Well kiddos, the reviews are in and I think we are making progress. I loved all your input and appreciate the time y'all took to answer my questions and offer up advice. I would like to clear up one little item for Patti (I feel a "Wished I Had Said That" post coming on!) before going any further if y'all will humor me. Patti, minima stretch is not a girdle, although that would make a great name for one....although in my case it would need to be maximus stretch! It's just a way to change the layout to kinda stre-e-etch it out a bit which I think makes for easier reading. Aren't y'all impressed that I knew that one? (Sssh, don't tell Patti, but I just googled it!) While giving the poll results, I thought I would give y'all something to look at while I prattle on with the final tally. These are things we've been getting ready for Zapp Hall and so far, I gotta say I'm pretty pleased with how things are shaping up!
Y'all are split on the music, so I'm keeping my play list...but it will be at the top of the blog so if you would like to mute it, be my guest. Keeping the bolder script...that one is a winner I'm happy to report! Several of y'all suggested test blogs to try out changes and I think that's a great idea! If I screw it up, what am I gonna lose..."Testing, Testing, 1,2,3"? I think I'll be all right losing that!
Next point on the agenda was the 250 word minimum posts. Kiddos, there is just no way I can say what I gotta say in a mere 250 word post. You might as well stick a fork in me, 'cause I'd be done!
I'm playing with my camera more (although I don't ever expect to be Amy or David) and having a ton of fun doing it. I was kinda hoping someone would give me a little hint on how to write on my photos....you know...something easy...maybe with a Sharpie or Magic Marker!
I gotta stop for a minute here and count my words. While I do, tell me what do you think of the load we are putting together? Isn't it a doozie?

First off, that would require me to count the number of words I have in a post and y'all know I'm just too lazy to do anything that even resembles work! Second, have I ever been able to get a single thought across in less than 750 words? I don't know how y'all hang with me sometimes...I am so windy!
My therapist thinks I talk so much as result of being scared by a typewriter when I was a child. I think it's because I just like the sound of my own voice! Either way, I'm gonna keep talking till I run out of words...or the Cat gets my tongue!

Okay, I'm back and it's still all good. Jodie told me that here in the South the saying is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and that's all well and good for the blog. But Jodie, what if I'm broke from buying for the spring show...how do I fix me?
Something else I would like to learn how to do is label my posts and maintain those labels. It is such a pain in the patootie when I want to go back and reference something from an old post and I have to search through the archive deep freezer. Wouldn't it be easier if a label list was kept?
Another project I'd like to tackle (besides Joe Montana) is categorizing my favorites list. I have so many that I enjoy reading and sometimes if a lot of y'all post in the same day, others get pushed down and overlooked...by ME! Y'all are my summer (and fall and winter and spring) reading list and I just hate it when I miss even one. I hate to ask y'all for more noise, but just what category would you put you in if you had the choice? Try saying that three times without getting kissed in the process!

I'm going to digress here for a moment (surprise, surprise) and let Pam know I posted this print just for her! I knew she would get a kick out of the alteration at the bottom of the print. I haven't decided if I'll sell it or not, but isn't it a hoot?
One thing I did accomplish with this last post was making new friends and isn't that what's important? Yea for me!!! I love meeting new people and getting the opportunity to get to know them better. Tami at South Street Shabby is one of my new friends and she gave me probably the easiest solution to all my problems. She suggested I go buy Tara Frey's new book, Blogging For Bliss. What a great idea and how come I didn't think of that. It has been all over the blogworld. I guess it's true that the answer is usually just staring you in the face...I know it has been me for the last couple of weeks! Who'd a thought it?

Speaking of friends, "old" friends, would you not let on to my "new" friends that I'm (as Jenn likes to say about her dear sweet mother) a little throwed off! Let's just let them find that out on their own, what do you say? You and I both know it's only a matter of time 'til they catch on.
I have been contemplating buying that book too! Girl, you don't have to worry about improving perfection! :)
OH Debbie! Just when I think you can't make me laugh any harder with my A.M. coffee...here ya go again!! A BF & I used to say the best funnys made you "spew your Docta Peppa out your nose"...{actually we lived in Massachussetts at the time & it was probably Narragansett} any way, I digress and I had to clean the coffee off my PC screen! Got me again, TT Honey, you can write your blog on a brown paper sack, with a crayon. I, for one, will still read you every morning that I'm on this computer! C.D. & Talkin' Trash? You don't just rock...you roll too!! Hopefully on all round tires! :o} *elaine* ps 250 word minimum?? I'm hard pressed to leave a comment w/ 250 words!!
You do realize wearing a cape requires leggings to complete the ensemble, don't you? I'm SO coveting your goods for Zapp Hall! Best wishes!
Warning: Another 250 word comment
I think I may go get a white shirt, pens in a shirt protector, black horn-rimmed glasses and work for the GEEK SQUAD because I am going to offer technology suggestions.
Go into your edit posting section and it will list all of your posts. Then go back in and label each one of your posts.
In doing this long and tedious task (but it is worth it) your posts will be organized by labels.
So you may want to think of several basic labels before you do that so that your posts will be lumped together that way...I think...
OK Miss Priss. This wore my brain out.
I'll be waiting for your review of the book before I purchase since I bought a new camera. Looks like someone has been very busy. It would be hard to categorize my blog but with my new camera you might be able to put me in that group with David -- yeah, right!!!! jan
As you know, I love your blog just the way it is. I have to say, I also love that industrial lookin' table. As you learn "new" things and share, I'll participate as a student!! Take care.
Too cute girlie....you are certainly becoming a big girl in the blogging world! Just don't forget that when you get to the top and become ALL THAT, don't forget who I am...the little peon next door that's not holding a hammer! ;)
Got get your book, read it and teach us a few things Deb. We could all use a face lift, a tuck or a suck here and there.
everything vintage
I think you are perfect just like you are! I will read HOW EVER MANY words you write! Be it 250 or 10,0000000. I'll still read it!!
My category??? pffft ~ MISCELLANEOUS!!! RANDOM! INDECISIVE??? GOOFY!!?
Lou Cinda ")
Is that the awesome table that had the glue running down the sides or is this a different Fab U Lous table? How many cool tables can one girl have? I like the fact that you're working on your blog for all of us but the fact is we're all gonna read it regardless. And if you start posting less than 250 words I'm going to think that there's something wrong ! And what is that very interesting piece in the first few photos? xoxo , Sue
I just love you!! I don't want you to change a thang, honey! And don't you dare keep your posts to a 250 word minimum!
Hi Dear, feels like it has been ages. I missed a questionnaire while I was gone. Bummer...Oh, well I will be coming here whether you write 250 or 1250 words. Just keep fun coming!
Take care!
A cape with minima stretch!!!! Now that's what we need! Thank you for clearing that little item up for me. I think I need to get me one of those books too! My problem is too much blog material and not enough time to write it down! (or no internet available at the lake!)
Glad you kinda/sorta got it all sorted out! I was worried about the minima stretch girdle thing myself! (I have to say, that girdle remark the other day kept me cracking up all evening!)
You all will love Tara's book...easy to understand and tons of information and how-tos in there!
Tami E.
Ummm..PS...I wanna see a pic...you/cape/etc...;-)
What else can I say that hasn't already been said, except for maybe that you need a "sidekick", but I would also need a cape and leggin's. Our slogan could be "Debbies of the World Unite", or "untie", as the case may be. Can we also wear masks?
Wellllll, I see you are still on that learning curve! Thats good! :D And *sigh* you've inspired me to take the helm and try to figure out how to put my buttons on the side bar. Here's hoping I don't send the whole thing out into cyber space. LOL. Keep going gurlfren!
yapping cat
You mean there are actually "RULES" in bloggin???? Wow, why the heck didn't you tell me...cause I had no idea! Geez, just when I thought there was somethin' out here we could do without all these dang rules. But, you know how us Southern gals feel about 'rules'? Yeah right...made to be broken!
Debbie, love all the things you are getting for the show. I like the leaded cabinet, pretty! Show us more photos. Sandi
Debbie...re: comment on scrappin' giveaway... I got a nice pair of round nose scissors just for you, but only if you cross your heart & pinkie swear that you WILL NOT RUN with them, kay?? *elaine*
Deb, to write on your pics you have to have a program that will allow you do this. My son included this program with my computer, but I'm sure it's probably not that expensive to buy. Also, to label posts, when you create them there's a spot at the bottom to add your label and then you can add the option for these on your sidebar. Lastly, you can also now put a search option on your blog (I have one on mine and I use it all the time), it's part of the new options available. Email or call me if you need more help. Love all your stash for Zapp, I'll see you there bright and early!
You bet I'm coming to see you in RT. If I recall we have a dineer date. ;)
Hi Debbie, Picnik is a free photo changing thingie. I love it. Picnik.com. It's free and you don't have to download a thing.
You can upload a photo there and write on it and put a crown on your head if you want to. xo Lynn
I have some of the same questions you have, Deb. I may have to go out and find that book too.
Love that poster! It looks like you are stocked up and ready to go. Umm, about the cape, although I love you because like most people I like to hang out with, you are a little "throwed off" (love that phrase too) I think the cape might give it away! I do wish I could write on my pics too but I don't know how, or am too lazy to figure it out. Keep up just the way your are! P.S. Love Blogging for Bliss, so worth it! List me under the throwed off category, or just list me, and I will be happy, Hugs, Pam
I love that white cabinet with the fancy glass. Very shabby chic.
love your blog, if you have time stop on over & say hi, i think you'll like :) gio
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