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There was a time when I thought the last great invention was air conditioning. Everything after that was just useless junk, especially the computer. I saw it as a way of getting more work out of people for less money and that it was rendering us faceless. It seemed everyone was e-mailing, chatting and losing the human connection because of it. That still is true, but only if we choose to be nameless and separated from reality. The truth is that because of the computer and blogging in particular, I have found some of the most tangible friends I could ever hope to meet. Case in point...Amy of Trailer Trash and Theresa of Garden Antiques. I met both of these ladies at Warrenton in the middle of a cow field, sitting in a tent filled with chaos and I was dirty beyond belief. It wasn't an accident or coincidence that led to our meeting, but God placing them in my life. Theresa got me started blogging eight months ago and above everything else I owe her, that is the one thing I will never be able to repay. Because of that one little thing, my world has been opened and I'll never be the same. Amy, who only met me briefly, has shown me that the world I was afraid would get lost on a URL is not gone. The world I grew up in was one of people reaching out and helping each other. Bringing food when someone was ill, sending cards where there was illness or family tragedy, calling to just say hello. A small town unity that I thought was gone forever in the hectic lives of today. Well, because of these two ladies and all of you, I'm here to tell you, it's alive and well in blogland. The address might change but the loving, giving nature of people never will. Loving, caring people will always find a way to connect. We have to. It's in our blood and in your hearts!
As you are all learning Bella was born at 23 weeks and 5 days on March 12. She weighed 15 ounces and was not quite 11" tall. Going into delivery by C-section, to say the outcome was grim was an understatement. But our God is good! He brought Jenn and Bella through the delivery. I won't tell you it has all been easy...nothing good in life ever is. He has kept His mighty hand on both of them and continues to amaze us. He gave us a little fighter. We didn't know at the time, but girls are stronger fighters than boys! The doctor also said that all the stress Jenn's body had been through had allowed Bella to learn to cope with it. Everything with a purpose...that is God's plan!
As Theresa so simply and perfectly put it, Bella is your baby as much as she is ours. Here is what your faith, prayers and love have done in just seven weeks. Look at that tiny hand now! Do y'all have any idea how you have touched me in the past few months? You couldn't because I just can't express it the way I want to. God has been our foundation and rock, but He placed each and every one of you in my life to be my support. When I've stumbled, you've been there to catch me before I hit the ground. You've talked me off the ledge, wiped my nose and carried me when I was too tired to walk. You gave me the strength I needed to be there for Jenn and Roby and ordered me to take a shower when I would forget to. You've made me laugh, cry and thank God each and every day for you. So, it is with a most humble and grateful heart that I say thank you. Thank You Lord for placing me in this world of beautiful people.
Theresa and Amy have taken a huge job on by creating this wonderful thing, no not thing, but love in action...Junk Sistas! I have seen some of the things y'all are donating and all I can say is WOW! I don't feel like I should participate in the raffle itself (I have this strange reputation of being the "amazing win it all woman" thanks to the 2 Chippys), but I am so wanting to. I can't believe the amazing talent and generosity of y'all. There are prizes I would LOVE to win, believe me!!! BUT, I do want to make a donation. The only things I have of any real value are my children and grandchildren and I'm afraid I can't bring myself to give them away just yet. But I do have one thing that everyone seems to want...Cat Daddy!
Here he is y'all. Now, I want to preface this by saying he knows I am doing this and he is willing to participate for the "cause"!
Now don't go getting any ideas that you will be getting him forever. Nope, I am just not that generous. You will, however, be getting him for one evening during the Fall Antique Show at Warrenton for dinner and a beer. That's right...I'm offering up the hunka hunka burning love for a dinner date at Zapp Hall's own Royer's Cafe. What could be more exciting? You pick the night...I highly recommend you do not choose that first Friday if you want him to be charming! I'll clean him up, deliver him, buy y'all dinner and your libation of choice. You then will get the rare opportunity of trying to get him to smile! He's kind of like the guards at Buckingham Palace. The smile takes some doing, but it is SO worth it! Now in case you are unable to attend the show at Zapp in the fall, I am also going to add something else to my donation. I'm not artistic, I don't make anything, I can't sew, (you gotta wonder at this point why he married me), but I can shop with the best of them. Cat Daddy's job is to make the money, mine is to spend it and I excel at my job. So, I'll be out shopping for the perfect go-along for this donation. I hope he meets with y'alls approval!
Now as I said earlier, he is totally aware of this and is a willing participant for the "cause", but he ain't fooling me for one second. C'mon y'all! What man would pass up the opportunity to have dinner with a lovely lady WITH his wife's blessing!!! My man is one smart cookie! And if you ask him real sweet like, he might even serenade you!
Thank you to all of you for what you are doing and to Amy and Theresa.....YOU ARE MY FAVORITES!
HOLY COW! I got to read the rules again. I got way to excited when I saw I could get my own Cat Daddy. BRB
Lulu will buy hundreds of raffle tickets now! Good donation!
The Texas Woman
Debbie, you take me from tears to laughter. The Spirit moves through today's post. Your words are the words you have looked for. I can't tell you how moved I am with your words. I am sooo very excited about your contribution! I've seen the man smile and it's charming! I wanna win! And I would insist that you come with us! Can I do that? Guess I better win first, huh? Much love and continued prayers, my friend. ~Mindy
Hello Debbie, Yes I do make and sell this stuff. Nothing over 22.00. here's my web page with just a few of my items on it. I've also got more at a couple of different stores.
Thanks for asking.
Does he know he'll be eating at Royers? He kept extrolling the wonders of the gas-station sandwiches when I was there....
Debbie.. you two are and Cat Daddy that is! but a sweet kinda nuts!
Bella has brought something sweet to each one of us that follow her progress...
hugs and blessings. Dixie
MIGHT AS WELL THROW IN THE TOWELS< LADIES...Cher is right...HE IS ALL MINE! Did I mention that I won the lottery just yesterday?
ox lulu
Those little fingers...goodness how precious!!
What a gift!!!
Don't be gettin all cocky up there lulu! I am a TALL woman AND I got some meat on my bones! I have ALWAYS, ALWAYS wanted a CAT DADDY!!!! I just gotta get to flippin TEXAS!!!
Love this post! Loved it!
Lou Cinda :)
I gotta go figure out how in the flip to send a photo of my donation! (I am still a newbie...AND I'm blond)
You're all so funny - I love it! Now that you've all made me laugh, gotta get the gang off and get myself to work.
(((Hugs to you Debbie))):D
I just LOVE ya girlfriend! And that picture of BELLA...OH, just reminds you of miracles and that they happen everyday , we just don't always realize it:)
Take Care my Junk Sista!
Unun, no no no no way you pulled out the big stops........Oh now it is on like donkey kong. Let me go find my credit card......This is to good to be true.......Lauri@chippys
I just came over from French Lique, and I have added sweet Bella to my prayer list. Your post was beautiful, and I will be in prayer for Bella and her family. laurie
good luck with raffle and fundraising. if i can figure out my paypal, i am headed over to the junk sistas for my raffle ticket!!! i banned myself from paypal about 5 years ago. only in rare cases do i use it. i think this accounts for one of those times!!!!! bella looks amazing. i know you are proud!!!! you are well loved by so many folks!!!! i know this fundraising will be super successful and bring some much needed peace.
take care.
Hi Debbie,
There are such thoughtful, beautiful souls in blog land. I will keep sweet Bella in my prayers and I'm off to get some raffle tickets, just glad I got back in time to participate! Have a great weekend sweetie. Oh, what a good sport that Cat Daddy is - loved your post.
Hi Deb! I am so glad to be a part of this--you and CD are so fab and I know Bella will be the hit of Warrenton shortly! Can't wait to see you in the fall--let's do dinner again ok?
Love ya lots!
Holy Moly!!! Cat Daddy, I'm winning this sucker...and I'm bringing Imogene with me!
Deb, just wanted to make sure that you read my blogs on Bella that I posted yesterday (Thursday) on both of my blogs! Love you, girl, but your hubby is mine for one night! Woo Hoo!
Bella is so beautiful and what a little miracle.
She has gotten so much bigger.
Thank you God.
Love Renee xoxox
Amen! It so warms my heart! I love love love your blogs always! I love you girl! I will need to look into buying me some raffel tickets!
I know the Raffle is going to be a huge success for Little Bella...As soon I I get my paypal account fixed from some wise rear who hacked into it and charged my acct $150 for what... I don't know, I will be on over to get some tickets, Blessings Janna
Oh, this is wayyyy to cool...I will be getting myself some tickets here tomorrow morning...after I get these tears all stopped...such a wonderful thing to write and say and such good friends. I echo your sentiments...I have met so many wonderful people who ask about the house renovation or my business now...and meeting them in person, as I will you all in Texas, is just too fun...and those little fingers...they grow up so fast...
Cindy tried to sell me off at that show we did in Seattle a few weeks back. I am sure Cat Daddy will have waaaaay more takers than I did that day!
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