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Are y'all ready to put a little color in your cheeks (Don't go there Malisa!) and some zip in your life? Well, hang on to those bra straps my dears and let's take a trip to Gypsyville. It's just a hop, skip and jump from Zapp Hall! Put your boots and cancans on, turn on some music and get ready for some fun, fun, fun till Cat Daddy takes our beer away!
First I need to there anyone out there who has not heard of The Junk Gypsys and if so, have you been living under a rock? These three rockin' Texas ladies have really made a name for themselves in the junk and fashion industry! I'm really proud to be able to say I count them among my junker friends. They are just cutting edge cool! They truly were country when country wasn't cool and proud of it. They have taken their roots and transformed into a look that is all their own...copied maybe, but never matched. They are the original Rebel Sista Hood! I have to digress here for just a moment (I know, what's new?) to say I have never seen a bad photograph of any of them. Janie, I love you, but could you at least age a little? Proud Poppa Phillip ain't bad on the eyes either! OK, I'll get back now to going on and on about this trio of hard working women.
Going into their tent, which takes days to prepare, is like a jolt of Red Bull. You are immediately energized and color is your new best friend.
Their look is eclectic which makes it hard for others to mimic. Many try and many fail. The secret is they buy what they love and what they love is a mix of funky, traditional, gypsy, french, girly and western. Throw in some rust, a little lace, a lot of leather (MMMM! Doncha just love the smell of leather?) and some swinging chandeliers and maybe you could get close. But then, they take this wonderful mix and make it work! That's the hard part...putting it all together! It takes a lot of talent and they've got it to spare. In fact, girls, how about sparing a little for me?
See what I mean? These girls know what they are doing. THEY are the brand and don't let anyone tell you different. Why do you suppose they are in every magazine, interviewed on radio and TV and get invited to fantastic events to sell? They strive for uniqueness and hit the nail on the head every time. They follow their hearts, put the time in, work hard and the success has come. They work as one...the whole family. They never sacrifice family, ever!
But before anybody gets all hater on them (which I know y'all would never do!) they are also sincere, warm and generous. Success has not spoiled these women. They still run around in the field like the rest of us poor fools trying to find the best stuff. They don't mind digging for a treasure, cleaning what needs cleaning, working their own tent and talking to everyone who comes in. Believe me when I say we all get pain in the butt customers, but they never lose their composure. Always a smile and a thank you. They are excellent business women. We can all take a page out of their book beginning with me!
I did a post several months ago about their big warehouse sale they hold periodically and if you get the chance to go, DO! It is a whole lot of fun and utter madness. In fact, I'll be sure to remind you when it's time.
They also hold the Junk Gypsy Prom during the shows. This started as just a tiny idea one year and has grown into a monster event! A lot of work goes into the preparation. This last one was no exception. The wind had wore everybody out or so you would think, but honey, when that sun went down the party goers were there. Oh my gosh, you just cannot believe some of the getups...anything goes! This is the place to see and be seen! I didn't get to go over this time as Zapp Hall also hosts Bellini and Bargains on the same evening. Cat Daddy and I were covered up with customers so guess who had to work? But one of these days and 40 pounds lighter, you best step back! I will put on a raucous outfit and I will be there!
I did get a few shots of some cuties on their way to the prom. This is Carolyn's daughter Victoria. Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen? She is tiny and I like to call her Carolyn's Mini-Me! She looks just like her. Cute, cute, triple cute!
Misty has a blog called M2 and this is her with her handsome husband David. She had us rolling with some of her stories. Go over and tell her you want her to tell y'all! In fact, ask her about her shawl. I swear up and down you will need to check your undies she is so dadgum funny. We go to church together (they are in charge of the younger kids) and I made her promise not to take any blackmail photos. Not that I was misbehaving y'all! Not me! I'll tell you more later about the cute little pink trailer I was using for my prom pictures backdrop. Before you ask, no, that's not my canned ham. Mine is still sitting in the backyard looking just like it did! That's going to change......soon!!!
Check out David's killer boots. I saw some of the greatest boots this trip. I have got to get me a pair. I've got a pair of Old Gringos picked out....just have to figure out how to pay for them on a junkers salary. I wonder what it would take to get ol' C.D. to buy them for me and would they be worth it?
I saved the best photo for last. Here's my ladies getting ready to make their grand entrance to the prom! Are they not the prettiest family you have ever seen? Unique, I tell you, one of a kind or in their case, just three of a kind!
Someday I'm gonna go to that there dang prom!
The Texas Woman
This was a great post. You are right, they are some of the sweetest gals you'll ever meet and oh so talented. They know how to throw a party!!
fantasitc pitures.... wish I were there....
first I need to get me some of those awesome country boots.
peace to you!
I imagine I will get to hit the shindig in the Fall...maybe after the Bellini and Bargains. Hmmm...Great post, Debbie! Their space was amazing. They, for sure, know what they are doing! ~Mindy
Your post is amazing. I don't think you missed a thing. I sure saw lots of pics of you. What size boots you wear? I have a few pairs of vintage boots left from my sellin days. PS - I don't think I ever saw anybody spell dadgum. I had to go look in the dictionary. Ha!
Looks like so much fun! Those girls really know how to market too!
You always go to the best parties (& host 'em too)!
You got me so dog gone inspired, I'm going out to find me some of 'dem boots so I can go play with ya'll in the fall. (& I'm draggin' Pam with me!)
Cat Daddy has beer? I'm comin'!
Have a Happy Easter friend!
everything vintage
Great post, Debbie! Sounds like an amazing set of gals, those Junk Gypsies.
That was a're just the best narrator there ever was...did someone say BULLSHOOTER...I always have so much fun readin' yer posts da bomb!!!
That was the prom I should have gone to! What fun!
Oh wow. I would LOVE to go there.
You Bet Girl, take what you want!!!!
xoxo trailer trash
You know, Deb, with this heart surgery, it has been a long time since I put any color in anybody's cheeks! Sigh.
I gotta tell you about my prom feelings. First as a student, then as a teacher and then as an administrator, I have attended proms for 30 years! Thought I was through with proms! Yippee! But here you go and make me want to go again. If I go in the fall, can we double date? :)
Malisa, You Betcha!!! And I beg to differ...Cat Daddy sure was blushing the other night! Debbie
Junk Gypsy Prom out-proms the high school version every time!! There is nothing like else like it, never will be... too much fun!!
Great post, Debbie. There is no one like the Junk Gypsys.
Ahhh the hats are too die for!
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