Cat Daddy and I hit the road early this morning heading to East Texas and the grand opening of Lillie's
Junk Palace. We were just a little late in getting there and too bad for me. The checkbooks were out and the cash register was dinging it's little heart out when we walked in the door. Lillie and her posse were working it! So many sold tags, none with my name on them. Dadgummit!!! So I just did what I do best and schmoozed, hugged and squealed! There were so many people there, some I knew, some my first time to meet. I could drop names but you just wouldn't believe me. It was the creme de la creme. It was just like a big ol' junker's convention in there.
Renee and Patti had made the cutest name tags to wear(wish I had thought of that). The only 2 things missing were funny hats with tassels and y'all. But I promised y'all photos and I got some beauts. I know others are going to be posting on this great event so I'll just show you some of my favorites starting with Cat Daddy. You all know it begins and ends with him for me.

Since I was doing a lot of gossiping, I mean networking, I didn't get photos of everybody there and I'm regretting that one already. EVERYBODY was there! I said that already, didn't I? Sorry, I was just a little stargazed. Lillie and her
band of warriors had done a wonderful job of getting everything ready for the crowd and it all looked amazing. The cold didn't keep anyone home. Longhandles seemed to be
de rigeuer along with a lot of shiny bling. We Texas girls feel absolutely naked without big hair, lipstick and a lot of jewelry.

Here is Lillie looking fresh as a daisy as if she just came in from a day at the salon. She and
Maggie looked gorgeous(you'd never guess they had been swinging from the ceiling the day before.) Three words described the greeting we received.....gracious, warm, and inviting served generously with a hug.
The Funky Monkey!!!!

Judy Hill of
J. Hill Designs (as if you didn't know that!).

Time for a little back patting. Bear with me. This area of the shoppe was breathtaking-very Swedish inspired. I love this photograph. I'm not going to take credit for the styling-that belongs to the owner, but I don't always take great photographs. I am very proud of me for this one. I think I'm going to print it and have it framed. It was a beautiful spot by the window and I just love looking at it. Scold me if you must, but this area really inspired me. OK, I'll stop grandiosing(y'all know that really isn't a word, but I like it) now. I'm getting a cramp in my arm anyway.

Are these not the coolest? I meant to ask Lillie about these. I have a set similar to them that I got at the
Red Shed(which btw, Valarie was there so I got to meet her too!). I put them out at Christmas and pretend they're presents to me. I really need to add these so it will look like next year I was an extremely good girl, don't you think? (Note to self: Self, call Lillie).

AND I meant to ask if this chandelier was for sale, but because I was so busy networking(y'all know what I was really doing)I got sidetracked and forgot. This I think is the perfect chandi for the Casita de Trash. Lillie, I think you and I need to talk.

Do you see that silver cylinder on the right? That's part of the old building and Lillie built this beautiful vignette around it as if it were an altar. Loved it!

Girls, I want you to meet "Shirley". Maggie informed me this fantabulous rusty kitchen cabinet complete with sink is a girl's best friend. Notice she has a name tag. How cute is this? In a garden house or mud room this would be Fab U Lous!

Don't ask me why, but I love the old floor to ceiling pole lamps from the 50's and 60's. I mean I really love them. This is one of the best ones I've seen and I'm always on the lookout for them. Call it a secret vice-one of many I have.

Do you really need me to say anything here? Dreamy!!!

This was another of my favorite spots in the shoppe. I totally dug this etagare'. There are shelves for it but I like the way she used it as an easel for the funeral print. That's thinking outside the box while placing it in the box. Cuh-lev-er!

This is what you saw first when you entered the shoppe. An arbor had been built and a beautiful tablescape was placed under it.

Isn't it lovely? I wish y'all could have seen it all for yourselves. I left so determined to go home and try to make some magic in my own home.

Just a little light reading on a cold winter's afternoon. Oh and before I forget, her store hours for now will be Thursday through Sunday, 11am-5pm.

I didn't get Mr. or Miss Fishy's name, but how's this for a fish bowl and stand? Pretty groovy, right? You should have seen the stuff that got away! (Ba Dam, Crash!)

I got a little artsy fartsy with this shot, but I was just trying to capture the magic that was inside this great shoppe.

I was so excited to meet this lady. Been dreaming about it and how I knew we were going to be instant best friends. Guess what? I was right. Meet Patti of
Delighted Heart, winner of the Yellow Box house shoes giveaway. Her blog name says it all. She is an absolute delight!!! I know she and I are going to be hanging out together again real soon. Right, Patti? Say yes, or you'll break my delighted heart. We were laughing about how we were all going to rush home and try to be the first one up, but you can't imagine how long it takes me just to get photos on.

I brought shoes, but guess who got cookies? I told y'all it all begins and ends with him. Besides, I guess he deserves it for driving Miss Lazy to the best party of the day and being the rock star he is. I wish you could have heard the girls swooning "Cat Daddy" when he walked in the door. Y'all have no idea how hard it's going to be to live with this man from now on.
I hate to brag, but since that's what Texans are famous for, I will! There are so many talented women in Texas, Lillie included in that list. I am not famous, but I get to be by the blessing of being friends with some of those that are such as Lillie,
Theresa, Maggie, Renee, Marion,
the M&M's and now Patti. I am a fortunate woman indeed!

I had heard these chocolate chip cookies of Patti were prize winners and now I know why. Needless to say, we didn't wait to take the lid off the cookie jar before we got home. Do you see my church key Patti attached to the jar? That is my new key to the Casita de Trash!!! How much fun is that. I hope y'all enjoyed my tour and if you ever get down to East Texas, head straight to Malakoff and the Junk Palace! I swear up and down, you won't be disappointed.
News Flash!!! This day just keeps getting better! Lillie just informed me I won the drawing. I told y'all I am blessed!
Congrats! Deb. I'm so glad you won. It's a Beautiful store - doesn't it just feed your decorating soul. Thanks for sharing , Sue
Deb, it looks like you had a great time! I hope Cat Daddy can fit his head through the door now! ~Lori
Goody goody. I am glad you won.It looks like you had a wonderful day. Did Cat Daddy realize what a rock star he would become once his TnT started blogging? (Just got home from Chez Nora jazz club, hope my spelling is OK. We must always maintain our dignity you know) What a great opening of a lovely shop. Pam
YOU WIN!!!! You got it posted before me! LOL I thought I did pretty good with the prose this time but ...YOU WIN! And since I won the shoes I thought I might be on a roll but...YOU WIN!!! Yes YOU are blessed and highly favored! So excited for you! Now what did you WIN? And yes...we are definitely going to be hanging together...I had too much fun today! You ROCK! (see my post)
Blessings and Hugs!
Dear Deb.. along with your many talents, yes you take good photos... I too love the Swedish inspired photo.. so wish I could have been there. Love Linda
Looks like you guys had a ball! Thanks for the pictures!
Congrats! Debbie, how exciting is that! Oh my, what a beatiful shop!! You are very fortunate to have been able to be surrounded by all the lovelies..the decor and wonderful bloggers. Thanks so much for sharing, I enjoyed it!!!
Oh, before I must visit The Beehive Cottage (on my blog list) she has the most precious ideas for your Casita!! Check it out!
Have a Blessed Sunday.
Deb, you took really good pics and I so loved visiting you yesterday. Sorry I got away and didn't say by, I was on a mission to stop at two other towns before heading home. I really enjoyed visiting with everyone else yesterday and Lillie's shop is just gorgeous. They did a great job! See ya soon, T
Thanks for your comment and stopping by my blog. Yes, you most certainly use anything off my blog.
Deck Ape..
Seriously! CD, chocolate chip cookies, crystal chandeliers, Swedish design, great photography! What's not to love in this post! I'm tempted to jump in the truck right now and head straight down there!
P.S. We picked up the dog when we lived in Bryan for 5 years! That's right...I'm an Aggie! Wish I had known all of you then!
As far as the Alamo pottery (I didn't know that's what it was!), it is marked with MEX on the bottoms. I assume that to mean Mexico. Do you agree?
"y'all it all begins and ends with him"
SO, this is MY new line for my hubby..Im stealing it..TOTALLY is how it rolls at our house too!
BTW...the pics of the old town on my blog..The separate entrance was for "gettin'-jiggy" with the women.. the town was know for this back-in-the-town(it's an old coal-mining-town)...
And LA-SALLE is the mountain range in the town..(I'm in Utah)..
LOVED this posr and the pics!!AHHH I just wish I could go with you...
Wow, it seems like all the fun action is in Texas... What a wonderful venue!! Congrat on winning! Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures!
What a great shop! I thought your pictures were terrific. Thanks for inspiring. Jan
Your pictures are amazing. There's SO much good stuff in them that I can look forever. I LOVE your inspiration picture. An amazing calm and relaxing. That's how I want my room.
Congrats on the cookies and winning.
Okay, girl, you got the scoop! Great post! Read it last night but was too pooped to comment. Your photos are wonderful...I agree, I especially liked that one photo! Looks like you and Cat Daddy had a marvelous day...and marvelous cookies! What did you win? Show us what you won!
Girl you are the Queen and I'm happy to take back seat as Diva! Thanks for the comment I appreciate it!
Hi Deb, I am so jealous. You Texas girls have the best places to shop. How I wish I could do just that. I love those old pole lamps too....the ones that look lacy white. Haven't seen one in ages but I keep looking. I sent you an email but it came back to me saying it couldn't be delivered (whatever that means). I was asking about the Christmas ornaments on your selling blog in the second photo. The ornaments look aqua. If they are I would love to purchase. Thanks so much and I really enjoy your blog. Tell Cat Daddy hello. :). Lynn
Wish I could have met up with all you blogging buddies. I've been hoping to meet some new fellow bloggers. I had to attend the funeral of a dear friend. Hated to miss but some things are more important. Surely we'll all meet up in March.
Sounds like you all had a blast. Thanks for the great photos. I, too, LOVE your favourite photo!
I too have tasted the sweet heavenly goodness of Mrs. Patti's cookies aren't they just wonderful! It looks like you girls had such a blast! Loved all of your pictures! What a wonderful hubby you have to go to a girls store with all your girl friends! That is a jewel of a man if you ask me! Blessings on your day!
Crystal Sparks
Your the Cat's MEOW! I waas on atight time limit on Sat. So see you in March.
im so glad you stopped by my blog! i am very jealous of your fabulous weekend in east texas- im heading out to canton again soon and just cant wait!
youll have to let me in on some of your favorite antique/vintage shops/stores/places in the DFW area! love hearing others new finds!
Hey Deb! Thank you so much for the sweet comments you've left on my blog. You are such a sweetie!
Looks like you had a great time at the grand opening. Love the pics too. Thanks for sharning those.
Wow...what a post and what a fun day you had!! So many beautiful things and great friends! Congrats on your drawing win o' blessed one!!;D
WOW! What a great store, I just gotta get there! Great pix too!
You ROCK! Great pictures, great writing. But, I wouldn't expect less. Looks like a wonderful place to visit. I do believe I'll check it out this weekend. Sorry I missed playing with y'all though. ~Mindy
HAHAHA! You are too funny! I believe you about the jar! I should have told you they freeze well...but then if you are like me you would just be eating frozen cookies! LOL Yeah..I may have to make a phone call and drag Mr. Hero down there! I can still hear it calling my name...... Oh I forgot to thank you for saying such sweet things about me!
Your BFF
this is RIGHT up my alley....
how'd u know??
I'm trying to catch up on my blogging. Looks like you have been having fun! Beautiful pictures!
The pics are great. Makes me very 'homesick' for Texas.
ox lulu
It was such a joy and a blessing to meet you and the Cat! You are both rock stars to me. Thanks for bringing so much life to the party. I hope we will be "hanging out" more also!
OMG, those pictures are amazing. And do you win everything????? I just want to be you....lauri @ chippys
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