Feeling a little bored? In need of a quick pick-me-up that doesn't involve calories? Then head on over and read the latest edition of Cactus Creek Daily. Fancy is the owner/editor-in-chief and does a fabulous job of keeping up with changing styles in fashion, art and home decor. She is also shamelessly good at spotting new trends before the rest of us. She is a HUGE supporter of the Round Top Antique Fair. ( She comes from Kansas to join in the fun, but I think she should be an honorary Texan) Last year she had a weekly countdown to the show with interviews with different vendors and I was lucky enough to be a part of it. I'm thrilled to say she has honored me again with another question and answer interview and I would love for y'all to slip on over there and give me your reviews...thumbs up I hope!
While you're there, take a look at all the other great articles Fancy has written. She is the only paper I read (keep your New York Times for the bottom of the bird cage. I want my news upbeat and fun!) and I look forward to it each morning to get my day started off right. Nothing can put a smile on my face quicker than the morning paper and a good cup of coffee!
So mosey on over...leave your spurs at the door...put your feet on the furniture and take a load off for a while...oh, and be sure and tell my Rodeo Queen howdy from me!

aww, thanks, Deb!! You're the very, very best... and just to let y'all know, I'm a Texas girl to the core {born in Conroe, raised in Houston, and educated in College Station ~ no jokes please}... I just journeyed up here to the Midwest & got stuck. But I do LOVE Round Top & all of y'all & I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!! BIG love, Fancy
Girl can't to hop over there and chcek itout!! Gotta cook a little dinner then I am there, I will tell her you sent me to visit! Blessings, and Hugs, janna
Thanks for the tip, I will check her out. When I was little (back in the middle ages) I always used to wish my name was Fancy or Lacy. I was a dork but I still like the name!
I've been reading her blog all summer after I found it listed here. Even found her on facebook yesterday. Love it all! Yep...think I'm going back to that good old romantic cowboy style I had a few years ago. Think it will look good at the lake. Going to read all about you now..... yehaw!
Hey Deb! I've been on a little break from blogging and came back to find a beautiful picture of your sweet granddaughter...she's getting so big and cute! Love catching up with all your goodies...that table from the printers is awesome!
Fancy, I'm retired from A&M so I've got your back and won't allow no Aggie jokes!!!
What a wonderful article...you Texas gals sure know how to treat a gal...sharing the moment with all.
Good luck gettin' ready to role.
No doubt about it, blood is thicker than water! You Texas gals are really all sisters. Nice, I like that... Sandi
I was sure when I first read the title that it must me about me but.....guess I was wrong. Great article but if she's from Weston then she's a Missourian (but really close to KS). Thanks for the note on my blog. The one thing I can assure you of is that when it comes to food, we know our stuff. Also, we figured out that Mel's mom must have been 5 when she had Mel. We enjoyed meeting Gloria & look forward to a return visit. Maybe you & CD can come check us out. Jan
on my way there now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to be Fancy - what a darling name. But I could never live up to the description. Debbie , HOW MUCH STUFF DO YOU TAKE? I am having trouble geting my head around the size of these Texas spaces. Did you see the litle ol' U Haul in my photo? That was for one jam packed 10 x 10 space. Tell us more about the space , how long do you have to set up? Does your stuff sell as you're putting it in the tent so you have to get more? I want to live vicariously through you. xoxo , Sue PS I have a Saving for Texas savings account. I'm so excited, I think I can be there in 7 years or so. LOL!
Hi, Debbie! Thanks for stopping by my blog and sympathizing with my lack of cooking abilities! Hope to cross paths again soon.
will try to get time to head over and check it out! thanks for the thoughts and prayers!
Debbie: LOVED your interview!! Of course! I so wish I could fly out for this! I would love to see everything and MEET YOU!! I know you and Cat Daddy will do great!!
Lou Cinda :)
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