August 5, 2010

My mailman left me the sweetest package the other day and I am just now writing to say thank you....shame on me for not doing so sooner. How can I say thank you and let you know how much I truly mean it?
The day you sashayed into my life was a gift from God. You are one of the funniest, prettiest, and generous Southern belles it has ever been my pleasure to meet. You make me smile with your comments, giggle at your antics, swoon with your talent, and you allow me to be one of your friends. This my darling girl is the real gift...the gift of friendship.

By now I'm sure you've realized I'm not just thanking you for the lovely papers, but for being Jodie...thoughtful, crazy Cajun, sweet potato you!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the top.

No trash talk here just poetry.
: )
Oh Debbie, this is so sweet. What a beautiful gift....Jodie is just precious isn't she? I loved her post yesterday...
I consider myself gifted just because I can say that I "feel" like I know you guys through your blogs. One of these days I am coming to Texas and hopefully will be able to meet all of you...
Hope you have a great day!
Lou Cinda :)
Ah... I'm crying! You lucky girl you - and Jodie's a lucky girl - and I love both of you...
*sniff, sniff*
Beautiful post Deb! And Jodie sounds like a truly "beautiful" person as well!
Take care, Sue
how sweet!!
that's what friends are for... :)
From one sweet gal to another, You both are favorites of mine. There's no one like you Deb, you have blessed us all and we just like to give back to you.
Miss Debbie ,
Jodie is a very lucky young woman to have you as her friend. I know I count myself blessed as well.
She is such a sweet girl _ I would love to meet her in person . ( And you! )
That is so sweet, the gift and your words!
Isn't it wonderful how God brings wonderful people into our lives? You are blessed, girlfriend!
By the way, I was blessed when you hokey pokeyed into my life! Thank goodness for beautiful friends!
I just knew it was sweet Jodie when I first started reading..she is a gem aint she???
So happy that God brought yall together!!
She is one talented girl. I have seen some of the swaps she's had with friends Lisa and Julie and it is swoon worthy.
Enjoy your deserve it!
Awwwwwwwwwww, you gals! A beautiful friendship is a lovely thing to behold. Thanks for letting us have a peep at yours and Jodies...sweet!
so sweet...
Everyone who knows Jodie knows what a joy she is. She has the uncanny ability to make you feel like you are the most special person in the whole world, and she does it just by being her darling self.
Come to think of it, you do the same thing, girlfriend! Maybe that's why you're two of my fave girls. :-)
Love you both,
How SWEET of you both!! I'm not sure I have ever been on Jodie's site before, but I really loved reading her current post, and felt much better for it!! Thanks for sharing your special friendship with us!!
Very beautiful post, Deb.
i just love you deb.
you KNOW i'm crying, right?
not in a "sissy" kind of way...
but in a "wish you were here so i can give you a hug" kind of way.
you snuck this post on me...i so wasn't expecting it girlie!
you and CD always make me feel like a movie star. and better yet...just as special as Jenn, like i was one of your own.
(i can claim ya'll as one of my own, right?)
do me a favor please.
go back up and read your post again.
replace my name with yours and multiply it by a million.
that's how i feel about you.
am i getting all mushy here?
this was beautiful debbie...i'm just so shook up right now that i can barely type.
do you know how special i feel when sweet words about me come from the VERY PERSON I ADMIRE THE MOST???
YOU set the example of "the perfect friend"
blogging...that's how i found you
email...that's how i begged you to be my friend
round top...for that glorious feeling i felt when i laid eyes on you for the first time
junk...that's what brought us together
mexican food...the three of us bonded
texas...where i go when i need a "debbie fix"
This was the most beautiful words anyone has ever said of this Cajun potato...
Thank you. I love you.
um. no. you cannot be 34 again.
that would make you younger than me.
i won't allow that.
you'll just have to settle for being 39.9
Debbie, this is such a beautiful post. You have a wonderful command of poetic prose! So glad you stopped by and left such a sweet comment today in my world! Have a great weekend. ~ Angela
This whole post made me smile.
Then I read Jodie's comment and I smiled some more.
That is what you BOTH do. You make people smile.
I know that for a fact,
Oh my Debbie, what a beautiful and special post, the beauty of your friendship made me smile too!
Oh Deb, I'm so glad you stoped by, I really enjoyed visiting with you today too!!! Thanks for you sweet comments. I'll tell you a little secret, my roses are not in very good shape now these pictures were taken several months ago... they look pretty sad right now! What a sweet post about your friend Jodie, your both lucky girls to share such a special friendship!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. hugs~~~ Daphne
here i come with my tail between my legs begging forgiveness for my blunder. please see my updated post. you know you're my peep.
I hope some day I get to meet both of you!
Oh Debbie, what a beautiful post! You are a wonderful friend and I am so happy for you that you have someone so dear and so special that can brighten your life as Jodie so obviously has!!! A true friend is most definitely a gift from God!
Hugs ~
:) T
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