- God! I can't put it any simpler than that. He gave me life, my children, my grand children, Cat Daddy, all of you and most importantly, salvation. If you ever feel the need to talk about God, please feel free to e-mail me. There is nothing I would rather talk about and nothing gives me more pleasure and joy!
- Sitting in the dark in the early morning with a cup of coffee. My life can get really hectic as all of you can relate to. To sit in the morning and not have to think is just bliss. And not to rub y'alls noses in it or anything, but Cat Daddy makes my coffee every morning before he leaves for work at 5:30am. Am I a pampered pooch or what?
- Coca Cola in a can. Do not get me wrong...it's not as good as the 6 ouncers in the bottle , but I can't get those any more. When Coke decided to change their formula, I quit drinking soda all together. Lost 10 pounds before they brought the "old" Coke back, dang 'em. I am a die hard cokeaholic. Hello, My name is Debbie.
- Gossip!!! Oh, pull those claws back in ladies...I don't mean the ugly kind. I mean the funny stories of when you were little or how you walked out of the bathroom with your dress in the back of your girdle. You know, the back stories that you really don't want the whole world knowing. Things only your sisters, husbands or mothers know. Things that will just make coke come out of my nose (as opposed to going up). I love it! Puts us all on a level playing field and I know I'm not the only goof out there.
- YellowBox flip flops. I am so the poster girl for yellow boxes. I love them above all shoes and believe me, I LOVE shoes. Last count...10 pairs of YB. They really should pay me for all the advertising I do for them just walking around. If you should get a pair, get the ones with just a little bit of a wedge and you will feel like you are walking on pillows.
- Tresseme shampoo. I don't use product on my hair mainly because I am too dense to understand what it is all for plus remember, I am ultra lazy. Shampoo, towel dry, blow dry and go! That I understand. If they ever quit making this shampoo, I am doomed, doomed I say! I am cosmetically challenged and like things simple. Sue me!
- Surprises! That's why I love my life. It's filled with day to day surprises and I can't wait for each new day to see what it brings.
Now I am supposed to pass this award on to seven more. I thought about it and decided that it's not all about junk to me (even though I do love junk). Sometimes I just like a good read or a good laugh. So the seven I'm listing provide that for me. When you visit them you'll see what I'm talking about. Each one is different with a unique take on life and how they see it and handle it. Go visit them and I promise you up and down a giggle and maybe even a slap-your-knee ROFL! So here we go in no particular order:
- Scrappy Doo
- Lou Cinda at Tattered Hydrangeas
- Marie at Rayce, River & Sisters Co.
- Dixie at French Lique
- Jodie at Everything Vintage
- Malisa and Imogene at The Renaissance Chick
- Nesting Notions
Now I also want to let you know that our official Rooster in the Hen House, David is having a birthday week, so be sure and go over and give him a hug and a peck. Besides, his photos are always a treat!
So once again, Lisa, let me say thank you and now I'm off to let the girls know y'all are coming.

I am honored not only because out of the more than 100 stalkers you have, You awarded me!!
Thank ya!!
gonna do this one tonight
I must comment though. A fellow Native Texan not being hooked on Dr. Pepper????
Scrappy Doo
Debbie: I, too, am so flattered!!! This really means alot to me, being chosen by you! You are just one of my VERY favorites and one of the first to reach out and say Welcome Aboard! And yes, I am the world's worst when it comes to wanting people to like me. It is a sickness, really. Even if I don't really care for them, it is important that they like me! I need some therapy!!
I am going to do this tonight too, when I can think of only 7 things I LOVE!!!
Lou Cinda :)
Deb... thanks so much for thinking of my blog... it does mean a lot that I touch your heart or you funny bone from time to time...
As I read your post I tought to myself "yep, she's right.. yep me too... yep... that's what I think"... are we sisters separated at birth?! LOL
God Bless you dear friend... thank you for thinking of me... I promise I will catch up and blog about my award soon...
ps... so happy to see how wonderful precious Bella is doing... I read your daughters updates each time she posts... I look forward to the day she posts "Bella is home!"...
hugs. Dixie
Congrats on your award. Hope you are doing well. Hugs!!!
Congratulations on your award. Have a great day.
Aww! Love your loves! Congrats to you and your winners. A big thanks for telling them about David. He loves comments as much as any of us. ~Mindy
Thanks for giving Imogene and me separate awards! I would just croak if I thought anyone associated Imogene and me as one person!
Oh, Lawdy, Ms. Deb:
It has been so long since anyone noticed me...in that way! Looks like the prayer group at my church has been workin' overtime on my behalf! That Renaissance Chick thinks it is all about her...but of course, we know different, don't we? I am gonna hang this award right on my wall beside the FFA Roaming Hands Award! Yes, mam, this will be in the church bulletin this week!
I want to swing by for a Coke and a little gossip, can we get a little rum in that? Maybe I'll bring some Kentucky bourbon and you can model all those yellow box shoes. BTW I don't know why my eyes look so blue in the pics, I think maybe the sweater. Thanks for your sweet comment. You know when girls get to a certain age any little compliment helps. I think you should do a post on all of your yellow box shoes! Love, Pam
I especially love your #4! Oh the stories we have around here...usually in the midst of laughing hysterically one of us says, "write it down!" BUT, we may need another blog that we make folks sign a waiver not to judge us!
Thank you for the birthday wishes and for pointing folks my way! I love your love list! Especially numbers 1, 2 and 7!
It's funny that you declared David the rooster in the hen house. I'm still laughing! Congrats on your award!!!
Thank You Debbie for the ssswwwweeeeet award! After I finish my worldly travels, I will have to take a break and catch up on this.
Until then, thanks for thinking of me and always checking up on me!
Better yet...why don't you just bring that award on over and we'll celebrate in New Orleans??? Sounds like a plan!
Thanks again!
everything vintage
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