Monday, September 7, 2009

What Time Does That 5:30 Bus Get Here?

Thought I would take a little break and show you what we're up to our armpits in!See,'re not alone with excess baggage! Just a little peek at Dr. York's Traveling Medicine Show coming soon to Zapp Hall in Warrenton Texas!
Eat your heart out, Ralph Lauren!!!


donna baker said...

Love all the old baggage.

stefanie said...

i love all the old luggage, it's beautiful!!!

Tamis Marks said...

I love old luggage! Great storage, they look great stacked up like that last picture.

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

That Ralph Lauren does have some cool luggage displayed in the stores, but girl I think you've been following him buying the same kinds. Oh wait a minute, is the other way around, he's been following you... Now I know his secret! Cool stuff.

Bonnie said...

Love the old luggage!

Hope you're having a great Labor Day Weekend!


Unknown said...

Love it, love it love it...don't have storage room for vintage luggage.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! I love the stack of suitcases. I purchased a fantastic brown leather one about two weeks ago at a flea market. Now, I have a collection of "1". Mine is going in my guest room on top of my hope chest from the 60's. I am now looking for a small train case to go along on the "trip".

Thanks for sharing. Have wonderful Monday.


Anonymous said...

Great stuff!


Looks like you have alot of old baggage, girl..he he. What a great look the suitcases give....
My Best

trash talk said...

Yes Gale, but the dirtiest old bag will be sitting by Cat Daddy in the tent!

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Mindy!!!! If you read this...plead the 5th sweetie as we have no idea what Debbie is talking about. Now we have proof that SHE has excess baggage...don't let her intimidate you keep your secrets!!!!!
everything vintage

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Looks like you have a lot of excess baggage to offload at Zapp Hall, Debbie. What a fabulous collection!

Debra@CommonGround said...

I have plenty of "excess baggage", Deb would you like to pick it up. It's been hangin' on me for a few years! I love, love, love it All! Especially that tan one with the brown leather trim!!!
Also, thanks for the compliment on my goofy picture. Mindy inspired me, and I said that it's really hard to do, stand in a mirror, smile, and look sane all at the same time you snap the picture!
Love ya bunches!

Malisa said...

In other words, if Cat Daddy told you to "pack your #@*! up and get out", it would take you several days! By then, he would forget why he was mad! Good strategy! :)

trash talk said...

Mal...he'd never fit in the suitcase!

Lee said...

My weakness...luggage and Ralph and his Polo model Nacho Figueras those Argentina men...makes me light headed.

Lee a confessed Leather luggage junkie.

time worn interiors said...

I love suitcases! See ya in a couple of weeks!

Anne Lorys said...

Hi Debbie! Cannot WAIT to meet you and see all your glorious stuff in Warrenton!
~ Anne

Joan@anthinggoeshere said...

What a fun way to travel. You sure could use that Junktrash truck, huh?

Sue said...

I LOVE vintage suitcases, they make great storage and display in your home decor! That is the fancy way of saying they make a great display while hiding all you shit. I love old suitcases, was eyeing one at my store today that had a red handle and trim. I so wish I could go to the shows in Texas!

Laura said...

We are alike-

More is more, even if it stacks up a mile high!

I wish I were going to get to Round Top this fall- I may have to wait till next spring- Lord willing and the creek don't rise!


Mindy said...

You have got some great pieces there, girl! Indeed, if you don't have what they want, just send 'em my way. And I'll do likewise. We took the camper and a load down this weekend. I'm getting giddy!!! ~Mindy

vintage sue said...

OK, we all need to have a baggage contest, of the suitcase kind. I just counted 18 in my home, and I know I have at least 8 in my booth. Oh, my!

I can already tell your booth is gonna be faboo, so stop fretting. Put some martini fixings in the top suitcase for easy access once you arrive....

The Green Pea said...

Wow! Debbie, I love the old leather cases. I even like the cardboard ones with metal corner caps. You have a nice selection. They are great for storage.

Give Bella a little hug. Have a nice week. Sandi

Lanette of Cottage Elements said...

I love old luggage! So glad I'm not the only one. I've had a hard time selling them here. I guess some people just don't have good taste! Ha! Love the pictures.


Six in One Hand said...

Reaching for my medicine.....heart beating too fast from seeing all of your great luggage!!

I CAN"T WAIT to see ya'll in Warrenton!!!

David said...

Mindy showed me the lay of the land this weekend. I'm tired! Better rest up, huh?

DKG aka Scrappy Doo said...

Wow Deb you have alot of baggage!
Did that come with ya when ya met CD ? LOLOLOLO

maryboys said...

too much beauty! say, deb - i'm wondering - if i said i was a "case" and had a lot of "issues", would you give me one of these to carry them all? oh, how i love the classic beauty of these!!!


maryboys said...

p.s. oh, if only i could get a "handle" on one of these...

Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

I love vintage luggage and a collection of cases has such a warm and reassuring feel to it.