I have just received the following award from Malisa at Moonlight Hollow. Malisa wrote that Renee is fighting stage 4 breast cancer and it was created for her by her friends, Bella and Ces. Bella had the following to say about Renee:"Renee is one human being who has made such a difference in the lives of many just by being. Her honestly, wit, intelligence, and grit are a tremendous source of inspiration. She can elicit raucous laughter and guffaws in her banter, and then turn right around and offer the most heartfelt, gentle words of wisdom and emotional support. She is a spreader of love,simple and true. And her love is infectious."This is a brand new award and I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds its way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak, giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns..." 
The above makes a loving statement to what must be one special woman and I am truly honored to be a recipient of it. Thank you Malisa! Now she goes on to say that I am to pass it on to eight others, which for me will be no easy task. Each of y'all know you are my favorite, just don't tell the others. And while we do all share a genuine bond, I have picked eight who, for whatever reason, seem to be my go to girls! They give me chocolate, prayers, advice, inspiration, laughter when I most need it, support and never question me or my choices. And I have been known to make some doozys! In other words, they accept me for who I am and love me in spite of it.
- The Apiary(who has always been my number one fan)
- Frippery(we're cheerleaders on the same team)
- The Domestic Fringe(who always finds the humor in life)
- Whisperwood Cottage(who sees beauty where others fail to look)
- Delighted Heart(who helps me keep the faith)
- The Veranda(who never fails to make me laugh)
- Mlle. Magpie(who I want to be when I grow up)
- Bella Shabby(who has been a follower since the start and is always there for me-ALWAYS)
Thank you ladies for making this tiny acorn a mighty oak (or at least a shrub)! Thank you Malisa for giving me such a beautiful award.
Well , Debbie , you just brought tears to my eyes. Can you feel this long distance Hug? I am so blessed to have stumbled upon your blog. I saw the name "Talkin' Trash" on Theresa's blog and thought " I know I have to check this girl out". I am So glad that I did! Thank you , dear friend! Sue
Debbie, I am both honored and humbled by this award. Thank you for including me.
We don't love you inspite of who you are, but because of who you are. You are an amazing woman and well deserving of this award. Congrats!
Congratulations on getting this award, Debbie - you are simply fab-u-lous! One-of-a-kind! You always make me smile when I "come over" for a visit, and that is priceless. I too am honored and humbled - thanks so much for including me.
Debbie, congrats to you! And what wonderful women you have chosen. Yea! ~Mindy
No one deserves that award more than you! You are an inspiration to all of us! I am honored to be one of your go to girls! I feel the same way about you!
P.S. I'm sending something special to you! Keep an eye out for it this week!
Dear Debbie, Thanks so much. What a wonderful award, and I second Fringe Girl, we all love you for who you are. A woman who spreads joy and laughter with her crazy antics and kind heart.Beautiful inside and out.XOXOXO Pam
I "third" all of the above...so it's final!
You are one of a kind!
I love to come here for a good laugh, some inspiration, and well...to be nosey!
Congrats to you and all of the beautiful women you tagged!!!
Ya'll make blogging fun~thank you!
everything vintage
I Ditto all of the above! You are so awesome my BFF. You truely deserve this award my sweet sista in the Lord! And I am soooooo honored that you have passed it on to me with such kind words. You always leave me such rockin comments! Girl.... you have the verbage and you know how to use it!
Big Hugs and Blessings!
Congratulations. What a wonderful compliment to you from a wonderful friend. The power and spirit of awesome women is all throughout blogland.
Debbie I have just found your blog.
congratulations on your award.You have a very warm and friendly blog
with so much to offer.I am so glad I found a new blogging friend.I love your title.To cute.from what people have written you are a very special person.
Visit when you can
Who could be more deserving than you of this award you are so amazing! I love you so much!
Thanks for leaving what you can't live without! You are awesome! :D
I see I am already here.
Your blog is very interesting.
I see there is a baby Bella who looks in need of some prayers. xoxo
Renee xoxoxo
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