I was so surprised and shocked by the responses to my canned ham post that it got me to thinking. Y'all know that only mischief making can result when I get to thinking. I want to do a giveaway and I don't think I'll get to 100 posts any time soon, so-o-o I thought maybe I could dream up something around my trashaliscious catbox. Patti at
Delighted Heart had left a comment with a link to
The Vintage Housewife who had recently redone her little cutie of a trailer. It was such a great source and by the by, a darling blog. A lot of others had left suggestions as well that it just seemed a natural to just go with it. Y'all are all so cute and clever that I thought I could reap the benefits of your talents. Pick your brains so to speak.

So here's my one-of-a-kind brain fart! A contest of suggestions. All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment with an idea for a name for her, possible color choices, fabric selections, sources for parts, links to other redos, and so on and so on. You get the idea, right? Doesn't that sound like fun? The only rules are there are no rules. I'm wide open to any ideas. I want my canned ham to be like no other. I want to pull up to applause! I want gawkers! I want photo ops! I want to be the Queen Ham in a Canned Ham!!!

In playing along with me here's what I'm going to do for you. I'll put all the entries in Cat Daddy's favorite hat and draw one out Monday at midnight and one of you lucky kitties will receive a pair of my favorite houseshoes-Yellow Box! Purrfect for catting around in. Don't worry about the size. I'll get your size after you win. If you do add a link on your blogs and someone mentions y'all, I will give you double entries.
And to make it even more fun, you can comment more than once for more entries as long as the suggestion is new. That way if you think of something else, I still get to hear about it.

OK, let's get started. I want hair pulling, kicking, scratching!!! Get those claws sharpened and start thinking. You'll all be winners in my book for helping me out. At the sound of the bell, come out swinging. DING!!!
A CONTEST!!!!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!
I'm so excited...
I just can't hide it!
Putting on my thinkin' hat!
Thanks...this will be FUN!
To start off...
Name of canned ham..."The Litter Box"
Attire...TnT & Cat Daddy will have to wear outfits inspired by Wonder Woman and the cat lady in the image above every time they travel. Can you see CD in a leopard-print leotard? I can definitely see TnT with that lasso around CD! From what I've heard...oh, nevermind that.
Still thinking...
Ok, here's what I got so far...
Her name: The 'All That' And you are the Queen of All That so it just fits. Now, we do need some sheers in that can, like leopard print with black fringe. The sheer would be a draped valance and under it would be all the old linens and embroidered items from back in the day.
From there I would go very Magnolia Pearl in fabrics and trims...totally over the top Vintage, created out of old fabrics and trims, more than necessary. EVERYthing must be indulgent.
AND...to top it all off...you need a pink fur cover for your sweet toilet seat...both the top and the seat.
Now, gonna run over to my blog and leave a link to this contest...that makes me the winner, right? :)
Oh! This sounds like fun...let me think about this, I'll get back to you. Have a nice weekend!
Okie Dokie...
Just gave your contest props on my blog today. Go back and check your cute little pink canned ham under my cute little pink booted girl!
I am winnin' this thang!
Barrel Racer's Grammy
Her name was Lola! She was a showgirl...oops...had a Barry Manilow moment. Lola. Fringe and fur everywhere. Purples, pinks and reds and if you insist, some zebra stripes. You can open the door and start throwing feather boas out at your adoring fans. Fun! ~Mindy
Link added. This is looking like fun! ~Mindy
Just want to share some fun with you, We have two vintage airstreams but also love the Shasta, we follow a band "Antsy McClain and the Trailer Park Troubadors" You can find them at unhitched.com, it is such a blast and a must for trailer owners! The lead singer has a fully restored Shasta and I believe he has pics on the web site. EnJOY the Ride! Jacque
I picked up on you over at frippery...I see we each were blessed with an award frlom her....waht a sweet thang she is..
stop on over
"tinkerer and trader specializing in trash and timeless thrift"
can't spell either!!!!
WTF, it has to be the CAT HOUSE, and it must be white......... and pink of course.....with lots of fur. And I will do all the bedding and curtains, with lots of bling. I'm looking for my Disney movie, Tomasina as we speak. Lauri @ chippys
Hey chik...how many entries do I get for getting your brain working in this direction!LOL I'm thinking paint the OUTSIDE in a leapord pattern....the inside do in reds and blacks...red faux fur, red leatherette, red patent...etc. with touches of leopard. The Kat Kave wins for a name. Get CD to pull it with a red or black big Texas Truck. And I keep seeing you open the door and step out in a Betty Rubble toga out of leopard with the BIG rock necklace...after my post last night I can't get the flintstone music out of my head! LOL
It will be FABULOUS darlin!
I love the robin's egg blue that is already there. I think it should be a shrine to somewhere you like, maybe a favorite city, a favorite era (the 50's) What is your favorite time or place and make it happen--hopefully with things you already have collected.
How fun! I'm thinking red and white with cute awnings...maybe red & white stripes. A black & white checked floor inside...you get the idea, right? Kind of 50's kitchen style. Recycle vintage cotton print tablecloths as curtains and have lots of fun. Red's my favorite color so I'm partial.
Oh, I forgot a name! How about Candy or better yet, Cat Candy?
Debbie: I couldn't just leave a comment about your canned ham...too much to say! I have devoted today's post to my design ideas!
Check it out!
So I don't need my name put in the hat, Cat Daddy already got me yellow box for Christmas... And I got both of mine.. ;P
So color I think Champion gold with Candy Apple Red details.. I know my mom loves Gold & RED..
I have Roby on a mission to find you some wings on EBAY..
I say the Kitchier the better, but do go with the 50's/60's theme. How about The Kit Kat Club. Red and white on the outside. I like tradition. Then red, white, black, with silver and gold inside. Maybe some snack bowls made from old vinyl LP's. Hang those big red music notes you have. Of course you have to have an awning. Black and white, but maybe swank it up with some fringe. Or fake pony skin upholstery inside. Gosh, too many ideas. By the way I did see that Mindy linked your give away so enter her again for me. Pam P.S. I do love "The Litter Box" name from Whisper Wood too.
Ok Deb, I am entering my hubby. (If he wins I still get the shoes.) I was reading the comments to him and he came up with a name all on his lonesome. "The Scratching Post." I think I like it! Pam
Y'all are doing great!!! Great ideas, keep 'em coming! Tn'T
A contest, how fun! There's a message for you on my blog..and award! thanks-Krista
OOO...OOO... another contest and my poor brain is tired. but I cannot let this day go by w/o a comment of some sort. I like the original aqua as well, and that color looks great w/ red accents and crisp white. Think 50's diner...curtains with ball fringe...red checks..fruit-ey accents, but not too prissy or CatDaddy ain't gonna like it. How 'bout CatNip Cafe? Can't wait to see who wins this one, darlin'...ROFLMAO!! *elaine*
I forgot a name after reading everyone else's I'm liking the red and white with the blue and white also.......
How bout a 50 or 60's diner theme and call it
Cat Daddy's Cafe
Our first trailer was a fixer upper and was our favorite! You will have a BLAST working on yours. A BLAST from the PAST! heehee, sorry, couldn't resist.
I think you need some crochet in your trailer-- a lampshade somewhere or DEFINITELY a crocheted toilet paper cozy (you know, with the doll stuck through the TP's hole and her dress covering the roll- Scott makes a good septic friendly paper, BTW. :)
Also souvenier trivets, spoon rests, coffe mugs and all from places you have yet to visit (I have an "Old Faithful" spoon rest and "Mt. Rushmoore" tin try @ 50 cents at a thrift store). You gotta start a shot glass collection!
Wear bermuda shorts and loud colors!
Yippie..another Vintage trailer diva..and a Shasta to boot!!!
Found someones blog for the first time and then found yours...my little Fireball is cruisen around on Monday to find some paint job estimates.
Your blog is great...stop by and visit me sometime and take a peek at my 1961 Fireball:)
Someone mentioned a toilet paper doll with crochet...I have one LOL
I won't play the name your trailer game..because I keep changing mine.
First it was Cherie for the Frenchy theme but did not want to exclude the hubby so we are going with a 50s 6os retro..poodle theme.
Ok, Debbie, I'm throwing my hat in the ring. I think you should call it "Cat Palace" and on outside write "lair of Cat Daddy and Catlicious(or Catillac). There should be a big wide stripe under the windows w/ leopard print and black outline, under that should be painted red, above should be pink. There needs to be large cat paws painted randomly on the outside in black. Inside should have mirrored ceiling, Harlequin painted walls (or floors) in black and pink. The food cabinet should say "kitty chow" in sequined, glitter, or jewelled letters, same thing above bathroom door saying "litter box". Over the bed it should say "catnap" in same fancy letters. You need lots of rhinestones, crystal chandelier, red, pink and black fluffy (or furry, velvety pillows, bedding) etc. I could go on, but this is long enough. It's been a hoot following this post and thinking of all this. Yea, for canned hams!!
Ok , I'm thinking 50's / 60's retro - pink and turquoise appliances , black and white floor tiles , Elvis on the radio ( or the jukebox) and a pink cashmere sweater for cool Texas evenings. Its all just " The Cat's Meow. " Oh and Cat Daddy will need a Rockabilly shirt , of course. Ahhh , now I want one!
I knew I could count on all of you to think outside the box(catbox that is). Y'all are a hoot. Do any of you realize how many spandex would have to give up their lives for me to fit in either of those costumes? Tn'T
Okay...if it's not too late I'm adding my 2cents! I think you should call her Endora and leave her teal and white!
Okay...if it's not too late I'm adding my 2cents! I think you should call her Endora and leave her teal and white!
I think you should just refer to it as Elvis! It's from his era, it's aqua and white, can you picture the polyester suit in this color? Elvis and Cat Woman, meow!!
Hey Deb, if you call it "Coup de foudre", you technically got the idea from me. But if you don't like that idea, you could always just call her Betty. If you email me your address, I did find a book for you full of ideas...
I just wanted to say again thank you to all of you for making this an "Event"!!! Y'all are all an absolute HOOT! Tn'T
Have you seen this chickadees cute little pink trailer?
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