By now I am sure the cat is out of the bag about what I was trying to get y'all to guess a few posts back. Yes, the rumors are true...Fran and Liz are the newest stars to be added to the stable of talent that is Winnie & Tulula's!
Fran and Liz have been best friends...almost sisters...for a long time and I consider myself a fortunate woman to be able to call them my friends as well. The mixture of their decorating skills is unmatched. They are the queens of finding quirky smalls. They also possess a unique way of thinking when displaying their treasures. It's never the same way twice and extremely hard to copy...though goodness knows I've tried!
They've been in other malls and also had their own shop in Terrell. Everyone, including moi, stalked, I mean lurked, I mean watched to see what new treats would be brought in. Going into their shop, The Rose, I never knew what was going to be waiting for me that I just couldn't live without. I don't think I've ever been where they are selling and not bought something!
Frannie has a way of not waiting for a trend, but creating one. She has the uncanny gift of being able to see in 3D. If she can dream it, it can and will be done. A couple of shows ago, they came and helped me set up at Zapp. Fran had spent weeks working up a blueprint for our tent. Can you imagine? She knew exactly where every piece of furniture was going as soon as it came off the trailer. If a piece sold, she would just check her master list and fill the gap with something from Plan B! It was amazing to watch. I just kinda stood in disbelief...didn't want to get in the way of the magic! I'm presently begging them on bended knees (and y'all know how hard that is for this chubby woman. I can get down, but not necessarily back up...that's how bad I want them!) to come to Zapp and work that old black magic in our tent again. Maybe if y'all talked to them for me, they'd say yes!
Thanks for my "eye candy" this evening, truly enjoyed it. And again, I so wish I didn't live so damn far away!!
Ok... the mannequin hair is how I am feeling this week!!!! Great pics, if I ever make it down your way Winnie and Tululas...yep I will be stopping in to visit!! That place looks way to cool!! Chippy Heaven, Hugs, Janna
I can't wait to see them this week when I go up there.
Thanks for the info.
Oh my god trash, I am loving that hair on that manni, I love their stuff, but, everyone knows you can display like nobodies business girl. I can't wait to see what you have herded up. Oh and you have got to save me that honey colored suitcase on the top of the first stack, it is calling my name dahling.....Lauri@chippys (did you get that or do I need to say it in Mexican???
Hi Debbie , I've missed your posts! Look at what I have been missing. How I would love someone to preset my space for me. We're doing a preset for our show this weekend and I never know where to start. Your BFF's could start a staging business. I can't wait to see photos of your space at Zapp. Sue
Man, the way you talk you make me wish I was in Texas~ I would bring a truck and track them down. I hope I wouldn't have to get down on my knees!
Sounds like a dream!
I'll have to find out where Athens is.
What creative imaginations these gals have. Boy, I'd love to see their whole space! Made a blueprint of your space for the show? Sheesh...
Anyway, love their manny with the fried hair!
Wow! You ladies certainly put tons of work into your displays and it shows. They are just beautiful!!!
Hey Deb, I have been missing in action again, I have lot's of catching up to do. OMG I love all the pictures in your past few posts! So many goodies! Thanks for the hydrangea shout out. Enjoy them, although I don't know where you are going to put them, it looks like you are well stocked! What a life, doing what you love. Hugs, Pam
They sound amazin g and the next time I drive to Dallas to see my daughter, I need at make a 'round' that way.
What really caught my attention was how generous you are in complimenting and supporting them.
What a good friend you are,
Thank you for the inspiration!
Now I have another reason for Mr. M to take me on another road trip!!!
Someday I will make it down there! It looks great and I only wish I could see the magic in person...thanks for sharing
this wonderful post is another example of why i never get my own posts done anymore...there's just so much to read and enjoy:) thank you...
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