn House I would have a hissy Fit for not being able to attend Carolyn's show. Keep cool, Sue
Love the gates! I hope you sell off all your stuff this weekend, especially the big stuff.
Those games are something! Bobbing for nipples, huh? Never played that one...yet.
Oh, I wish I could be there. I would love to watch y'all wrestle those gates out of the truck! Hope it's a great weekend for y'all!
And, uh, the games? Yeah, I'm in agreement with you on those! So far I've never met a shower game I liked!
Have fun at the show!
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