When I'm feeling lonely, I know of two sure fire ways to get y'all to talk to me....in fact...they are my pocket aces! All I have to do is either post photos of Bella OR talk about Cat Daddy...and the crowd goes wild!
Since today is the day 37 years ago I said "I Do" to this crazy man...let's talk Cat Daddy! In fact, can I get just a tad mushy? Don't worry...I don't believe in PDA, but I do believe in marriage being forever and being committed to one person. Frankly after 37 years, he and I both should be committed, but luckily we've made it this far without ever having been on the 10:00 news!

I won't lie and say it's always been easy...the road to true romance never is...but it has been quite the adventure! Together we have climbed mountains of bills, sailed the open seas of life, travelled the roads less taken, and built an empire of trust. We've surfed the web, ran the gamut of emotions from A to Z, got lost in translation and charted new horizons of hope. We've been to the moon and back countless times and seen the world through each other's eyes.
We've been to the top of the mountain and we've been in the valley of the shadow of death. We've faced the rapids of the river of no return and we've caught each other when we've tripped on the light fantastic.
We've made waves, whoopie and beautiful music together. We've raised eyebrows, Cain, children and more than a little hell. We've crossed our hearts, our fingers, each other's mind and been star crossed lovers, but through it all...never cross with one another....at least not for very long.
Most of all...we've laughed...for 37 years...with and at each other! Maybe that's the secret to a successful marriage...maybe not...but it's the one constant in our journey together.
Would I do it again? In a heartbeat!

Happy Anniversary Cat Daddy. Can I possibly get 37 more?
Mr. and Mrs. Cat Daddy
August 10, 1973
And they lived happily ever after!
my all~time favorite post from you ever! best wishes to you and CD for many many more, and i can't wait to see the headboard when finished. i for one love it. and that insurance pic is the bee's knees. love you both and can't wait to hug your necks.
At first I was a little scared because I thought you were going to post about pocket rockets! Whew! Seriously, girl, this is your most beautiful post ever! Your descriptions of life with CD were amazing! You poured your heart out in this tribute to your romance and marriage! And now you are going to have to pour out more than heart after CD brought you that luscious headboard! Woooeeee! Hot springs tonight!
Love you and Cat Daddy! Happy, happy anniversary!
Happy 37th to you, Debbie and Cat Daddy! You really should have some of those huge Christmas bulb lights in your backyard to light the place up, but with your personality, who needs them?
Enjoy you two!
Love the headboard, can't wait to see more.
Oh what a great lovestory! I do wish you more than 37 and you got one of the best junkers around. He always does good to find great things doesn't he and he found the best prize of all, YOU!! I still love the story how y'all met and I see you are still dancing partners. Now, that Bella, well she's a star in all our books. Happy happy Anniversary and hope you two celebrate way into next week (wink)!!
Happy anniversary to you both!!!!! I'm halfway there.... And I thing your gift is absolutely awesome!!!!
Oh, Debbie! Some of your very best writing. I love your story and the love that y'all have. Congrats to you both for finding your love and keeping it. Happy Anniversary, my friends. ~Mindy
Of course they go wild, just LOOK at that hunka man flesh!!! ;-)
Y'all are so cute, so inspirational, and two of my very most favorite people ever. I wish you every happiness in the world, the least of which is 37 more years of bliss!
Happy 37th Anniversary and many, many more. I just keep thinking of that shower curtain (for a door in your hotel suite) remember??? I can see your sweet little face....Love you both, sandi
Happy 37th! Such a beautiful and real post that so clearly sums up what marraige is (and isn't) all about...we're at 11 years here and hoping for many, many more. And I believe you're right about laughter being the key. Sometimes it's all you can do...Enjoy your day and your Daddy. And your way cool gift!
You have such a way with words Debbie. Congrats to both you and Cat Daddy for putting up with each other for this long...and I know it ain't an easy feat some days.
Here's to 37 more!
Take care and enjoy your Anniversary and that amazing sofa.
Happy Anniversary you two!! You all are just newlyweds :) I pray you have many , many more anniversaries together.
And your lil bit of insurance is just a blessing from God , isn't she? She is just too cute.
Thank you so much , my friend , for your sweet comments today. You have been my cheerleader from the get go and I love you for it.
You are a poet. Love this post.
Happy, happy, happy anniversary! The two of your are an amazing couple. I am so glad to know both of you. Can't wait to see what you do with that headboard...I'm envisioning leopard print. :) Big hugs to both of you!!
You musta been about ten when y'all got hitched 'cause you shure don't look like you've got 37 years of "I do" under your belts!!!
Happy happy Anniversary to two of a kind people..although we haven't met for real..yet..I know when we do..yes I said when and not if...it will be a hoot of a meeting!!!
Here is to another 37 or more great years ahead!!!
((I always ask for junkin' money for my anniversary and birthday..it is the only gift that keeps on giving!!))
You know Deb, not everyone is blessed to have what you have. Many pretend, many play the game, etc. But you too, well let's just say you should be poster children for what marriage is really all about. Congrat's to you both from the bottom of my heart!
Take care, Sue
How sweet. I want to see a wedding pic. Love the headboard.
What a beautiful and loving post my friend! Texan hubby and I are at "32" years....and like y'all--it's all in the laughter! Here is to many more to come...XO....deb
Congratulations! How about a wedding pic?
Happy Anniversary!! That was just the best post ever. Hallmark's probably wishing they would have written that first :) Here's to at least 37 more! Theresa
Beyond the content of this post, which is like a beating HEART,
Beyond the gorgeousness of your headboard, which is to.die.for.
this is writing from another dimension.
This is what I like to call dice throwing writing- all of YOUR words and wit and sense rattled around in a big cup and tossed out for us all to see and enjoy.
Love to you both,
Well that just sent chills down my spine and put a little mist in my eye. Beautiful. Happiest of anniversaries to you both!
What a beautiful post!!! Happy 37th Anniversay and many more to come! Congrats. Blessings~~~ Daphne
Love your writing, as always, and a cutie pie finish never hurts! Happy Anniversary! Lezlee
Just re-read your comment to me about having my name in bistro lights... Gee, wouldn't my hubby love that 'TRACIE' in big white lights! I'll do my name if you'll do 'DEBBIE' on your new headboard in lights! You're too fun!! Happy anniversary again sweetie! xo
That was soooo sweeeet!!!!
Happy anniversary from the Divine Mr.M and me!!!
Heres to the both of you snd wishing you s blessed day and Hers to 37 more years :-)
To cute Miss Bella
Ah, there's such beauty in real love -- the kind that goes deep and lasts through the storms. Happy Anniversary!
Now that is some inspiration, a lot to pay attention to here ... thank you for sharing your wisdom ..and ... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!
Can't wait to see what you do with that bed ... ; )
You have outdone yourself on this one! What a marvelous tribute to a loving marriage! Joe and I are going to be celebrating our 25th in September and I have to agree that along with everything else, laughter is definitely a key to happily married life. Here's to 37 more and I adore that headboard! Hugs, Pam
I love how you said that you've crossed all these things but never crossed each other. Like poetry, I tell ya! You two are wonderful and we can't wait to see you again in few weeks. Blessings... Polly (and Steve)
CONGRATS! "Raised eyebrows" is a tall order. You guys rock! 37 more..... XOX
Congratulations!! Great post, it is great to be back! Angie
♪ ♫ Happy Anniversary to you ♫ ♪
♫ Happy Anniversary to you ♪
Happy Anniversary, dear Debbie & Cat Daddy!!
♫ Happy Anniversary to you ♫ ♪
Hi Sweet Deb !
Wow! 37 years and you both are still standing! It sure says something.....it says you two got it right and should share your secret with the rest of us! Love this post....only thing that's missin' is a photo of you and Cat Daddy on your wedding day in all your finery. Here's to many more wonderful years! And Sweet Bella, growing like a weed and sooooo stinkin' adorable. Hugs & Kisses to sweet Bella.
Lova Ya Deb!
Bravo Bravo! Truly Prince Charming and Trash-erlla Did DO and WILL live happily ever after. You are very very lucky! All my love to you both!
And I am head over heels in love with both of you - so I'm glad that Mr. and Mrs. Cat Daddy fell in love - got to Trash Talkin' so that I could find you both and hand over my heart.
With all my love!
Debbie, wow! You have a lot to be proud of. In this day and age, you don't find many couples who hang together that long! Congrats to you both! And thanks Deb for stopping by my blog. You know you "always" make my day! Cheers!
Happy, HAPPY Anniversary!!!!
Great post. ;-)
Deb, you have such an amazing way with words. I could listen to you all day! Blessings to you and CD on your big day! We all love you both! Have a great celebration full of love and joy!
Hey you two... Happy Happy to you both. I love this post, you are the master at expressing yourself and letting everyone enjoy your wit! I love your heart and I wish you so many more years together - Many blessings to you my friend
Deb..Oh my girll!!! Made me cry hon!! Happy Happy anniversary to you both! Sounds like you both have been very blessed & very happy:)
When I grow up I wanna be just like you two!!
Wonderful words! Happy Anniversary! That bad boy your bad boy brought home to you is something my bad boy would like to bring to me and I would love it too! I see all kinds of possibilities in it!
All that mushy love stuff!! Gross!! Not really, Happy Anniversary to the both of you! And thanks for the peek of Bella!
Happy Anniversary to you adorable couple!!!
You both are very lucky and I think you know it. I can only hope to be where you are in 15 years. Congratulations to you both and may there be 37 more!
Also, thanks for the great advise on opening my little booth. It's good to get it from the best and famous! I'm honored!
Enjoy yours,
I've gone to mush. If there was one thing I could wish for everyone on earth, it's to find their true love. I'm just head over heels happy for you both! Here's to 37 more!
I'm going to take sweet baby girls lead today..just need a pink pool :0)
Love to you and your family,
Fabulous post! I do love the way that you string your words together...always wonderful! Congrats to Congrats to you and Mr. CD for many long years of love, fun and happiness. I do hope you have 37 more!
I ♥ you both! You're such an inspiration to us all.
CD was lucky to snag ya!
That is a huge accomplishment in this day & age. Congrats to you & the Cat. You said so much, so beautifully. Brought a tear to my eye, then I saw the most coveted bed. I even posted about that bed. Ever since I saw one on Curious Sofa. OMG!! Where did you find it? Your gonna have to treat that CD well, know what I mean? Lisa
Happy Anniversary to you two! Awww! I believe that's Doug and Delbert in the background. Doug will be missed this time around.
SO So cute!! Congratulations...happy anniversary. What a sweet tribute to Mr. Cat. :) xo Lidy
It took me almost 24 hours.
24 hours to think about what I wanted to tell you two after I read this most magnificant post of L-O-V-E.
First...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my favorite couple in the world! :)))
Second...Where's Cat Daddy's post? I want to hear his side of the story too. We musn't make any judgements until both sides are heard ;)
Third...I was three years old when you snagged Cat Daddy. I swear, if he would have seen ME first, I'd have won his heart with my cute little toddler smile. You ARE lucky you found him first!
Fourth...HE is VERY lucky to have YOU. You complete him.
Fifth...um...of crown?
Dang I lost my train of thought.
okay...I'm stopping here with hugs and kisses and lots of congratulations and wishes for 37 more blissful years together!!!!
This was a beautiful post Deb...it couldn't have came from the heart better than that!!!!
hello, Trash! what a lovely and heartfelt post, written in your own inimitable style:) happy, happy anniversary and many more...
Debbie, your best post ever! Congrats to you and C.D. on your most fabulous love story. p.s. I have a chair that matches that headboard.
Happy Happy Happy Anniversary...a little late but 37 times over and over again. This post made me all mushy and teary. Fabulous writing and sentiment. And may I say that bringing you that headboard was the smartest thing Cat Daddy ever did? Marrying him was the smartest thing YOU ever did.
Lots of xoxox and Congratulations!
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