Remember how I alluded to a couple of tricks I had hidden up my skirt a few posts back? Well tighten up those bra straps ladies, I am ready to reveal one of them now. If everybody has their oohs and aahs handy, I will now reveal what is behind Door #1.
Carolyn Westbrook will be hosting another show at her wonderful home, The Oaks Plantation in Chatfield, on July 18 from 9am-4pm....AND I have been invited to participate! I KNOW!!! Hard to believe, right? I am just so excited to be a part of this year's event titled appropriately enough...Summer Market. Now you know why I have been MIA recently. The pressure is on to try and make some magic with Carolyn and company.
For those of you who attended last summer's sale, y'all know what a beautiful venue this is. Carolyn's home has several outbuildings that she has been busy transforming just for her children, but she has borrowed them back as the perfect setting for this year's sale. Picture large, old, majestic oaks over a blanket of green with dreamy garden accoutrements all dressed in a summer pallete of white. Is there anyone who has not seen Carolyn Westbrook Home signature linens? If you haven't, here is the perfect opportunity!
I'll be giving y'all daily updates until showtime....July 18th! Go ahead and mark your's only ten days until you'll get to shop for all the latest trends and merchandise that will just have to be seen to be believed!
Are you oohing and aahing yet? Just wait, you ain't seen nothin' yet!!!
Can't wait to see more...maybe drool a little! Smiles! :0)
I seriuosly need to move to Texas. Y'all have way to much fun without me and I have just about had it!!!!! I am havin a big ole fit complete with foot stompin and lip poutin! I have ohhed and ahhed til the sun don't shine and I just don't think I can take anymore....(until your next post that is...LOL!)
Gettin over my tantrum....
Beth :0)
Great! Now my keyboard is all covered in drool....anybody know how to get it cleaned out?? LOL. Darn! I wish I lived closer! I'll be checking back for the updates :)
Very exciting! Of course, we all know what a star you are. I did wonder what you were up to. I miss you when I don't hear from you on a regular basis.
Congrats, girl! What fun you will have.I'd LOVE to be there! Be sure to take lots of pictures for the rest of us!
I am dying to see more!!! you are such a teaser!!!
I am not only oohing and aaahing, but I'm more than a tad green with envy as well! Dang girl! Woohoo! Should be SO awesome!
Sharing the Texas love from a misplaced Texan,
Judy the Texan living in Colorado
It looks and sounds wonderful, Deb. Have a great time planning for this one - should be a lot of fun. p.s. don't forget to take lots of pictures of this idyllic setting!
I can't wait to see all ya'lls beautiful things. Carolyn could turn something ugly into fab! I'm looking forward to being there.
I'm definitely ooohhhing and aaaahhhing! I can't wait to see all of your pictures. If anyone can work some magic, my money's on you. ;-)
I like Cat Daddy's quote! I just noticed it...
Soooo exciting! I have no idea where Chatfield is. Better start looking at my map, huh? Congrats to you! ~Mindy
Debbie: Congrats to you!!! You will have a blast and they are so lucky to have you be a part of this wonderful show!!!
I'm not even going to go into how I wish I lived in Texas and ya'll have everything and we got nuttin and I wanna move and I wish I wasn't so far away! I'm not even going there!
I am just glad I have you to keep me updated on all of the happenings!!!
Lou Cinda :)
Hi, glad to see what your up to again:D Geez, I wish I live closer...I would sure do some damage at one of those sales:D Maybe now that my trailers finished, I will make a roadtrip out that a way!;D
Hugs and Sunshine
LUCKY YOU! Getting to set up with Carolyn at her beautiful home! I'm marking my calendar now..... Maggie
Hi Debbie , I'm oohing and aahing. A plantation - what a fantastic setting! I'm sure you will have a great show .We'll all be waiting for photos. Don't forget to breathe and Have Fun! Sue
OOOh and AAAAh. Thats what I want the inside of the trailer to look like...still working on my end. Any chance you will be at Barnhouse next week? I am making the trip (sans the trailer). Email me at home and I will update you on my progress...hows the baby?
Oh you lucky girl! Love her linens--carried them in my shop and several of her pillows reside in my home. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!
Yippee!!! Wish I could make it...but, alas gotta take care of the Yaya! Have a great time and LOTS of sells!!! (Stay cool under those majestic oaks):)
thanks for the prayers ya...xo..deb
You are so wonderful! Your blogs are a breath of fresh air always! I love you girl! You are amazing! Ohhhh and I love the tighten up your bra straps I might have to take that one from ya ;)
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