Somebody, please slap us and make us stop buying! Take away the checkbook...this madness has got to stop! I know we are going to be loading the trailer and having to decide on what NOT to take if this continues.
We went to Bright Star Auction last night and Jay always has the best stuff in his needless to say...our resolve was broken! Tell me, is there a gum to beat this addiction, 'cause we got it bad!
September 25th better hurry up and get here, 'cause I'm getting mighty tired of this bread and water diet we've been forced on. If we don't quit buying merchandise, I may have to eliminate the bread!
Speaking of bread, have y'all read Carolyn's latest post of her "big show" tips? You gotta read it and pay close attention to the part about the sandwiches at the Diamond/Shamrock station. Kiddies, she ain't woofing...these sandwiches are HUGE! One of Jenn's friends nicknamed them "Jethro" sandwiches if that gives you any idea!
And speaking also of "big show" tips...I've noticed a lot of those in the know are offering up daily doses of shopping savvy, so I thought I would share some of my wisdom with you as well. Can't afford to part with much, but just like Brylcreem...a little dab'll do ya!

So here goes nothing. I hope these hints are helpful as you make the rounds at Warrenton/Round Top!
- By all means, offer me 50% off what the price is WHILE I'm unloading it. We schlepped it all the way down here, just so you could get a heck of a bargain...that's what we're here for!
- Of course I don't mind answering all your questions about a certain piece just so you can find out what you have at home is worth. That's what we're here for!
- Be sure and bring all your negative friends, so they can talk you out of your heart's desire AFTER you've negotiated a great deal! That's what they're there for!
- Please feel free to allow your children to sit on the upholstered pieces in my tent while enjoying a Big Gulp! That's what they're here for!
- You'd like to leave your trash lying on my furniture? Be my guest! That's what it's brought for!
- I'll gladly gather up all the empty beer bottles you left in my tent and put them in the trash for you. Not a problem...that's what I'm here for!
- Of course I'll hold a piece of furniture a couple of days for you to make up your mind on. That's what we're here for!
- Is that your car parked in the loading zone? Of course you can leave it there blocking the way. That's what it's there for!
- Do I object to you wearing a bikini while shopping? Of course not...that's what Cat Daddy's here for!
- Can you leave a piece to be picked up on Sunday after we close? Be my guest...We just won't be there for you!
I hope you all realize this was written very tongue in cheek and is in no way a reflection on y'all. This is just some of the things that come up during the show and I thought I would share I say...some things just can't be made up!
One thing is for are all welcome to come by and see us whether you're shopping or just schmoozing. We are looking forward to visiting with each and every one of you...and by all means...have a seat...that IS what it's there for!

You can't "write" about it, unless you've "lived" it! I can only imagine what you go through at these shows. Thanks for making me laugh out loud. Welcome to my world daily! Isn't the public just a kick in the pants! Makes me want to post your "rules" up in my store. Take care Debbie!!
Girl, you are too funny. It's all true. I love your list so much more than mine!!
I'll try to be on my best behavior when I visit your tent...but this IS my first visit, so I'm not makin' any promises. ;-)
~ Anne
That made me laugh so hard I read it to my husband... he liked the beer and bikini part.
I had a little antique shop years ago and started snapping at my "how much are them there chairs" my reply "I don't might try to read the tag? mummbling under my breath explicitive." It was apparent to me I was not a born shop keeper...gave up the shop but not the shopping which comes to my second point... it gets in your blood... shopaholic...we did it today at garage's pitiful, we don't even have a place to put the table and six chairs we bought...just couldn't leave antique table for $25! It is out in the carport now...I just took pictures for the blog for a future post when it gets gussied up...the year 2015 ...insane...Lee
Crackin' me up. Great tips, Queen Trash. I am, by the way, loving what I'm seeing! ~Mindy
Wonderfully written! I wish I could be there.
My gosh Debbie, you are making me feel right at home....can I put my feet on the furniture too? And when I run out of crown and coke, will Cat Daddy fix me another one? Do you have snack pretzels or peanuts? What a bathroom nearby? How about a fan? Oh, I'm feeling such at home...I'm so glad ya'll will be there!
One more there covered parking for my vette? security? ;)
Is this too much to ask or am I really feeling too much at home with ya?
everything vintage
Debbie, my son just started at a Jesuit high school, and I can guarantee you that at least my son would never do any of those things. I can't believe people do this stuff. Sheesh. I'm still looking for the cash... (ooh, just a minor detail; did I ever tell you I'm bad with money?) but I'll definitely be there (hey, maybe I can borrow money from my husband's best friend when I get to Houston?). Make sure to have things that can fit into a suitcase, girlfriend. My problem will be NOT being able to buy all this fabulous stuff. p.s. do you think that sink would fit in a suitcase?
Oooohhhh the sarcasm is literally dripping off this post... I love it!!!
Have a wonderful time... you will sell out n one dsay! Wish I were going!! Hugs!
Hey Debbie, I get all of the above too in my store. Thank goodness it is 1 in every 100 people that do that or say that in my store. Most of the time I really like the customers and they are fun to deal with. The jerks are few but they seem to ring in your ears. You are so funny, tell us how you handle them! please, please I want to know. sandi
Dear Miss Debbie-
In the neighborhood of blogland that you and I live in, no one is going to talk you out of spending money.
Isn't that great?? That's what crazy friends are for.
As my girls and I say, when we just can't stop or can't resist?
"Oh well, I'm in it to win!"
You go girl!
Oh my Gosh!!!Is that not the truth. It gives us plenty of things to talk about though. I think that I have you beat. Remember the time that I walked in my building, to find a lady, folding up the poopee diaper... she had just changed her baby on my white linen bed? Now that was a stunner! What, is that the martini shaker that I hear? Can't wait.
Tell Cat Daddy that I love his photo on the post before this one.
XOXO Carolyn
Too funny!!! Love it!
Wish I could be there to be a pain in your royal side...but alas...there is trouble in paradise, we just found out they are putting our lil' 'White' house on the we will be out peddling our wares elsewheres, busy looking for another space...not to worry, these two intrepid yayhoos are used to movin' on to greener pastures...keeps us fit...right...lie to me!!!
Later stuff, can't wait to see yer booth!!!
Where is she now Wilson...
You were HERE in town and you didn't let me know!
I will make sure the Divine Mr. M finishes his Big Gulp before we come to your tent!!!
Can't wait to see all of your great treausures!!!
Personal favorite #9
Ahhh... excuse me? You didn't recognize moi in my bikini? Yeah, that was me, the saggy senior citizen that was makin' eyes at CD.
te he,
That is too funny, I can't believe people do that, bu then again I can. You'll never see me in a bikini. I'm liking the goods you've shown.
For the very first time in my life, I wish I lived in Texas! Best of luck at the show.
xoxo from Portland
Those are great Deb - but I think you left one out that seems to be a problem with us. #11 Go ahead and let your little dog do his business, I'll clean it up! Can't wait to get there! Susan
OH My.....You just described most of my day today working at my family's antique mall. Another don't try to sell me something you lifted off you ex-girlfriends mother...we're not here for that. Ya know sometimes you just get a feeling. You have such a good sense of humor, of course that is a requirement when dealing with the public, but it seems that most customers missed that memo.
Darn it Deb,
Will you please add a warning label to your blog:
Please do not drink coffee while reading this blog, has been known to shoot from mouth while laughing.
I can’t wait to see you in 14 days!
Great post funny and so true! don't like the fact that I shop in my bikini? LOL...Heaven help me!
In our itty booth at Kane, we pick up 5-8 bottle of water/coffee cups people leave behind each time. Now I know some are truly forgotten, set down while someone is looking at a piece, but others are too lazy to look for the next trash can!
I wish, above all, that people would bring a BAG to put their purchases in.
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