Time is an amazing thing. I start the day with the same amount as everyone else, but there just never seems to be enough of it to go around. I've been trying to get things ready for the Zapp Hall Show and still have time for a life, but I don't think it's possible. Something has to be kicked to the curb and in my case...it's my personal appearance. I don't know how everyone else manages. I haven't brushed my hair except to go with Jenn to Bella's weekly checkups. Makeup...what's that? I haven't blinged or blogged in what seems like forever. I do manage to keep relatively clean, but that's about it when it comes to daily grooming. I am so ashamed. I am, after all, a Texas girl and this is totally unacceptable to all that is holy here in Big D.
I realize I am not the greatest in time management. I prefer to work while stressed to the max, putting everything off to the last minute! That gives me the perfect opportunity to whine about something I forgot to do or ran out of time trying to get done. Thank goodness the show is only three weeks away or I would be fiddling around, getting nothing accomplished, thinking I have all the time in the world.
Thank goodness for friends too...especially blogging friends. When I begged, I mean requested help with dried flowers, I never expected to receive anything like this! Pam at Frippery sent me this HUGE box of hydrangeas from her own garden. Can y'all imagine having the luxury and time of going out into your own backyard and cutting all this? I was gobsmacked beyond words when I opened this wine box!

This wonderful gift will go far in masking my ineptitude at display. These beauties will disguise the fact that I put off certain things and hopefully help make my tent look like I know what I'm doing! It's all smoke and mirrors when it comes to merchandising. So what if one of the legs on a little table is shorter that the others...doesn't it look beautiful with that silver bowl of hydrangeas on top? Didn't buy enough smalls? Place hydrangeas in bare spots and voila...instant appeal!
Thank you so much Pam for your generosity in helping me perpetuate the illusion of being pulled together.

Their recent Barn House Show provided a much needed jumping off point for me as to what I want to do with our tent at Warrenton. I don't usually have a plan in mind...just arrange what's left after unloading...but these two guys make me want to do more than just throw it all into the tent. I aspire to be them when...or if...I ever grow up. They have a unique look and if I were able, I would steal it. Problem is, I can't steal talent like this...try as I might. It takes vision. All I can do is try and recreate some of their wonderful twists and turns...then admit freely that any and all ideas go back to this fantastic pair of men! Thanks guys for showing me that it's not just about buying the right stuff, but in loving what you do to take the time to present it creatively.
One of Cat Daddy's favorite sayings (not mine...his) is to remind me around 10:00 on a Saturday morning that the day is half over. He goes to work so early and expects to have a lot accomplished by noon. Needless to say, I drive him crazy as I am not on the same time clock! I sometimes find it necessary to remind him that I'm not on his payroll.

When I told him what I had in mind for our tent this year, he went into hunt mode. He found and bought these wonderful shipping crates for me. Time will tell if I will be able to pull off what I have in this old noggin of mine. Y'all will have to let me know later if my mission was accomplished!
My hat is off to all of you! How you all create such beauty in a few short hours amazes me. I wish I could stop in and see all the shows in the west. And...The Barn Boys, well...what else can you say except, I drool at their pics too...
Tami E.
The hydreangeas are just gorgous!! I'm sure your space will be just be wonderful.
Pam, you are so generous!! Love those hydrangeas!! And the Barn Boys...the yummiest displays ever! As far as your displays, I'll be inspecting them myself! That's right! I will just happen to be in Texas that first weekend of the show! How cool is that? No complaints here!!
Those crates are too kool! And I've got an idea of what you are going to do with them! You know great minds! I know it will be fabulous. I was planning on coming down for the show then Mr. Hero surprised me with an anniversary trip for 3 days to Santa Fe on the 23-26. I can't complain but I'm trying to figure out how to do 2 trips that week!
Sometimes the best displays and presentations come to us at "the last minute". You get more of a "feel" for what you want to do! I so, so wish I could be there. Tim keeps talking about going and I want to smack him because I can't go! But I can live through the "blog" world thankfully to see what I've missed. Can't wait to see your photos, I know they will be killer!!
Love the flowers, love the crates! You'll pull it all together. Things always seem to come together. I think you'll need a vacation afterwards though.
Hope you find some extra time in your day!
I can't wait to see it!!!!! I'm soooo excited about coming to Zapp Hall, I'm about to pee! (Did I say that out loud?)
LURVE, LURVE, LURVE the hydrangeas!!! Gorgeous!!!
See ya in three weeks (YAYAYYYAAYAYYYAYAYAYY!)
Look at you! Ask and ye shall receive. Pam rocks!
I'm looking forward to watching you (the pro) make magic happen in Warrenton. Smoke and mirrors or not...you have that magic touch! I've seen it and have always enjoyed it.
Back to the driveway to clean, fix, tag more! Yee haw! ~Mindy
You're not giving yourself enough credit!I know that whatever "smoke and mirrors" you think you have to do, your look will be awesome! As far as that cleanie thing..I think we all know what you're talking about! Something's got to give and it is usually us! Just think when it is all said and done at Warrenton, you can sit back and enjoy a good 'ol glass of??
Deb, I know what you mean about the time. I feel sure that your booth will be fab as always. As for the BH guys--let's get a caravan arranged to go out to one of their shows okay? It would be one of the biggest things-to-do in my bucket list. And if it helps--I finally put clothes on today for the first time in two days. I've been puttering around here in my pj's, no makeup, hair not combed and happy as a clam.
Hi Debbie, you are right those Barn House Boys are something else with their displays. I click on every picture and go over it with my old eyes. They are fabulous! Next Spring I want to take a drive up to WA and see with my own eyes everything too...I can hardly wait to see what you have in mind for your show. How fun you and CD working together to follow your dream. Have a wonderful show Debbie. Sandi
I know your booth is going to look great. Besides, people aren't going to be looking at the stuff at first glance. They are going to be looking for the famous duo - Deb and Cat Daddy!
What a great and thoughtful gift! Deb, don't worry about the bath, just clean up your alter ego / mannequin and post pics of her until you surface in Warrenton.
Pam to the rescue!!! Thank goodness for good friends as she really wants you to look good for the show Deb! Well, I mean your tent at least! Do I need to go and brush your hair and put on your makeup? ;) JUST KIDDING!!!
I love when friends surprise friends with gifts...the world is such a happier place!
And as for J&J's blog...my world is always a happier place when I visit there!!! They are the epitome of TALENT. THE END.
everything vintage
I'd put one of those hydrangeas on a ribbon and tie it around my neck! I'm pretty sure no one would notice whether or not you had on makeup or anything else for that matter! I figure if people are looking at my BIG bling then aren't looking at my BIG bum...or at least that's my hope!
Yes I have lost myself too sister!! Let me know if you see us on the loose anywhere. You have me about to pee my pants...again. Have a great weekend and take a REST... just a little one! Hugs, Janna
Good Morning Debbie! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment...I always look forward to your comments, girl!! Great minds, eh? I kind of think of mine as a convoluted maze with more twists & turns than a pretzel, but every once in a while, the coolest ideas pop out, which I guess is why my "crap room" is bursting at the seams! Joe is afraid to enter the room some days, and says he's going to call "Bob's Barricades", and when Ali goes in there for her toys, I can hear her singing "danger...danger"!!! LOL!! Are your tires all round for this trip? :o} Hugs *elaine*
Deb, I love the BH boys too! Can't wait to see how your booth turns out. See ya soon. Susan
I have set up a tent for a show before and believe you me it's a race against time. You really do want it to look great so people will buy. I can't wait to see photos of yours. xo
hydrangea in a wine box ...I'll take a little of each!!!♥♥♥
Gorgeous hydrangea!!! I can't wait to see the finished product!!!
Have a great Sunday!!!
Can you imagine all that beautiful hydrangea coming from one garden!! So wonderful and so sweet of Pam.
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