Let me start by saying, I am not whining...we need the rain...BUT...don't you think it could have held off for just a couple of more days? We are unable to load in the rain and that's just about all we have left to do.
As it is, Cat Daddy and Moi are stuck either in the work shop or in the house for what has seemed like entirely too much togetherness. Don't get me wrong...I like being with him...to a point...but when he is ready to start loading, he gets mighty impatient and just more than a little bit testy!
When God says slow down...He means slow down. There is a reason for everything and this rain is just another way of letting us know who is in control. You know...just a reminder to Cat Daddy of who actually is the boss.
Again, just another reminder for us to do the best we can with the gifts we are given. If it's going to be a representation of our work, we should take the time to do it right and not sloppy or slap dap.
Sometimes, C.D. and I get in such a hurry to finish, that corners get cut and details overlooked. I'm taking this time the rain (and God) is providing to avoid that mistake of the past.

- Dealers, please price your merchandise. Nothing is a bigger time waster than having to ask the price for every single item in your space. I will leave a booth if nothing is priced. I always feel like the seller is sizing me up as to what they think I will pay plus if it is too expensive then I end up feeling embarrassed for even asking. I once had a vendor say those exact words to me..."If you have to ask...you can't afford it"! I understand tags will pop off, especially at outdoor shows, but make an effort to place prices on everything. Your customers will really appreciate it!
- I love going into spaces and stores where displays are over the top, but when it really is "over the top" and I can't reach it...well, you know. Again, I will have to ask the price because either I can't see it or I can't get it down. Keep this in mind when creating display masterpieces...some of us are vertically challenged and cannot get to the top of your pyramid without the fear of bringing it all down on top of us.
- Don't ignore me, but please, for gosh sakes...don't hover either. I don't know which is worse...having to wait to be acknowledged OR being treated like a potential shop lifter. Don't shadow my every step and in your eagerness to make a sale, don't drive me away with oversell! I know it is a fabulous piece or I wouldn't be looking at it in the first place. Don't give me some long drawn out story (unless I ask about the provenance) and PLEASE don't try and sell me everything in your booth!
- Which brings me back to ignoring me. I may not look like I have pot to p#%* in or window to throw it out of, but some of the richest people I know don't either. Every person who steps into your spaces deserves to be treated like a millionaire whether they buy anything or not. They might be back and spend that million with you later!
- Please do not ever be found guilty of talking about other vendors (or anyone for that matter) while customers are in your booth. It's unprofessional and totally uncalled for. Shoppers tend to judge all of us by what they see and hear...let's not give them any ammunition! Besides, we live in the south...you never know when you might be talking about their relatives!
- Keep it clean! Unless you're dealing with a "regular" customer who you know won't be offended, don't let loose with a new "joke" or a string of words you picked up at the "It'll Do" bar!
- Keep your personal beliefs and opinions just that...personal! Fight that undeniable urge to spout off about what you think and don't think. Everyone has a viewpoint, so don't start thinking you can change someone else's...all you'll be changing is their minds about shopping with you!
- Never! Ever! Never! come into my tent and try and "steal" a customer. Just because they are looking for an apple crate and you just happen to have one does not give you permission to talk up your space while in mine. If I don't have what they want, believe me, I'm going to direct them to someone who might. If you've got one and have behaved yourself, yours is the booth I'll be sending them to!
- Finally smile! A smile goes a long way and by the way, so does a little courtesy. Take that time to make the customer feel like they are more than just a sale. Who knows? You might just make a friend along the way. How about that for a win/win situation?
Amen Sister!!! I agree with it all. Some days it's hard to be courteous when everyone has kind of tried my patience but I learned long ago that you never know who really needs your smile that day or who will end up buying something. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the rain will be over & the parking lots dried out before the show begins. Good luck! Jan
Hi Debbie, you have me smiling again. Love your humor. Have a great show and I hope the weather is good too. sandi
So true!!!
I really believe in #3.
It's one of my top pet peeves of all time!
I'm hoping the rain will let up soon here as well.
See ya in two weeks!!!
I so much appreciate and "get" these tips. Though this is my first show as a vendor here, I have been a shopper for years and I can appreciate both views on what you are saying. So, therefore, you get an "Amen, sister and thank you" from me.
We picked up the trailer and got to cleaning today. Yee haw! ~Mindy
Great tips, Deb!!
Here here sister! You hit the nail on the head 9 times in a row! My biggest touchy subjects are no price tags and customer poaching. An immediate third place goes to jealousy among dealers. We can't all be the star every time so if it isn't your show then just suck it up and try again next time. This probably falls under #5. Anyway, we're all in a tough biz in a tough economy so let's just try to have some fun while we do something we love...
Good one Shelley...I forgot about that peeve!
Hey "thanks" again. Now you gave me a whole bunch of stuff and ideas to share with all those dandy vendors in my store! You rock!! And if you don't have customer service, may I add, you don't have anything. Thanks for all the good reminders about business!
Great tips darlin! Texan hubby and I look forward to seeing ya soon...We will be there starting on the 23rd and will be stayin' at Linda & Ludmill's place. So, don't have to drive back & forth! Tell CD to make sure he has pen & paper in hands for my stuff as I tear through your booth! :) LOL
See ya soon....xo....deb
girl...your comment to my blog post about friendship...still has me in giggles...and confirmed....YOU ARE A NUT!!! I am so glad we can be friends...two loons and a tune!
I hope the rain stops long enough to get you unloaded...before you and Cat daddy go crazy with the waiting!
Love your humor! #1 is my pet peeve!
nailed it! So many of those are life rules if you ask me.
Hope you get rich selling all your stuff!
"If you have to ask...you can't afford it," is such an asinine thing to say to a customer. People with a lot of money got that way by managing it well. Only fools buy things without knowing the price. And you know what they say about a fool and his money.
Bravo Girl! No one could have said it any better. I have actually been told, "if you have to ask...". My answer to that is ... if I have to ask , I don't want it!!! Good luck with the rain, Big Hugs, Patricia
All rude behavior could be eliminated with one rule... "The Golden Rule" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! This is the basis for Emily Post book of etiquette...why can't comment forms have spell checks? anywho, all my frustrations exactly... I will walk out if there are no prices. PureDlazy.
Great points and scriptures.
Amen to ALL of them! Personally, I don't like it when stuff is not priced. I feel like you do, that they will size me up before they tell me how much~Hope ya'll do well and have a GREAT time!!!
AND the rain stops!!!
Lou Cinda
More words of wisdom, Deb.
Love it, Love it, Love it, Deb! Hey ~ Someone needed to lay it all out, and you did a beautiful job. These last posts are really great. Don't worry, honey, the rain will stop and the treasures will all be loaded in plenty of time...... Can't wait to see your FAB displays!
Being much more of a buyer than a seller... I hate, as a buyer, to walk into a booth where nothing is priced. I usually quickly walk right back out. I don't mind asking if an ocassional thing is missing it's price... like you said, price tags do fall off and sometimes, an items price tag is just missed...
My second BIG pet peeve is another dealer trying to get me out of your booth and into theirs. Totally don't like it, and I promise, even if they have what I want, I'd probably pass it up to be found elsewhere...
Good post Deb... you are the bomb girl!
Wise words, oh Queen of Trash! I especially love the first. Hubs knows that I walk out of any booth or space where the items are not priced. I simply won't buy there. Glad you agree. Hugs, P.
Those sound like some GREAT rules to live by!
Preach it girl!!! You aren't saying anything offensive it is something called customer service and it is lost these days! There is one store that I won't go to because litterally they are right behind me the whole time breathing downl my neck seeing what I am looking at then trying to get me to buy more. One day I just went in for a little 10 dollar item she really aksed is this all that you are going to spend?? Then she was sad when my face looked offended. Come on people!!
Right on Debbie! You hit it all right on! Most of all I dislike it when there is an oversell. And when there is a story with every little thing you pick up, oh my gosh it's enough to make me want to kick some booty. Great post.
My Best,
Aw shucks,wish I could be in Texas with y'all. I'll be headin' to the Country Living Show and an antique show in Ohio. NOTHING like where you'll be. Hope some of the dealers will take your advice. As for me I hope to make a dealer's day and find some goodies! Praying for good weather your way and mine!
and...since posting all those wonderful 'tips' you have just lost PATSY as your helper. Apparently, you are not fully aware of just unPC she can be...especially if she is forced to work.
lova ya...mean it! xooxxo lulu
Hey Debbie...had to pop over to leave a comment re: my giveback...you must come back and pick one, kay? I can't possibly pick for you...I've added some more goodies to each of the 4, but I'm going to let those things be a surprise...I think...or maybe tomorrow I'll post little bits 'n pieces of the "add ons"...so get over there before Saturday night, girl! Have a great rest of the week *elaine*
You tell 'em, Deb! Maybe I'll just print this up (without your name of course) and hold onto it at the shows in case I need to casually drop it in some booths while nobody's looking ;)
Kidding!!! See you soon!
Amen Sista! Well said! on all points! Could not agree more!
yapping cat
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