How does one go about saying thank you? I've been struggling with that question for two days. I never write out what I'm going to say...I usually just talk from the seat of my britches. But this time I really wanted to get it right and not get all maudlin in the process. Guess what? I still can't find the words. So I thought I would share a little story with you instead. For those who are new to my blog you may have read about my g'daughter Bella. She isn't my first grandchild. I have Graycie (who's mom also had Pre-eclampsia) and a grandson, Brandon. Brandon was gifted to us when Jenn married Roby. He was four when we were blessed with him as an addition to our family. He is now 13 and all boy.
Jenn and Roby had decided to wait until he was 15 to try and have a baby. She felt like they had time, but God had other plans. In September I had such a vivid dream that she was pregnant and had a little girl. I even dreamed her name...guess what it was? You got it, Bella Marie! I told Jenn about this dream because it just seemed so real. We both laughed and she said "Fat Chance!". Little did she know!
In October she and Roby came over on a Saturday night. Jenn told me I had better sit down for an announcement. They then told us they had just found out she was expecting! They had already selected names...Grayson for a boy and for a girl...Bella Marie! Her due date was going to be July 4th. I knew then she was going to be one firecracker of a baby. I said she because the Lord had already revealed to me that this baby was a girl. Everyone, including Jenn, thought it would be a boy. In fact, they had almost convinced me, but deep in my heart I knew it was a girl.
They were busy making plans for a July baby, but again God had other plans. On February 23, Jenn woke up extremely swollen. She went to their fire department to have them check her (she knew something was wrong because Misty had done the same thing right before delivering Graycie). Sure enough, her blood pressure was off the charts! She drove herself to her Ob/Gyn whose offices are by Baylor Hospital. Roby was to meet her there. She called me crying and telling me they were admitting her. She was only 21 weeks into her pregnancy. For the baby to be "viable"(I hate that word) they had to get her to at least 23. This meant a long hospital stay with complete bed rest. The only time she got to get up was to go for sonograms and x-rays. She was miserable, but she did what she had to do to get her baby that time!
At 23 weeks, two shots are given of steroids in 24 hour intervals to help the baby's lungs develop. The 24 hours are critical for the shots to be effective. She received the second shot on Tuesday, March 10. I had been at the hospital with Jenn on Wednesday and her best friend was coming to stay that night to let me go home and clean up. I had a strange feeling and called April to ask if she would mind staying Thursday night instead. I just felt like I needed to be with her.(God's plan still at work) Cat Daddy and I went back to the hospital with the intent of both of us staying. That night her blood pressure shot back up to a critical level and her protein had gone from 900 to 2600 overnight! Her lungs were filling with fluids and the time had come for delivery. Jenn was going into shock when her nurse in L&D leaned over her, took her face in her hands and started talking to her softly and sweetly. She was able to reassure Jenn and asked if Jenn would like her to pray with her. God placed this living angel in Jenn's room that night, of this I am so certain. They were able to wait until the next day to get her more stable before performing the c-section to bring baby Bella into the world kicking her little legs off. God had given her the time she more, no less!
The specialists and doctors gave them a market list of everything that could possibly...and most likely would...go wrong with Bella. This was all done very carefully, with a lot of statistics being thrown around. Problem with their plan...God's was different. He doesn't know what a statistic is and really doesn't care. His plan was that except for one little standard surgery, she would be perfect. She would be safe in her little glass castle and He would provide the best in medical care. She would grow and slowly all the tubes, needles and lines would be removed. She would need time for Him to finish her, but He allowed Jenn and Roby the privilege of seeing first hand how He creates a baby.
I'm sharing this with all of you today because I wanted you to see first hand your prayers in action. Her tiny body, 15 oz. at birth, has now grown to 2 lbs. 6 oz. and she is starting to fill out. The tiny 3" diaper is now filled out and she will soon be swimming in the next size up. Those skinny little legs and arms that she continues to drive the nurses crazy with are now not so spindly.
Our baby sleeps peacefully in her glass castle and continues to grow. Her doctor told Jenn this morning she has received a new medication that will help when they remove the ventilator in the next week or two! Glory to God!!! She will have the lines removed and will have an oxygen line placed in that button of a nose. When the ventilator lines are removed, Jenn will be able to hold her in her arms for the first time. Pray that this happens and that it will not be necessary to put it back in. When God put Jenn on this journey two months ago, she and Roby had no idea what the outcome would be. Jenn turned her eyes to God and kept them there, knowing that He who had placed her there would see her all the way home.
From a most thankful family, I want to say thank you to God for carrying us and to all of you, your prayers were heard and answered! The only way I can properly thank you is to give you my heart and I do.
I love you all. Debbie
Praise be to God!
Bella is beautiful! and prayers of the highest when she finally is in Mommy's arms.
Scrappy Doo
Debbie, tears in eyes and down cheeks during the entire story. And I already knew it! Our God is an awesome God! Much love. ~Mindy
Debbie: We love you too! Thanks for telling the story. I had only heard it in bits and it all makes sense. So you got that lovely name from a dream? Was that meant to be or what? I will continue to pray for baby Bella until she is at Grandma's arms safe and sound! You are a very special woman...with a special daughter...and a special granddaughter...special passes from generation to generation!
This story is so moving! And one you will repeat to sweet Bella over and over as she grows up, and she will tell it to her children! How she got her name ~ It came in a dream ~ God is so good!
Lou Cinda :)
I am crying Debbie.
Praise God for His incredible care and mercy. This is one very special little baby girl!
When our faith meets God's faithfulness... WOW! Thank you for the story. You told it very well. But you could have included a Kleenex warning! God is good!
Dear Debbie , I had to stop reading partway through , I just couldn't see through the tears. God placed Bella with your family because He knew that you would give Him the Glory. You told her story so beautifully from your heart. XOXO Sue
What a time all of you have been through, but the outcome has been miraculous. And there is something to that dream message; I too dreamt about my daughter's pregnancies and told her before she even knew. Wonders, miracles, faith, love, hope, Bella Marie.
I am more than familiar with what you all have had to deal with. My niece was also born this small, so fragile, but so strong! These babies are a miracle all in their own....I am donating to the fundraiser...but have no idea what to give yet...if you have any ideas for me...I would love that. I am praying for your little angel....she is just so they all are!
Bella is very lucky to have you as her grandmother! I think I will make a special call to my Grandma today in honor of your story. Thanks for sharing!
Well said, Our GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD and he does listen to our prayers! You are such a great grandma with such a BIG HEART!
Still praying for your beautiful Bella,
Now I am speechless!!! With tears of joy in my spirit...all I can say is "Thank you Lord for holding your little angel, Bella, close in order to show us once again---Your love.
Debbie, this is such an inspiring post, and a great one to show God's great love to people! Little Bella is so cute and precious...and growing! You guys are always in my heart and my prayers!
Debbie, your post is beautiful. You save this and someday when Miss Bella is old enough to understand, you can share your love of Our Lord with her. You both will receive a special gift. You will remain in my prayers.
As I sit here in tears, tears of hurt and pain, for I had a stillborn baby born at 24 weeks, 13 years ago...and tears of joy for that beautiful baby Bella,I'm glad that God is taking care of her and she is growing and getting stronger each and everyday! I will keep Bella and your family in my prayers! Thank you for sharing that story!
Deb, I believe in the power of prayer. God has special plans for this little angel. I will continue to keep all of you in my prayers and thoughts.
Debbie, How great is our God! Thank you so very much for sharing your life with us and it is my prayer that the Lord would use Miss Bella to bring Roby to the Lord! We are continuing to pray for ya'll and let Cat daddy know that Big D has stepped up his game, it's his turn now!
I'm hearing AMENS ringing out all over the internet as people are reading this beautiful story! They are seeing the power not only of prayer but of faith in action. He has awesome plans for Bella! Jer. 29:11 and Psalm 91:16.."With a long life I will satisfy her and show her My salvation." Keep on talking trash ...Truth Reveals A Servant's Heart (TRASH)! (I think He just whispered that in my ear!) You bring joy to His heart my friend! Many blessings you are about to receive because of the TRASH talk you write on your blog and in our comment sections. Those little words are seeds and I'm seeing a mighty harvest coming your way! You ROCK sista!
Watch for brown on Monday! (UPS)
beautifully said debbie...
What an inspiring story. Miracles happen.
TO GOD BE THE GLORY...what a touching testament of which I, too, can indentify. My grandson was born under the same identical circumstances, only at 31 wks. We were allowed brief moments with him in nursery which allowed me to "lay hands" on him and pray for his well being. He had to undergo a couple of minor surgeries before age 1, but he is a healthy, VIABLE 10 yr old today. AND, I too give praise and honor to the GREAT I AM
Dear Debbie,
What a testament to God’s Good Glory. Bella is a beautiful girl, and I think you are right when you say that HE has BIG plans for her someday.
I am truly touched by the faith that you and Jenn have during these times. I still recall the first day that I met you, there in the tent, we spoke about Bella and the Power of God. I will cherish that memory forever .
Pls send a hug to Jenn and Roby. What an amazing story! ox lulu
I have no words to write, but please know my "heart" is with you and your family. Everything happens for a reason, and "thank you" for the beautiful story. It will never be forgotten.
Take care, Sue
God is good! I love that last picture with those little dark eyes looking out. I still remember my g'baby Sage looking up at me with all those tubes & he & I made a commitment to each other during those days. That bond can't ever be broken. I'm saying a prayer right this minute (4:27) for Bella & her family & I hope that very soon all of you can touch her. Jan
thank you so much for sharing your story with the world! My aunt had a premie 17yrs ago! She was called the million dollar baby because the ins. policy maxed out and had to start a new one! She only weighed 1 lb 11oz! God is good, isn't He? I will be praying for your lil miracle baby!
What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing- GOD is good- amazing. Thanks so much for stopping by! xo-Kristin
Oh so beautiful and what a blessing! Jen
What a perfect story for a Sunday morning! Bella is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing this story! Angie
Oh Debbie ~ thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful story about sweet Bella. I will continue to pray for her as well as you whole family.
Big hugz,
God bless this beautiful baby girl and those around her. Miracles are awesome!!!!
I love to hear people talk about the goodness of God! We serve a good God that goes about doing good! I am soooo excited for this little baby. You watch and see what God is going to do in her life, because it is going to be BIG. I love you girl so much and pray for you and your family all of the time...
Ohhh and on a side note the last few times I have been on your site I couldn't figure out why this trash can was ever where my mouse went. I thought awwhhhh did I do something to mess up her site??? Then I just now realized ohhhh trash talk....this goes with her name I bet that she did this on purpose...LOL us blondes gotta love us! :D
The Bella story is really quite amazing, Debbie. So incredible.
Isn't it wonderful to know that our God finds each little life sooo precious. And His love for Bella is far greater than we can know or imagine. You and your family are a wonderful testimony to that love and faithfulness. Thanks for sharing the amazing things God does through His children. AND, Bella, way to go!!! 2lbs. 6ozs!! Whoppee!
My dearest Debbie,CD and family~~first off you are in my prayers. Second, I feel every millisecond of your pain and anguish as we went through a scare with our grandson Jaxson at three weeks old. But when Bella is home and strong just know that you and she will have a bond like no other as she knows you are there for her through everything. Stay strong~~God's plan is in action.
Love you much,
Debbie, I have something special for you waiting on my blog. You are truly an inspiration to me...Luv Ya Girl!
Thsnk you for sharing the love you have for your sweet baby. When our baby(Sam) was in the NICU for 17 days, it was the most stressed time of my life. (We were no where near as fragile as your little Bella)God must surely have great plans for her life!
Deb, what a sweet story. Bella is so blessed to be surrounded by family and friends that know how to pray. She's a fighter and you are so right that God has other plans and doesn't follow what the reports may be at the time. I'm still praying for your sweetie to grow and be home soon, T
She's gorgeous! I love how you've kept your focus on God's plan and God has given you peace. Beautiful, beautiful!!
Blessings... Polly (Counting Your Blessings & French Cupboard)
It was so wonderful to read about your faith and God's love and work in your families life.
I have a new motto these days "Control what you can, and Pray about the rest." which is almost everything. May Bella continue to grow stronger.
As I set here marvaled by the wonders of my God, He always ceases to amaze me. Bella baby is fearfully and wonderfully made and may the plans to proser her and not harm her, plans for her hope and her future. Blessings on her and her mommy and daddy and her trashy granny!!! Oh yea, I'm the other half of M2.
Much love in Jesus name, Alisha Munden
It was a beautiful story and one I was familiar with as 25 years ago we also had a was touch and go...but through God's grace and lots of prayer....Daniel is in law school and the light of our lives.....
May God bless Bella Marie..
Be well, Laura
Debbie -
What a wonderful testament to God's plan and his love for all of us. I also know God shares his plans in our dreams as he came to me in a dream and showed me that I would be blessed with twins. At that time I had just been told by my doctor that I had a 10% chance of ever having children. I thank him every day for the blessings he has given me. I will keep you and your precious family in my prayers until beautiful Bella Marie is home safe in her family's arms.
Debbie, you have said it all in this post.
There are no statistics.
There is just Bella and Bella is doing fine.
Love Renee xoxoxo
Praying for precious Bella and the rest of the family.
God does answer our prayers
Precious Bella!! She looks like a fighter,my daughter had a baby girl, Sophia at twenty five weeks, she was two pounds, she is only twenty pounds now, but she is three! Her older sister is Bella, so I feel this tug at my heart when I see your little Bella. I will pray for her and you and your family!!!
Margaret B
God bless you and your little sweetie there. Thanks for trusting God. He truly is wonderful!
Our God is an Awesome God! Our family's prayers are with you all!
God is good!
Sending Love and Light along with my donation...
Every little bit helps I hope.
Bella truly is beautiful!
~Really Rainey~
I am so happy that little Bella Marie is growing stronger in her glass castle. This is a beautiful and touching story.
as a mom of three preemies, i am amazed by the little miracle. that is wonderful news. i will be sending up prayers for bella marie. what a beautiful baby girl!
I received this from a friend Joey Dylla. My daughter was born at 31 weeks and stayed in the NICU for 37 days. The NICU nurses and doctors are angels from heaven. I wish you and your family the best and we will keep Bella in our prayes. My daughter Jordyn is 6 now and doing great! You would never know she wasn't a full term baby. I also have a cousin that had a little boy at 26 weeks and he is now in high school excelling in sports and school. Love and prayer is the best medicine!
It is truly a miracle and reminder that each child is a blessing. My youngest daughter was born at 26 weeks...and is perfect in every way now at the age of 7 years. The numbers and statistics are very very scary, but there is always hope. We had our good and bad days in the NICU and at times it seemed like we would never get home...but we did and I am sure you will too! I wish you and family peace and will say a prayer for her tonight!
I came over here from ReFind Maison blog and clicked to read Bella's story. I'm so glad that she's doing well. Nine years ago I had preemie triplets and remember the time they spent in the NICU so well. You're right...God is in complete control. Prayer can move mountains and undoubtedly handle taking care of a precious little baby girl.
Debbie, God is wonderful and he had a plan for Bella, the story makes my heart sing with his praise.
Will continue to pray, but I think we know who is in charge here.
So Happy for you and your family.
I just knew she was going to be ok. Love all you York folk.
Oops didn't leave my name. Laurel Marie
Praise the Lord for this miracle! I learned about Bella Marie through Jodie's blogspot (Everything Vintage) and have been praying for her ever since. How beautiful to see the miracle that has resulted from these prayers! May God continue to bless you all as Bella Marie grows! Thanks for sharing this miracle with all of us:).
Baby Bella yanked my hearts strings, what a precious angel! She was meant to be!
Voondi~ Cher
Isn't God Grand? He knows what he is doing , and he does on his time not yours. Bella is life lesson learned by many. HE DOES perform MIRACLES.
I choked back a sob at each picture because it brought back such vivid memories of my own little one 25 years ago. Lesley was born at 25 weeks and is still going strong 25 years later - praise the Lord! She's had some difficult times and will always be my special girl but she is such a blessing. I'm so glad to hear how well your precious Bella is doing. God truly does perform miracles. Enjoy your blessed holiday.
Little Bella is a special gift. Thank you for the story. May God continue to Bless all of you. sandi
Little Bella is a special gift. Thank you for the story. May God continue to Bless all of you. sandi
Bella's story reminds me of just how blessed I am with my little Willow. She was 2.12oz when she was born. You truly have to lean on God when there is nothing you can do but pray. I am so glad to see how she has grown into such a beautiful little girl. My Willow is 2 and 1/2 now and is such a little hoot. She has been a blessing and she is a junker in training now. And as for you, you just crack me up.. I have been reading your blog lately since I have gotten addicted to auctions and cherished junk that no one wants for my new booth. I love reading about everyone's junk finds. I love your writing style. You shoot straight from the hip. I do too . It gets me into trouble sometimes. Ha ha The auctioneers think I am crazy. Always look at me when no one wants anything. ha ha I am rambling now. Sorry. Love ya even though I don't really know ya. You always put a smile on my face. (this time tears in my eyes. Tears of hope and miracles) Hope your show goes great!!!!!
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