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I know I am supposed to be showing y'all all the photos I took of our trip to Warrenton, but I thought I would shake things up just a bit and give y'all a Bella Update!!! You know how it is...some things just take priority, right? Right!
It is just amazing to me how one little girl can change so much in just 10 short (depending on how you look at it) days! She is gaining every day. She now weighs 1 lb. 9 oz. and is 12" tall! I'll probably be using exclamation points a lot throughout this post since it is really hard for me not to get excited when I talk about her and how blessed we have been, so bear with me please. She's opening her eyes and taking in the world around her. Jenn and Roby have begun reading to her and she really responds to singing!
Doesn't it look like she is wearing the hospital version of a bikini? She is even starting to fill out her more ways than one! Precious!
She is receiving three feedings of breast milk in addition to her nutrients through her tiny feeding tube. Her blood pressure monitor line has been removed and she continues to hold her own blood pressure without any medications. Praise God for all the miracles He continues to work over her. Her respirator is being turned down daily and she is taking some tiny breaths over it. Her lungs continue to get stronger and the hope is to have her weaned off of this particular one soon!
I think I told y'all about how she came out kicking....well, she continues to develop quite an attitude! She just will not keep those little arms or legs still. She does a little cat dance with her feet even when she's sleeping! As you can see, the umbilical lines have been removed. She would not keep her hands off of it! This tiny trashette has quite an attitude just like her mother and I am looking forward to the day when she rolls those beautiful eyes at Jenn just like her mother did me. Revenge will be sweet!
As Easter approaches this coming Sunday, I wanted to say thank you to all of you who continually hold us in your prayers. She is a miracle, but not of modern medicine, but of God who provides the knowledge and wisdom to those wonderful physicians and nurses who are taking such good care of our Bella! It is He and He alone who controls all that continues to happen with her and for that I want to say thank you Father and to You, all the glory!
I just keep trying to think of ways to say thank you to all of you, so I've decided to do little giveaways along the way starting with this one. At Easter, in addition to decorated eggs to be hidden for the kids, we hide cascarones. I don't know if y'all are familiar with this tradition, but my family just loves them. I gotta tell you though...they are messy!!! And for some strange reason, it is usually my head that is the designated target! Here in Dallas you can get them at the grocery store and even at Walmart, but what I am going to do is send a dozen to one of you. Now we are going to have to do this down and dirty for me to be able to mail them out in time for your Easter egg hunt, so here's the deal pickle! If you are already a follower, fantastic! Your name will automatically be put in the Easter basket. If you are not, just become a follower before Wednesday morning say eightish and I will have Peter Rabbit put his paw in the basket and draw out a name. I'll do a quick post naming the winner, who will then e-mail me their address and it's off to the Post Office quick like a bunny!
So if you'd like to play along let me know! A comment is always appreciated and might get you an extra entry! And in the words of that wascally wabbit (or was it that pig?) That's All Folks!!!!
I love cascarones and I don't even have small kids anymore. I just have to say that God is so good and if you don't believe it just look at sweet Bella and you'll see his goodness and mercy. Makes me want to cry at the miracles being done in her. Happy early Easter to your sweetie pie grand baby, and you and CD and Jenn and the rest of your family.
Sweet sweet baby! I pray for that sweet little one everyday! I love it when you post blogs letting us know how she is doing! I feel like she is part of the family and I've never met her! Yet... :D Blessings on you my friend!
I'll let you in on a little secret that Mindy knows about me. For a guy, I'm sort of an emotional sap! I haven't always been this way; guess I'm just getting soft in my old age. My eyes welled up with tears of gratitude reading about this precious miracle. And especially knowing how much you love her, which is quite obvious in your writing! Yes, praise God and to Him all the glory! I will continue to pray for little Bella. That her lungs get stronger and stronger and, yes, that she rolls those eyes at Jenn!
Ha! Yup. David has a very tender heart. It's a wonderful thing which warms my heart. And the fact that Bella is gaining weight and growing...well, that makes me grin from the inside out! Praise God, indeed! He continues to bless us all. Amen and Amen. Much love and continued prayers to you, the family and the medical personnel, Debbie. ~Mindy
All I can say is CHILL BUMPS...they crossed over my entire body as I read this amazing post of your baby Bella...I am so glad her little body is continuing to grow. Our family will continue to pray and thanks for letting us know how she is doing. GOD IS GOOD!
What a little Easter Bunny Miss Bella is.... sweet, tiny, precious one! How fabulous that she is taking her little breaths and gaining weight and strength! I know this is your Miracle Easter that you'll never forget (cascarones or not ;-) Love to you all!
Aww, she is truly a fighter!!! So happy she is growing and thriving!! Never heard of cascarones.... But sounds like fun!!! Don't forget to send me your address!
Precious little Easter lamb! She looks like she is filling out. Bella is beautiful just like her grandma! Your pictures made my heart sing! God is good!
God is soooooo good! Little Bella Pie is gorgeous and I continue to pray for each and every one of you! A Miracle at fitting! :)
Now, as for those cascarone thingys, I have NEVER heard of them. BUT I do have a few targets in mind!!!
Have a great week!
Lou Cinda :)
May God continue to Bless little Bella. She is a sweet angel. God Bless you and your family. Sandi
She's getting so big...what a true blessing. Cascarones look like messy fun. We don't have them in Iowa that I know of. Hope you had a good show and glad you are back online.
Debbie... I love seeing the photos of Baby Bella... she's so precious... God is taking good care of her for you... You should save one cascarone for her... so when she grows up alittle... you can tell her you saved one for her to crack over grandmas head from her first Easter...
Cascarones, I hate cleaning the mess... but my kids loved them when they were little...
Blow a kiss to Bella for me... keeping her in my prayers... touching my monitor screen now... and praying that God will keep her in the palm of His hand.. today and always...
blessings. Dixie
Hey Deb, and you know I love all that chippys stuff you had, and when I saw that picture I wanted to use it, and I figured it would be easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Hope you don't mind. And I was going to plug you as soon as I can figure out how to make it show up in the right place. And I would have had that wicker table if I had had a truck to haul it in. Just love it, if you didn't sell it hang on to it and I want it. Love the pictures of Bella, and you have the best Easter Bunny of all with her!!! Lauri@chippys
Bella has grown so much she is just beautiful! I am so happy she is doing so well. What a perfect little Easter Bunny! I am so sorry I didn't get to me you at the Blogger party, but I was really late getting there....but I am sure we will meet soon. Angie
Deb, I am grinning from ear to ear. Bella's little arm is filled out then to see her plumping up is such a gift! So glad you are back.
Your comment on my recent post had me laughing....whenever you start junkin Deb, just let me know and I will be glad to help break you in's easy to go off the deep end quick!
Baby Bella pictures are precious. Her strength is amazing. Praise be!!
Bella continues to be in our thought and prayers. She is such a beautiful girl!
I am so glad that you had a great show, and just wanted to tell you thank you for being so kind to mom and I. You are such a joy to meet in person, and you booth looked great!
-Cheers, Amy
I can tell from the photos that little Bella sure is growing - you go girl! Do tell us more about the show when you get a chance. And pictures, please.
Hey Deb, no one knows how bad I want to see pics of the show but right now, I'd rather see these. What wonderful news. I'm sooooooo glad to hear that she continues to improve daily. God is good. Love and Hugs to you all, Patricia
Blessing from Ioway as usual for little Bella, she is blessed to have such a wonderful caring family, especially Grammy and Pappy!!!
I have never heard of these lil' Texan treats, but they just look yummy at any rate...messy is never an issue!
Have a great day Grandmother!
I'm in as I've been a follower....whooopppie!
The only thing is...I don't know what I am IN for because I have NO idea what those little things are!
As for the little Bella...that is ALL good news! Glad to see everyday is a little brighter (& bigger) as that is one more day closer to her coming home!!!!!!!
Deb, I am already a follower of yours., and to read about your little Bella, it makes my heart sing. I will pray for her., and I absolutely adore the name of Bella...and it quite accurately describes this little angel of a granddaughter of yours. I have my own Bella., her name is "Cate", short for Catherine, she was named after me. She is 4 months old now and I light up each time I see her., so I know the past 10 days have probably been a roller coaster ride for you and your family. PLEASE...give her a little kiss from someone in blogland and tell her "But with us is the LORD our GOD to help US & to FIGHT our battles" II Chronicles 32:8. HE IS WITH HER., and I'm sure He's behind all that kicking and helping her to stay strong and defy the odds! Be blessed and ENJOY little Bella, her life belongs to HIM! Blessings Abundantly to you and yours... ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cups"
Yea, for Bella!!! Thank our dear Lord she continues to progress! What a miracle and blessing He has given to you all. And what a testimony to the rest of us who watch and pray!!
So happy to see little Bella progressing the way she is. What a precious tiny miracle. We will keep her in our prayers. Love ya, Pam
Welcome home , Debbie! You have been missed. Thanks for the photos and update on Bella, you can tell by the photos how much she has grown. Our God is an awesome God. I have Bella's name taped by my computer screen so every time I see it I take a moment and lift her up to the Lord. I'm looking forward to the Marburger photos but I'm so glad you posted these first.
I'm so happy to hear that Baby Bella is growing and doing well. The Lord is good and with the faith and love you and your family have and all the prayers being given she will continue to grow stronger each day. It was truly a pleasure meeting you and CD in made me feel very welcomed in my new adventure and for that I Thank You!
May God continue to Bless you and your family always.
I was lookin' for your post on Warrenton, but it was so worth it to stop and read about Bella! Praise God! He is in control and I love how your proirities are in check and makes us all reflect on what is really important in our lives. Thankyou.
Those colors are so gorgeous. You have a Happy Happy Easter Deb. With the little one coming along and growing like a weed you will have a joyous Easter I am sure. :)
Debbie, it's so good to see your little Bella growing and getting stronger! God is good!
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