Theresa is playing a guessing game over at her blog Garden Antiques and having wa-a-a-y too much fun doing it. I want to be a fun girl too, so I thought I would come up with my own little mystery. There will be more than one answer to make it even more interesting or frustrating depending on how y'all look at it.
I've posted four photos below from old posts I have done. Some you may remember...some you may not.

If no one is able to guess all three answers correctly, I'll give some extra hints, but first let's just see if we have any Agatha Christie wannabees out there, whaddaya say?
Certain people (whose names I won't mention...but you know who are!) are ineligible to don't go giving the surprise away!
Update on rules: Malissa at Moonlight Hollow came so close, that this was almost over in a couple of hours...I was hoping to play a little longer that! So, if you're taking a wild guess, go ahead and leave it in the comments....BUT, if you're really on to it...E-mail me with your answer at! C'mon y'all...I really wanted to play at least until tonight!

Well, I was about to jump all over this...but, I find myself ineligable. Y'all have fun! You'll be glad you did! ~Mindy
Well dang, you make this no fun, so since I can't play, if you bloggers will email me I'll tell you who it is. Just kidding D, don't call me with an ugly message, I promise not to tell, but it sure did sound fun saying that, ha ha!! I love games and have had the best time with mine... I'll be showing my big reveal this week. Now hurry and someone guess these so you can win!
I'll be back....
Sounds like a Comblogulator...
Judy Hill maybe???? yeah!
Inspired Comblogulations
I'm gonna have to come back. This could take me a week! I've never seen the photo of the headless bride at the piano...very cool no matter whose it is.
You even changed your music for this've certainly got it together!
I don't even care who these photos belong to!!! EYE CANDY!!! But...I will come back and do some homework...when I get a minute...damn you!!!!like I wasn't going mental at the other mystery already!
Mal, you are so close I took down your comment to prevent any cribbing and making you lose your will get a special prize 'cause I do believe you were working from memory!
Thanks for stopping by! You have me stumped here girl...I have no ideas...yet...but I'm thinking. Maybe I'll need another of those 'adult beverages'
Tami E.
I wouldn't be good at this game. I'm only here to listen to Chris Isaak. :-)
I will have to sit down with a cold beer and try to figure this one out!!
Thanks for stopping by today
Sounds like a great contest but just about over!
Take care
I've read this 3 times and I finally got the "sweet tea" sweet T, part. The Can-o I got 1st time. Debbie, you're just too clever!
Wherever it is, I want to see it again.
Holy crap, My memory makes me ineligible. I look forward to hearing who the lucky winner (or as my kids like to say "lucky weiner") is!
Is the second pic Rebecca of Vintage Living? I'm probably way off here, but I thought I saw something that looked familiar.
Thank you so very for stopping by my blog, it's a pleasure to "meet" you!
Thanks for stopping by my blog- Yes Jo is a saint!! You know her birthday is Sept 21!! She has been a friend to me for years.. I think we should all do a post on her birthday - thoughts? have a great day... love your blog .. I stop by often.. grins! oh--- how is clayton??
Can't I win just cuz you love me?!?!
I know I'm a little late here...brain is fried, so I'll play arm chair quarterback the great pictures, though and am anxious for you to tell!
My Best
Sorry, Deb, my head hursts too much to play :(
Are you coming to Iowa to see those cracked heads in person????
Truly a Master Piece Collection!
Home Light
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