Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!

It's 9:00...do you know what time it is? It's time to either go big or go home! I vote to go big, just like I like my hair and men!
Jenn and Roby wanted me to tell all of you how much they appreciate the time you took to attend Bella's shower. They love all your gifts, love, words, prayers and most of all each and every one of you! She looks pretty teeny tiny here doesn't she? Well, take a look at her now.......
My girl loves to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time! Anybody up for a cha cha? She says she is ready to rumble or is that rumba? David, would you care to be first on her dance card?
Let's go boys! Raise the roof...party in Bella's crib! Pass me that bottle of formula, Auntie Malissa. All this dancing has left me parched!
What do you mean I've worn everybody out, Nana? I'm just getting wound up. The nurses told y'all I'm a little night owl.
Would you just look at this...Mommy has swaddled me down. This is another fine mess you've gotten me into, Nana! She doesn't know it takes a whole lot more than this to keep a good woman down! The princess is not happy!
Maybe if I play possum, everyone will tiptoe out and then I'll have Nana all to myself. I know she'll let me do whatever I want even if Mommy says no and what Mom doesn't know won't hurt her, right? When I grow up I want to be just like Nana and be a party in a box too or in my case...in a crib. I gotta tell y'all...I don't miss that crystal palace one bit. What did Nana call it? Oh yeah, my glass castle. So confining! It's so much nicer to see all your smiling faces gathered around peeking at me. Makes me feel special and very loved!
Speaking of peeking, take a good look at me now! Y'all just thought I looked like my Nana. The nose may be hers and the eyelashes Mom's, but my eyes...oh mylanta...those are all my daddy's! Well I think I am feeling a little sleepy now. All this partying has really tuckered me out. So I'm going to go nite nite and I'll let you visit with Nana. Maybe we can do this again when I get to go home with Mom and Dad...I hope soon!

Well we got Miss Thang down and while I would love to keep this party going, I want to go read all the comments that have been left on all of y'alls party posts. I've read some of them and I gotta tell you, I am one blessed woman. The posts themselves are just what I knew they would be. Each one is unique to you and you alone. You have made me laugh, cry and reflect on how lucky I am that each of you has come into my life. Jodi said it best on hers. I can't quote it exactly, but the gist was that this tiny sweet baby has brought us together in a way that cannot be broken. I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart and I am speaking for my whole family...Danny, Jenn, Roby, Brandon, Joey, Misty, Graycie and myself...you are all part of our family now whether you wanted to be or not. You will forever be carried in our hearts. Thank you so much for humoring this chubby old gal!

~A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankrolls smaller, the past forgotten and the future worth living for.~Unknown
One more thought for all you mothers out there reading this...~Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it.~Marshall McLuhan

In the words of Bella...Nite Nite and God bless you all!


~La Rustique Market~ said...

Thank you to Bella...without her we wouldn't be here celebrating her. And to you Nana for allowing us to be a part of her life.

God Bless You All~

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie! Oh I just posted! At least let me help with the clean up since I'm the last one in the door! Give Bella a hug and a love from me/ I am waiting on pins and needles to hear that she is headed home! xoxox , Sue

Anonymous said...

God bless all, prayers are all around and angles are near. She is getting stronger all the time so rest up y'all you will need that strength when she comes home!!

David said...

Sweet dreams, Bella Marie!

Debra@CommonGround said...

You know, God allows us to walk through some pretty tough places, but He is always with us. He takes our hand and guides us through. It's best not to look down, but up, and to keep our eyes on Him. I knew that your family would see victory. God Bless each one of you, It's an honor to be considered "family".
And Nana-Debbie, after tonight you will never, ever again tell the boys that it's OK to party in Bella's "crib"! I have a feeling you all will have to beat those boys off with a big stick! Ha Ha
Love to you all, Debra

trash talk said...

Debra, you are absolutely correct! She may have to go to the tower of the castle until she's 21!

donna baker said...

Proud to be part of the family!

Tamis Marks said...

well at least let me load the dishes and run a broom over all this mess we made! Thanks for letting us all share in Bella! What a miracle that little girl is, BIG things ahead for her I say!

Nighty Night, Mind if I have one more drink before I tiptoe out?

LaurieAnna said...

Thank you for the smile girl, she's an everlovin lil doll! Wonderful post!

Jenny said...

What a cutie and the light of your lives! Naturally, I think she gets it from her Nana, who is very witty and brings a smile to people's faces! Great baby shower :)

misselaineous said...

Debbie...what a great post, and wonderful pics of Sweet Lil' Miss Bella! This child will certainly never want for love or hugs 'n kisses, or showers of affection...she is a lucky little girl! Have a wonderful Wednesday, Nana!!! Auntie *elaine*

Debbie's Garden said...

Sweet, sweet little Patootie. This little party will pale in comparison to the one when she goes home I'm sure.
Diaper backwards cracks me up. Cant wait to tell that one to my daughter

Mary @ Framed and Tagged said...

Little Bella looks wonderful!! I know you all can't wait to get her home so you can spoil her rotten. God bless you all!!

Sue said...

Magical. . . words, pictures, and smiles!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Well, Bella stayed awake longer than I did, I guess I'm getting old :) Glad to have been a part of your awesome family, you all are a true testament to God's miracles. Just can't wait for our sweet baby to be home, you know she's become ours. We'll spoil her too.

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Debbie, all jokes aside here....
Bella is a little miracle, plain and simple. Saying thanks to God seems like it's not enough but I'm sure He is smiling down on this little princess that will one day be a queen. She has a purpose here and we must all follow her lead as she has blessed each and every one of us who has followed this remarkable story. Jenn and Roby has also taught us patience, fear, and strength. You have taught us optimism and faith.

I wanted to say all of this yesterday and my original post was all written in a VERY different manner but yesterday morning, my computer decided to act like a man so I had to re-do something short and sweet. I think my computer has feminized herself for the moment and I hope to visit everyone else's parties.

Until then, thank you Debbie...just for being you. Thank you Jenn & Roby for bringing Bella into this world for all of us to enjoy. She is OUR little princess! And, where does Cat Daddy fit in? Besides being nasty and mentioning your legs...I'll just say he's the strength behind you and all of your melon heads!
Love you much Debbie!
everything vintage

Kathie Truitt said...

I should be joining the sisterhood of grandma's very shortly - like maybe by the end of the day!

Bella is absolutely beautiful and my how she has grown. I thank God our prayers were answered.

By the way, I answered your question on my blog. It's one post down from what I posted today. I hope it encourages you to write that book!

Anonymous said...

Oh so precious...she looks like a little angel!

Prayers....Hugs....Happy hump day!


Robin said...

Wishing you and yours.....and Miss bella too of course.......most beautiful days.

Dixie said...

Deb... it makes my heart sing every time I see new photos of Bella... thank YOU for sharing her with all of us Grandma's in blogland!